
Perfection And Power

While Guy was screaming to the heavens over his injured son for unknown reasons. The perfect being was being made through the beacon of energy. Goku and Vegeta watched in awe as minutes passed before the beacon of light subsided. What emerged from the light was no longer an imperfect individual... But the perfect being...

This being that is the definition of perfection looked down at his hands with a blank look on his face as he thought to himself 'Finally... I am perfect...'

Goku and Vegeta watched cautiously as this Tall green android was throwing a few casual punches and kicks. After a few minutes, it stopped and looked towards them and smiled as it said "Ah good... A worthy warm-up to test my new power"

This irked Vegeta's pride at being called a mere warm-up. They both floated down as Vegeta asked with a scoff "What the hell are you? Why can I sense myself, Kakarot, Frieza, and even the namek inside you?"

The perfect android said with a mocking smile "What I am is very simple... Don't you realize you're up against the perfect being? I am Cell a genetically modified android made by the former great Dr Gero with various cells from various races."

Goku would ask seriously "Dr Gero from the red ribbon army? Are you here to kill me like the other androids?"

Cell said with a scoff and a hint of mockery with a wave of his hand "Please killing you as you are right now wouldn't even be worth the trouble. You are too weak Son Goku... But that is to be expected I have gone above my current expectation of my perfection. But what can I say... You're either Perfect or your not me?"

Cell ended with a happy smile but Vegeta simply scoffs "Perfect being? Please your the sloppy seconds of all of our DNA. Yes, you are strong I'll admit that but your half-baked genetics don't match the true potential of a Saiyan Warrior! HAAAA"

Vegeta's golden hair went up even further as he powered up to prove his point. Cell watched with some amusement but also some resentment"Oh naive prince... You should know... The gap between us is immense..."

Cell got in a simple fighting stance mocking Vegeta to come forward. Vegeta roared forward and kept attacking him. But Cell toyed with him for each attack not even acknowledging that a Saiyan of legend that reached super Saiyan was attacking him. Eventually, Cell grew tired and landed a kick on Vegeta's arm that broke it as he got sent flying back. Goku caught him as he slid back a few meters.

Cell's leg was still extended out and went back to the ground as he says with some disdain"I knew becoming perfect would change my perspective on power but I didn't think you one of the strongest individuals would become so weak... Although I must thank you... for almost killing android D for me"

Goku's eyes would widen but Cell continued "Yes after absorbing that vile yet powerful android my potential shot through the roof with my evolution to perfection. So as a thank you to you both. I'll give you time to prepare... train... or even spend time with your family... before I destroy this planet"

Cell started to float up as he said "In 2 weeks I'll host a tournament so you can all try and save your precious planet and I can get to fight and kill you all before this planet is destroyed. Oh and do tell Maito Guy to show up. I would like one of the fights to be entertaining"

Cell flew off to prepare for the tournament as Goku held a seething Vegeta who got one shot by the perfect being. Goku flew back to Guy's house as he saw they were all relaxing when they saw an injured Vegeta. Before Goku could ask Guy tossed him a Senzu bean. Vegeta ate it as his body was fully healed.

They then explained the situation and called for all the Z fighters to show up. After several minutes they all arrived at Bulma's house with a serious look on their faces. All of them discussed the situation and only having 2 weeks to train wasn't enough before Piccolo said with a gruff tone "There is a way to get more time...The hyperbolic time chamber. One minute out here is 6 hours in there. You could get a year's worth of training in a day"

This shocked most of them minus Goku who trained In there for a month when he was a child. Seeing how this was their most reasonable option. Guy went down to Lee's level and asked him with a smile "Hey Lee, Do you want to go for a year-long trip of training with me?"

Lee said with a huge smile "YOSH!"

Gohan would be surprised and say "Lee I didn't know you knew Japanese"

Lee smiled awkwardly at that but either way, they all prepared to head to Kami Lookout for the training. Guy went to Bulma and said with a semi-sad smile "Hey Bulma sorry but the world might blow up so I'll be at Kami's for the next 2 weeks"

Bulma gave Guy an understanding look then hugged him and kissed his lips while saying "It's ok Guy I get it. But be careful ok Guy?"

Guy smiles and says "Don't worry I'll be fine"

Bulma tried to pick up Lee to hug him but realized she couldn't. She tried to but said in between grunts "Lee... How much do you weigh?"

