
Snagged It

Issei Hyoudou was stunned.

He finally released his special power that the teleporting, manipulative asshole told him about. Sure, he was nice and all. And Issei was really grateful that he told him about it. It all made sense at least, the idea that someone would target him because of his special power.

It doesn't mean he had to like him. Issei was sure that the devil had a harem waiting at home. The way he smiled at him and how he teleported him here! There was no way teleporting should feel like your entire body was squeezed.

Issei Hyoudou was grateful and he could probably learn to work for the guy as long as a Harem Route was in his future. But guys like Harry Potter, they would steal the girls before they were able to learn of his charm! He was the slow route that gave ultimate fulfillment!

But when he saw those gozangas and that red hair, none of it mattered.

The beautiful, crimson angel glared at Harry, who looked sheepish as if he wasn't supposed to be here before she came and shoved her breasts in his face.

"Oh Issei, I was watching you in MY territory," such amazing boobs, "But I didn't know you were so stooooong." Her husky voice in his ear brought little Issei to full attention.

"Uhuh," Harry said disbelievingly. "And you just happened to have a teleportation circle on him so you could show up at any time?"

'She was watching me? And she liked what she saw?' Issei was in heaven.

"Of course," she glared at Harry. "As I said, this is Gremory territory. My territory."

"If you want the pervert, you can have him, Rias Gremory," he shrugged while Issei screamed for joy in his head. "I just don't like it when people hide things from people when they should know. Since you were obviously watching Issei here, you should have at least told him about the supernatural. Now you only came when you felt the Boosted Gear in your area."

Rias held Issei's head closer between her oppai. He didn't care about anything else, he was in perfectly content.

"I didn't want to expose him to the world if he had a weak one and l-"

"I get it, really," Harry interrupted. "It was a personal thing. I saw him and wanted to help, that was all."

"The mysterious Beleth goes around helping people with God-killing powers for free?"

He shrugged, "I guess Miss Sona told you about me, Harry Potter, nice to meet you, although I wish it was under better circumstances."

Rias glared at him, looking for something.

"Go ahead then, ask him to join your peerage, but I would like to ask for one favor in return."

"This is my territory, you aren't in a position to ask for anything!"

Harry fought himself from rolling his eyes. First Sona and her peerage, now her? Is every devil woman so damn difficult? "I just would like to meet up. Your peerage, Sona's, and mine. I thought it would be nice to cut loose and get to know one another on neutral ground is all. So we'll have less tension next year. I'll bring the drinks if you and the Sitri heiress can pick the place and bring food."

"That's," she had a confused look on her face. "Okay, that sounds fine."

"Wicked, just let me know when you both have a free night in a week or so."

She nodded slowly at Harry.

He almost told Issei about how devils could change everything about their body, including those unnatural breasts, but felt like it was better left unsaid.

"Good luck Issei, I'll see you around," he nodded back to the Gremory heiress, "Rias."

And disappeared with a "POP!"


When Harry got home, he remembered his last contract. It's been over a week and he hadn't dealt with Norbert!

So he told Dobby to take care of it before he went to do some magical research. He had a new idea on how to get names added to the summoning circles as well.

After several hours passed, as Harry was finishing up, happy with his progress, he got an alert from Sirius. He carried a charm that was tied to a teleportation circle and was supposed to only be activated in a life or death situation.

He quickly tried to teleport, but it failed. Someone was blocking it.

Apparating was completely out the window. As quick and convenient as it was because it physically pulled you while condensing your body to the width of a pin, it was automatically blocked by magic protections from devils and similar races. Apparating was actually far more dangerous after Harry had been exposed to the rest of the supernatural world, he only used it to travel from one outside area to another. If not, he could hit a barrier and instantly die.

Only Dobby and Winky were immune from this problem, as they were able to go through simple barriers.

Gritting his teeth, Harry summoned Fawkes, grabbed his tail, and tried flashing there. It would never get passed house protections, but Phoenix fire tore through barriers that relied on personal power with ease.

Sirius better not be dead


When Harry arrived in a damaged room, he immediately spotted two naked, Fallen Angels holding light spears towards an injured Sirius.

One was just as Sirius described, with dark black hair, and violet, predatorial eyes. The other's hair was a shade of blue and had a more serious, almost regretful look on her face.

"ENOUGH!" he roared and let his power of [Wither] free.

The room was almost instantly covered in his death fog and he rushed forward, blocking a light spear with a personal barrier that covered his front as he stood over Sirius' bleeding body.

The Fallen looked a little frightened, but he didn't want to let them get away.

As they paused their attacks to flee, Harry pumped his magic into the barrier that they had erected to stop Sirius from escaping.

With his power as a High-Class devil, he was able to brutally take it and stop their escape. He crouched down and flew at Raynare while his fist was covered in Phoenix flames, scorching her torso and sending her flying into the far wall.

"Cough, cough, PUP!" Sirius yelled out as he was coughing. His body looked pale and slightly wrinkled. Harry was killing him with his power!

He quickly rained in his fog and turned to the blue-haired Fallen. He repelled a spear of light, traded a fireball that was evaded, and prepared to come into close quarters.

"Harry," Sirius stopped him before he could move. His idiot Knight was standing up, limping to him with a Holy hole in his chest. "It's fine. Let it go."

"Sirius," Harry's voice went cold. His eyes glowed, promising death, and he all but towered over his servant, rage plainly bared to the insignificant fighters.

They really were weak for Fallen. Harry had expected more, but he wasn't focused on that right now.

"Please, pup, let it go."

Harry continued to glare at his godfather but compiled by destroying the barrier around the room.

"Dobby. Winky."

A couple of pops were heard, but before they could start their usual introductions, Harry cut them off.

"Bring this idiot to bed and heal him."

He looked over to the Fallen that had awe-filled looks of fear. He then turned to Sirius.

Harry couldn't deal with this right now, he needed to relax a bit, so he grabbed Fawkes by the tail and flamed away. Maybe Valerie would like to get out of the house as well?
