
The demon’s invasion 10

Shin Jiao versus the Jiao family part 4


While on the air and gathering Qi, Jin Lo Jiao didn't put down his guard and put up a strong barrier to protect his body from any attacks. So Shin Jiao not able to do anything because if he does then the old man would know his trump card.

And he could not even shoot the gathering orb of energy as it has not yet congealed into something that can be used as a projectile. Shin Jiao is familiar with this kind of powerful spell, and he knows how devastating it is. But Jin Lo Jiao didn't know that Shin Jiao actually has an idea of this spell.

Right now the glasses that Shin Jiao is wearing are telling him about the information of the spell. Plus it is showing him the power rating of the Qi energy. So right now he is waiting for the chance to strike.

When Jin Lo Jiao saw that Shin Jiao is not moving he assumed that the young man is too dumbfounded to move and is now rooted to the ground.
