

Mia looked around the apartment when she returned from school and  wondered where Leo was. He had called her to come home immediately after classes, and because of that, she practically ran back here immediately the last class ended. But Leo wasn't  in. She only saw Tara whose presence she had gotten used to. She could not explain how fast she was able to get over her fear of dogs. Scratch that! Fear of Tara. She was probably still going to flee for her life when she sees another dog.

After knocking on his room's door to confirm he truly wasn't in, she went to the kitchen to take out a bottle of water. The day had been a very exhausting one. 

A long sigh escaped her lips after she gulped down the last drop. "Tomorrow is Friday." She said to herself sadly. A day closer to Leo's departure. 

She shook every sad thought out of her head. She was just going to ask Leo to go with her to watch the school's talent hunt.
