
250 Out for a Run

~Erebus is your given name and on the topics of names, Charlette's true name is Hecate. What do you think?~ Kitty hopped off of him and snuggled herself next to him. 

~I think that is lovely for our little girl and my name is also fitting. When do the young ones learn about their true names?~ Leo snuggled back and caught a whiff of what was maybe a mouse?

~When the child is old enough to understand that the true name is something that can not be given out, I learned mine when I was two but I am a strange case as I can hear the true names. I think when she is six but I will tell Luke her name.  He has an attachment to her already. I can feel the bond growing between the two.~ Kitty could smell the field mouse and she listened carefully to where it was. ~Did you want to hunt the mouse?~
