
Mistaken identity part 22

The Great Wu Cultivation Academy: 3


The Daemon Forest… the sea of green trees and roiling mountains seem endless towards the horizon. If only one can fly across the forest it would be a perfect way to cross it. But, it is a baffling mystery why airship powered with runes and spirit stones are unable to traverse this vast land. If an airship would dare to cross this area, it would cause their instruments and Qi flow within the vehicle to go haywire and blow up. Many scholars have tried to figure it out, even those powerful cultivators have tried to research this but they could not find the answer.

But now, everything has changed.

Atop the vast forest two large airships are floating. They are not powered by spirit Qi coming from the stone or the runes. But those ships are able to float above the forest without any problem. The only problem is that the noise it is producing.