Lee said with no shame "Around 330 Pounds Mom"

Her eyes widened but she had a stink eye as she said with a dry tone "You're still wearing your training weights aren't you?"

Lee lifted his shirt with his weighted shirt on full display as he said seriously "Always"

She sighed and just got down to his level and kissed his forehead and said "Remember Lee... You don't have to train as hard as your dad you're just a kid... Make sure you enjoy your childhood"

Lee nods but says "But Mom I want to be just like Dad"

Guy starts to cry a bit seeing his son wants to be just like him and hearing it with such youthful passion. While this heartwarming family moment was happening Yamcha asked Krillin "Is this like one of those soap operas you were telling me about?"

Krillin nods and says "Pretty much but more the world is at risk instead of some random crap"

They all said their goodbyes before flying off to Kami's for the next two weeks of training. They arrived on the lookout and all started planning on making shifts on who will go in on which days. After talking about it the people going in first are

Might Guy and Lee

Goku And Gohan

Vegeta and Trunks

Tien and Yamcha

Krillin and Roshi

Piccolo and Mr. PoPo

They drew straws in who would go first and that's how they got the order all set up. Out of all the pairs, Vegeta felt the most off about trunks. For Vegeta, it was strange to have a future son with another woman. But seeing another Saiyan made him proud anyway even though he won't admit it.

Piccolo seeing Mr PoPo as his training partner went over to Kami and said seriously "If he is my partner We need to re-fuse."

Kami looked at his former evil half and how he has become good over the years. He said calmly "Give me time to consider you are not entering the chamber for at least 5 days Piccolo"

Piccolo gruffed and went to mediate as Guy and Lee entered the time chamber together. The gravity was automatically 10 times gravity so Guy Lowered his gravity to 60 to get used to the new environment. Lee struggled walking but he got used to it with the helpful tips of his father.

Guy walked into the open field and said "Lee during this year together we are going to train harder than ever before! Are you ready!"

Lee shot his fist in the air and screamed "YES DAD!"


Lee was excited even though he knew this technique from his last life he didn't want to use it yet even tho he was far stronger than he was before. Guy said with a smile "Before we begin training I figured I'd show you the gates so you can get a good feel for it. Trust me you're going to love this"

Lee would nod as Guy powered up a bit and said "What you're seeing now is my normal state"

Guy opened the first 3 gates as his skin turned red as his aura skyrocketed. But his bright yellow pupils turned white as his hair stood up even more. Guy said with a grunt "This is the first to third Gate Lee... It goes from the brain to the spine to activate these gates"

Guy powered up even more while grunting as he went to the fifth gate as his aura raised even further while veins started to appear across his body. His skin turned an even darker shade of red as his power went even further beyond. Lee's shocked look was an understatement seeing how powerful his dad was with the inner gates. Guy said with some minor pain "This is the fourth to the fifth gate they are located in the spine to the abdomen."

Guy grips his hands and says "And this..."

Lee's eyes widened as he already knew what was coming next "Is to go...EVEN FURTHER BEYOND!!...HAAAAAA!!!!!"

Guy's aura exploded out even more as Lee was blown away by the aura itself Guy pushed himself to show Lee the potential and drawbacks of this technique. His aura turned bright green as he opened the sixth gate and then immediately turned to a blueish red as his body began to emit a blue sweat. After this power up Guy's body was in great pain but the power-up was worth it as he quickly powered down with some deep breaths and tossed in a Senzu bean.

Guy smiled at Lee and said "That was the sixth and seventh gate... Located in the stomach and below the stomach"

Lee was amazed seeing this technique again and being so close too it. Guy said with a serious tone "Lee do not attempt to use this technique even at the first gate without my approval you could hurt yourself badly if not properly ready"

Lee nodded with seriousness and said, "Don't worry Dad I understand but I have a question."

Guy nodded and asked, "What is it, Lee?"

He tilted his head to the side and said "Why did you say that you were going even further beyond? I thought you used that seventh gate before?"

Guy laughed at that and said "Well for dramatic effect Lee I wanted you to be even more impressed with my technique"

Guy gave Lee a huge smile with a thumbs up. Lee laughed at his father's way of showing off a technique. They started their year-long training unknown of what is happening in the outside world
