

Mia was startled when Leo pulled her and locked lips with her right there in the airport with a lot of eyes watching them. She wasn't a fan of public displays of affection. Right before she began to date Leo, she always made snide remarks whenever she saw couples being all mushy and lovey-dovey in public. Now, the tables had turned.

She could imagine every eyes on them, hear all their silent snide comments, imagine them yelling at the both of them to get a room. What was worse was the fact that Richard and Louis were both standing just beside them. Leo didn't care. It was one attitude she didn't know whether she liked or hated. He seemed to not care at all about people's opinion. He simply did whatever he felt like doing. 

Mia decided to let all the thoughts go. This was the last time she would he seeing him in a long time so she had to enjoy the moment. But she couldn't. She was crying. 
