
New Life, New Guy

Bulma held her newborn child in her arms and stared at the sleeping child. He was a medium size baby with a small amount of black hair on top of his head. His closed eyes hid his blue eyes as he was peacefully sleeping.

Guy looking at his son felt a strange reason to name this child with black hair and blue eyes Bruce. But a higher power interfered and Guy shook his head. He headed next to Bulma and held her hand. Guy says with a smile "Hey Bulma, Are you ok with the name we talked about before?"

She looked into the eyes of her boyfriend and smiled back "Yes"

Guy held her hand and kissed it he says with a smile "Thank you"

Guy walks over to the doctor and says "His name will be Lee"

The doctor nodded and wrote that down as he said with a smile "Ok I'll get his birth certificate all set and congratulations on the son"

The doctor left as Bulma and Guy were left behind admiring their child. They spent many minutes doing silly things like counting how many fingers and toes he has. Soon Guy left the room to see all of his friends and family there waiting for the news.

He walked up to them with a huge smile "It's a boy"

They all congratulated him and Guy could see from the corner of his eye. Vegeta was leaning against the wall watching him. When they made eye contact Vegeta gave him a nod. Guy gave him a smile and a thumbs up.

The next few days were the most stressful Guy in both of his lives. He had to get up multiple times during the night to help calm down his son who would cry for an hour on end.

But this hell will only last for a few years for Guy. They are both at Capsule Corp watching tv as Guy holds his son. Bulma lays her head on his shoulder and asks with a smile "So how does it feel like a father Guy?"

He stared at his son and had a heartwarming smile. His son was laying his head on his forearm as he peacefully slept. Guy says while looking at Bulma "It's something I never thought I would get to experience in my life... But... it feels great"

He looked back at Lee and asked "How does it feel to be a mother?"

Bulma sighed and said "Very exhausting and painful at the beginning but... all that pain and exhaustion was worth it for this"

She softly caressed her son's face. They sat in silence as they watched their son peacefully sleep. But while they were doing that Bulma asked with a curious tone "I'm still curious though how come you were so dead set on Lee being your son's name?"

Guy had a sad smile on his face and said with a happy tone "Lee was the name of a child who felt like a son to be. He wasn't related by blood but he was just like me when I was a kid. So it was in honor of him"

Bulma smiled and nodded to that and said with a serious tone "Ok Guy, But the next child we have I am naming him trunks."

Guy raised his eyebrows and said with a curious tone "You want to have more kids?"

She nodded and said "In the future yes"

Guy smiled and said "That sounds great Bulma"

He softly kissed her lips and handed Lee to her. Guy quietly got up and said, "So in a few days would you like to move in with me to my Mansion?"

Bulma smiled and nodded. Guy gave her a thumbs up and quietly left the living room. He was outside and raised his hands into the air in Victory.

Almost a year passes as everyone is over at Guy's mansion. To celebrate Lee's first birthday he invited everyone over. He set up various tables and Enough food for everyone.

Guy was standing next to Bulma who was holding Lee in her arms. He looked around and saw his family and friends having a good time. Guy looked down at Bulma and his son Lee. He was so happy that words couldn't describe it.

As he was enjoying this time with his soon-to-be wife and son. Guy heard yelling from across the yard. He turned around to see Vegeta yell at Goku "YOU IDIOT I WAS SAVING THAT FOR LAST"

Goku laughed and said with a big smile" Sorry sorry Vegeta"

Vegeta was staring furiously at Goku as he grabbed some food from Goku's side and ate it in one bite. Goku said in shock "VEGETA! That was my chansu pork!"

"Well you had it coming "Vegeta yelled to Goku as he stood up

"I told you it was an accident! I was saving that for last." Goku said as he bumped heads with Vegeta.

Vegeta gets annoyed as he said, "Don't incur my wrath now Kakarot!"

Goku turned Super Saiyan as he yelled back "I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS!"

Vegeta turned Super Saiyan and said, "YOU THOUGHT WRONG!"

They continued to argue as the situation began to elevate. Gohan spoke up calmly "Um Dad, Vegeta can I say something?"

They both looked at Gohan and said at the same time "Sure Gohan" "What is it, child?"

He pointed to the buffet and said calmly "How come you both are arguing when more sushi and Chansu pork are right over there"

After hearing that they immediately powered down and didn't say anything for a few seconds. Goku laughed and rubbed the back of his head "I forgot"

Vegeta scoffed and headed back to the buffet and grabbed a whole plate of sushi while Goku got his pork. Gohan looks to the readers and shrugs his shoulders.

The rest of the day was relaxing besides that little scene. Some interesting things happened like Bulma introducing her sister Tights to Vegeta. They were both stubborn in their way so Bulma felt like they could be good friends.

While the Z fighters were celebrating Lee's first birthday. In an underground lab, an old man was working on 3 Large containers. Inside them were 2 humans and something else. They were all unconscious as the old man continued to work on them.

As he was working he looked at the live feed of the birthday party. He said with a hateful tone "I will kill you Son Goku..."

He looked at his 3 containers that had one blonde woman, A man with short black hair and the third container was tinted so you couldn't see inside it. But unlike the other 2 containers, this one was painted dark grey, unlike the white containers that held the other 2.

The old man pulled up on his computer as he pressed a button to record his logs to himself "Android 17 and 18 should be able to kill son Goku within the next few years. While his transformation to change his hair color is alarming... it's still within my capacity to make an android strong enough... to kill Son Goku."

The old man clicked the end button and put that recording into his database. He clicked the record again while he looked at the grey-tinted container and said with some regret "Android D on the other hand, While he has the strength to kill Son Goku... the chances of him killing me and everyone else is almost guaranteed... Tests need to be done so I can either control him or..."

He didn't get to finish but he knew if he couldn't control Android D. All life would end and The old man cursed his curiosity. Android D was a failed experiment as he tried to merge the DNA of Might Guy, Saiyans, Namekian, and the acrosian. It made an abomination that even he couldn't control no matter what. This infuriated the old man to no end as he tried to figure out why he couldn't control Android D.

For the old man, the irony was too great. He was able to make an Android to kill son Goku. But this android is too dangerous to be released uncontrolled. The only good thing about this abomination is it's the ultimate last-ditch effort. If he was ever to perish before Son Goku has been killed. The old man can at least be happy that his abomination would be able to finish the job.

The old man ended the recording and saved it into the database under a new file name.

{Android D: Doomsday}

Jeez you stop writing for a month or 2 and you get the "Author dropped this story" Come on readers of mine... I'M LAZYYYY I've said this many times my procrastinating for writing is god tier talent... But enjoy the chap and like usually give me some feedback to improve the story.

Besides that enjoy the chap, Enjoy the day and hopefully I'll post another chap soon. Who knows but the future is mallable...

HuskyWarriorcreators' thoughts