
Lucid dreams!

Everyone notice that Tàizǐ diànxià was particularly happy today, even his Majesty frowned when he saw his son in a very good mood.

But Huángshang silently prayed that no one will provoked him today! As a father he knew his son's attitude, the more he is happy the more he is dangerous.

The other curious Ministers were exchanging different thought about it while Prime Minister Yan stood in his place quietly with his lips pressed tightly.

Then Ah'nuh Gōngzhǔ and the rest of her envoys arrived and unexpectedly the envoys from the north also arrived with out further notice.

Huángshang asked Eunuch Li to start the court session. Today all the people that present in the court has to observed a proper court etiquette as the guests were attending the session.


Eunuch Li announced in a high pitched tune, enough to be heard from the other Eunuchs that was assign outside to relay whatever Eunuch Li had to announced in the proceedings of the court sessions.

All of the Ministers, Eunuchs and guardsmen that stood near the entrance bend their knees and bow down their heads on the ground three times.


Except from the envoys of the north as they have their own traditions.

"Greating to his Majesty!"

Eunuch Li announced in the same manner.

"Greetings Huángshang!" 

This time all of them except the northern envoys kneel down before his Majesty cupping one hand in other before their chest. 

While the northern envoys bend their knees and put their right hand on their chest.

"Wànsuì, Wànsuì, Wànwànsuì !" 


Eunuch Li repeated what his Majesty said to all of them.

The session was already started but he was rather lost somewhere Tàizǐ diànxià stared at the girl stood amongst the rest of her envoy and the Ministers in the left side, 

he then took a glanced to his brother Wu diànxià who stood stiff in the right side with his General attire, he caught Ah'nuh Gōngzhǔ occasionally taking a glance towards his brother who played dead with out moving.

He must be aware of the girl's doing!

He chuckled in his thought. Men and women were alike in terms of handling relationship, at first it was very awkward. 

He was staring at Ah'nuh but he wasn't exactly seeing her, it was Ye whom he saw standing with a bright smile in her face.

Its true that he never let any woman get closed to him let alone have an intimate relationship with them. Ye was his first kissed, it was her who awaken his manly emotion before he could doubt himself for being something else.

Yu and Zhang will always find him a bit strange because of his attitude towards women. Those two were quite expert in handling their relationship with opposite sex but he thinks that when comes to a serious one, it must be a different story.

He sigh, thinking about Ye and his unfinished business makes him want to leave this boring court session and drag her back to his bed chamber and snuggled with her in his bed.  

Imagining him kissing her and touching  something he should not touched makes his body felt hot. He suddenly groan out of his frustration that make his Majesty frowned and give him a discreet cough to awaken him from his lucid dreams.

He sat straight to hide his embarrassment. It was probably him, being an unexperience in that thing that makes him felt excited and think about it everytime. 

"I should make myself busy!" He thought and let a sighed."Im always get destructed everytime Ye'ers is arround!'

He composed himself and listen, he heard the minister drop his name to be Ah'nuh 

Gōngzhǔ's counterpart as their position suits with each other. 

He wasn't surprised at all, he already expected it. He saw the girl clutch her dressed and her mouth slightly open while her other hand was clenching. 

She doesn't like the idea! He thought.

What are this fool talking about? 

Ah'nuh Gōngzhǔ asked herself as she wasn't aware of it and it was not a very practical idea. It was like asking the impossible. "Looks like this damn fool wants to sabotage me!"


Her jaw drop in surprised as she heard

Tàizǐ diànxià consent into it, that makes all the ministers gasped in shock and lead them into whispering different thoughts only God knows what.

Even Wu was throwing a piercing look at him as if he wanted to cut him into pieces.

"I will be responsible for Ah'nuh Gōngzhǔ until he would find a prince who's fit into her liking!"


This time Huángshang speak promptly as per Tàizǐ request in lending him a helping hands. "What Tàizǐ said is reasonable enough, given the time that  Ah'nuh Gōngzhǔ stayed here, probably only few of my sons she had meet. .

Tomorrow we will be hosting a banquet to start our kingdom's celebration and a feast  for welcoming our guest!"

Most of the Ministers agreed except Ah'nuhs minister who accompanied her and the rest of Zhang diànxià's puppets.

