
4 Finally Returning Home

Slowly Kitty could feel his cock entering her. She wasn't in as much pain as yesterday. "Leo, It doesn't hurt as much, please... I want to feel you moving inside me again." She was slightly begging because she knew this was the last she would see him. Leo picked up speed. "Mmm, Leo, harder. I want you to engrave your shape into my vagina." Kitty kissed Leo. He brought her to the climax like yesterday and then released his tension deep inside her. Leo was facing Kitty as she kissed him while thinking of the sleep chant. 'I'm sorry, Leo.' Once she finished the chant, Leo's eyes flickered shut. "Goodbye, Leo. My first and only love." She got out of the bed, put the dress back on, then left the room, but before leaving, she looked back with tears in her eyes. "I will miss you." She left through the front door, and outside, there was a car waiting for her on the side of the road. She got in, and it drove her back to her nearly empty apartment. 'This was a nice place, but I am not allowed to settle down.' She changed into her travel clothes and folded the dress, placed it down on the bed with a note for Leo. She grabbed the purse, plane tickets and then left her apartment. Once outside, she caught a cab to the airport and got on her flight to the Rockies. Her ticket was under the name of Kathy Jones. She got on the plane with zero issues as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Leo awoke at the maid knocking at the door. "Sir, there is a phone call for you." He groggily sat up and felt the spot beside him... it was cold. 'Empty? Where did she wander off to this time?' Leo looked around the room and noticed that any trace of her was gone. He froze then got up in a hurry. He rushed to the phone thinking it could be her. "Hello."

"Good afternoon, hunter Leo." The voice on the other line said. "I faxed you a vampire target. He has killed a lot of humans and is a tricky hunt but nothing you can't handle."

"Yes, Sir, I understand. I will get on it right away." He hung up the phone. 'Why at this time do I have to get a hunt? I need to find Kitty.' He ground his teeth together, stomped to his study and pulled out the papers for the target. He read them over, verified where he would have to go, and still had some spare time to find Kitty. He let out a sigh of relief. He pulled out his computer and hunted down Kitty's address. 'She lives in an apartment.' He went back to his room and changed into everyday clothes, but they were also his hunting clothes. He saw a shiny object on his nightstand. 'A key is always a good sign.' He picked it up and rushed out the door. He got in his car, drove to the address that he found for Kitty and tried the key in the door. The door unlocked, swung open, and the place was practically empty. He walked to the bedroom, found the dress and the note with his name on the front.


I'm sorry we didn't have more time together. I will never forget you. I am not allowed to have anyone close to me due to my background. It's too hard to explain, but I hope you understand that it's safer for both of us if I disappear. 

I will never forget the night that we had together, and I hope that your will forever remember that memory as well. 

I love you. 


Leo grabbed the note and dress before leaving the apartment then headed out for his hunt. 'She left without even telling me she was going to leave.' He had rage but also profound sadness in his heart. His target was supposed to pass through the town in roughly an hour, so he drove out to the cut-off point and blocked the road. The carriage was stopped by his car. He pulled out the crossbow, shot the driver, opened the carriage door, stabbed the target with a stake in the heart, and then set it all on fire before he drove back home. He felt empty. He put the note in his office drawer, then called headquarters and told them the job was done. Leo went to his room, hung up the dress, took a shower to refresh his mind. 'I will find you, Kitty! I swear that I will.'

Kitty landed safely in the Rockies. When Leo made it to her apartment, she knew as the barrier was disturbed and broken. She looked up to the sky. 'Sorry, Leo, but this is for the best.' She walked down the road to her new but old home. She walked into the forest, then reached the safe haven point, and rushed to the cabin. "Julie are you here?" she said as she opened the door.

"Kitty! You finally came home. How are you, my dear? It's been five years since I last saw you. Just look at you, my dear. You look so much like your mother. She would've been so proud of you." Julie pulled Kitty in far a hug. "You should know that I don't leave the safety of our little town. You need to come to visit more often." She smiled at Kitty.

"I've been well. I was finally able to get away from the hunters that killed our family. You know that I did this because I didn't want to lead them back to here. It's too dangerous for our kind. I figured it was finally safe to come back. I was still studying when they got my mother. I need to finish my studies if I am to continue living on the outside." She hugged Julie back. "If you need me, I'll be in the bookroom." Kitty turned and walked to the bookroom. Kitty ran her hands over all the old books. 'I feel at home here with all these books, but I can only stay until I have finished my reading. There's no way Leo won't come looking for me. I can't put my homeland in danger even if he is just a human.' Kitty grabbed the last book on the third row, opened it up and began looking at all the symbols. She began reading in-depth descriptions of each symbol. Then she turned the page and froze. 'That's the same crest I saw back at Leo's place.' She slammed the book shut in a panic. 'No, no, no, no, this can't be happening. Leo is a hunter!! I can't tell anyone. I will have to leave here much earlier than I planned.' Kitty immediately put up a barrier on the airport that would alert her if Leo showed up so she could rush out to meet him. She would never allow him to find her real home.

Leo was trying to get information on different flights, but all he knew was Kitty's name was Katherine. He never did get her last name. 'I can't believe I let her disappear on me. I shouldn't have even passed out. Wait a moment... how did I get so exhausted? Never mind, it has to be all the work finally catching up with me.' He was struggling to not panic. It took Leo six months to figure out where she was. That's not to say he didn't try, but between work and all the meetings, he was put behind schedule. He caught the first flight he could to the Rockies.

We have reason to be afraid. This is a terrible place.

-- John Berryman

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.

--Margaret Mead

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