
Heaven and Earth Opening: Princess in trouble

Chapter 1003


After finishing his tasks, Shin Jiao is currently testing another portal out of the village. This portal would be the 5th entry and exit point of the village. He has created these points, added them to the original ones as per the request of Luna as she found it a bit troublesome to only have one entry and exit point of the village.

And so after finishing his task, he just walked out of a portal that when suddenly noticed something in his peripheral vision. He noticed that there is an aircraft which is actually falling straight towards his location.

Shin Jiao was a bit surprised and quickly looks at the ship. Then inside he noticed a figure of a woman.

The one piloting inside the aircraft has disheveled hair and dried blood could be seen staining her fair face. She is currently in a panic and is shouting…

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"
