


that's all I have been seeing for a very long time. I wish I could have seen the world again, I wish I could have talked to people again just kidding who am i trying fool i don't really care anymore, letting the darkness seep into me, strangely comforting. That was until I heard a deep voice yell in a commanding tone.

"WAKE UP !!"

My eyes burst open but before I could get my next thought in I heard a middle-aged women's voice "Dai's awake there's no need to worry" Concerned about my surrounding's I look around and the only words that come to my head are ' An orphanage huh'. I try to get up but as I try I notice the difficulty in it making me concerned about my body's health I look down and am baffled by what I see.

'A Child?'

The middle-aged women's voice returned breaking my train of thought whispering " sweetie are you hungry" without any hesitation the women inserts a bottle into my mouth forcing an innate instinct of drinking until I was full.

Lazily I then thought ' this is too much for me right now I'm a child so discovery time later sleep time now'

Before any opposing decisions can be made sleep took over sending me to dreamland.

Pretty short but what can you do

dracbear1111creators' thoughts