
Murder on My Mind

Location: Knockturn Alley, Magical Britain

Desire: Assassination

If Harry hadn't finally perfected his summoning fliers, he would have never taken the contract. However, when he saw the name of his school crush, he didn't hesitate to spread his wings, fill the room with death fog, and teleport to the summon.


"It's just like they said, Potter's the devil!"

"Well," the devil looked to his summoner's best friend. "That's a new reaction for sure. And it's a devil, not THE devil." He relaxed his wings and pulled back the fog. He loved his entrance, but it got annoying quickly.

"I don't care if you're Potter or not. I just need you to kill my fiance."

"Ahh, marriage contracts, I have one of those but I've got an out, what abou-"

Harry paused.

"Did you call them?"

"Potter, what are you talking about?"

"Don't give me that shit, Greengrass, you've got a Sacred Gear, you obviously know of the greater world."

With a burst of speed, he appeared in front of his summoner and grabbed ahold of her neck while he conjured Phoenix fire with his other hand.

"What are you doing?!"

Harry ignored the other woman, "Now. Did you call the Fallen?"

"I don't know anything about what you're talking about, put me down this instant!"

Harry formed a spell in his left hand. It was just like a hologram from Star Wars and faster than making a phone call.

"Dobby didn't find any crow people, Sir," the ethereal projected call from his Pawn waited for his reply.

"Bloody hell," he removed his hands from Daphne Greengrass' throat. "Bring me the Pensive, Dobby, I've got a lot of explaining to do."


Harry decided to show the basics. So he showed off some training with his peerage, demonstrating his magical power, bringing Sirius back to life, his fight with the naked Fallen, and his escape from Shell's Cottage after he revived Dobby.

If he could get Daphne to join his peerage, she would be able to handle the contract side of things. He'd put Sirius on it, but the dog had been away from the scene from so long and actively ignored his families training in house matters.

"But what about the basilisk?" Tracey Davis asked while bouncing in her seat in anticipation.

"Huh? Nothing about how there's a world inside a world, but about a bloody snake in our second year?"

"Duh, Potter. I have the chance to I have to know. People avoided the topic for five years, but everyone in our house regularly thought about it."

"Whatever," he whipped out the memory and they appeared in the bathroom with Myrtle.

"The loo?"

Daphne barely paid attention to the memory, "Then where does this Sacred Gear come into place?"

As 'Harry' hissed the sink, Harry replied to her, "Gifts from God with a capital G. Supposably, they're made to help balance the disparity between humans and the supernatural. Wizards and witches here are just descendants of fey blood from the time before Merlin during a millennium plus year war."

Harry grinned at the sight of Lockhart Obliviating himself, "I can tell yours is located in your head, but not what it does. I'm surprised you haven't been scouted, captured, or killed yet. The Fallen are in charge of the magicals while the Church calls the rest of Britain home because of some old treaty."

"So, what do you want from me then?"

"Ah, I was planning to ask after I killed your hubby so you didn't feel in debt... This is the best part though, I'll tell you in a bit."

Harry watched amused as the girls watched Riddle's monologue and his fight with the snake.

"Too bad that bird is a lazy drunk now. I think the old goat did something to him, maybe bonded him by force?"

"Golden boy says what?" Tracey gasped, still a little stunned by the fight.

"It's like you care more about the snake then beings from the Bible that watch you overhead for your entire lives."

"He said he was a memory," Daphne added. "What did he mean, Potter?"

"I knew I had a crush on you for more than your body! No one in the Wizarding World asked that question when he came back from the dead!"

She scoffed and turned her chin upward, "I think I liked the moody, shy Gryffindor king that let his little knights of the Golden Trio play press release."

"Ouch. If I let the Hat put me in the snakes like it wanted to, I probably would have been manipulated to be the Sub to your Dom."

"In your dreams, Potter."

"They would be turned around by an aggressive devil Boy-Who-"

"Seriously?" Tracey interrupted. "Aren't we getting off track here?"

"No, my godfather's Sirius, you saw me bring him back to life like I was God's chosen."

He winced from the headache, hoping they didn't catch it.

Yet, no know said anything, the girls just looked at him with blank faces.

"No one has a sense of humor, fine," Harry rolled his eyes. "Horcruxes. Scattered soul fragments keeping Tommy-boy in our world. That and phylacteries are pretty much the only way to live while you're a mortal without a body. It's what I was out destroying while the rest of you played Crucio with children."

"You don't know what you're talking about!" Tracey yelled as she pointed her wand at him.

"Someone had to tend to their wounds and teach them lesser curses to avoid the Carrows' madness," Daphne glared at him. The air vibrated with accidental magic like when Umbridge taunted him at the start of his fifth year.

"Fine, I-" Harry paused and sighed. "I'm sorry. I don't know, you're right. I guess I'm just bitter about how everyone treated me is all."

The silence was the only noise in the room for a while as the young war veterans looked back and forth at each other.

"This Sacred Gear has only helped me study a bit. And you still haven't answered what you want from me," Daphne eventually said.

He shrugged, "You see, devils have these things called peerages."

Harry gave them both the Spark notes version of the Evil Piece system, contracts, and the Great War.

In return, Daphne went into detail about why she needed Theodore Nott dead.

"Sacred Gears rely on willpower and can evolve over time," Harry continued. "Not all are created equal, but devils fight for them, even the ones that are all 'Purebloods 4 Lyfe, rah rah rah.' But that's also why I didn't want to tell you until I finished the assassination first and make you feel like you were forced to join me. Honestly, I only took the contract because of a school crush. I don't make a habit of murdering for power. It's a big commitment to make. Danger is everywhere and you'd outlive everyone you knew, never aging."

"Devils are immortal?" Tracey asked.

"Maybe, the Satans that took over at the end of the war are still around and I've heard we have a lifespan of 10,000 years, but as I said, it's a dangerous life to live."

Daphne looked to him in thought, "Will you reincarnate Tracey as well?"

He pondered it for a moment, "I guess I could make her a pawn and call it the exchange for killing your man. I don't really need either of you to fight, but if you could research how wizard magic reacts to demonic power as well as delegating the contracts I'm Britain for me, I'd be fine with it."

"Okay, then I-"

"No need to answer so fast, Greengrass. I'm gonna go commit premeditated murder while you two think on it. I haven't seen your Sacred Gear yet anyway."

"Okay. Fine."

She materialized her Sacred Gear on her head.

"Huh, such a perfect fit for Queenie."

"Do you ever shut up, Potter?"

Harry put on a shit-eating grin, "Part of being a devil and growing up. We have much fewer inhibitions tying us down and some urges. It didn't change my personality or anything, just let me free in a sense. I'd give you a book on it, but you couldn't read the language unless I turned you first."

"That explains why you toyed with the Dark Lord."

Harry couldn't help but flinch, "Yea... but I've got that under control a little more now."

He looked to the girls one last time, "Anyway, I'll be back in a bit."

And disapparated with a pop.
