
The (True) Start To Z

"Guy, can I use your invention for the next model for Capsule Corps flying cars?"

When he heard Mr. Briefs ask him that. Guy thought about his question and what he could gain for letting him use his invention. He looked towards Mr. Briefs and asked with a curious look. "If I did what would I get?"

"Hmmm" Mr briefs grabbed his chin again while thinking of all the possibilities if he added Guy's invention to the flying car models. ' If I used his invention the car's energy usage would go down at least 12 percent. While not dropping in performance at all...'

Mr. Briefs looks towards Guy while saying with a grin. "I will give you 1 percent of all future sales of the new model designed flying car"

After he said that Guy started to think how much money that would be but he still had to ask. "How much would that be..?"

"Hmmm" Again Mr briefs put his hand on his chin as he did the math but after a few seconds, he says.

"Well, at least a few million but this is one percent for all future sales for the flying car. Guy, as long we keep using your invention you will keep getting income. You will also get more if you make a better device or improve the one right now."

Guy nodded and simply said, "then yes you can use my invention."

Guy gave a grin to Mr. Briefs who laughs a little. After that Guy shortly left afterward Mr briefs said that he will get the contract by tomorrow. Guy walks back and continues to think about what to do now. He ends up deciding to start working on the new invention. Guy couldn't wait to make this new invention because if it worked he would always be training and doesn't have to use the gravity chamber as much.

Ever since that day when Guy gave his permission for Capsule Corp to use his invention for their flying cars. Guy started the production for his Gravity watch. It took a few weeks to finish the prototype. It was a 4 inch long white watch. Guy was proud of his prototype it worked well for his first attempt. But he knew this was just the beginning. Eventually, Guy completed the latest model of the watch he considers pretty good. It was a silver watch around 3 inches long with a few different features. One of the main features was the gravity increased only affected The one who is wearing the watch and not the environment around them.

Guy was very proud when he made this watch. As he kept looking at the watch he still kept thinking, 'Man can't believe it's already been three years'

He looked outside to the rising sun with a small smile thinking about how he spent the past three years. Guy has made over 500 million Zeni through all the inventions he has made and through the many inventions/modifications Guy has made at Capsule Corp now he doesn't have to worry about money as he has a constant flow of it now.

Even though Guy had a great time inventing he didn't forget to visit all of his friends and grandpa during those 3 years. Guy met up with Goku who wanted to spar but Goku lost again. Guy met Goku's son Gohan and even though Guy didn't know why. He felt that Gohan had a lot of potential. The only thing Guy hoped for is that he didn't waste it in the future. After that Guy met up with Tien they had a good spar. Even though Tien lost it only motivated him, even more, to get stronger. Krillin and Roshi were still hanging out at Kame house. Yamcha still was training hard in the desert.

After Guy was thought about all of that he decided to head outside for some fresh air. You can see leaving the building a young man in his early 20's. He had black spiky hair above average bushy eyebrows and bright yellow eyes. His body wasn't a bodybuilder and he wasn't lean. But you can tell he had a lot of power behind his robust physique.

Guy looked to the still-rising sun and felt this was a great time to train. He looked around the garden and saw no one else was here so he took off his casual clothes until he was just in a green tank top with black combat pants. Guy started with his 15 minutes of stretching he has been doing every day, He looked at the watch that had 10g's on it. So Guy typed in 100g's and waited a second before pushing the start button. Suddenly Guy felt the watch shake a little as he felt the 100 times gravity be added to his body. The once relaxed standing Guy is now struggling to stand up. Guy takes a step forward with great effort and continues going forward.

Time keeps passing by as Guy slowly adapts to the new gravity. When he was struggling just to take a step. He can now walk at a slow pace but Guy knew this level was good enough to start the real training. Guy started doing one-handed pushups while doing a handstand. While Guy's arm was shaking slightly while doing each handstand pushup, Guy pushed through it until he got to 500. After that Guy used his other arm and did another 500 one-arm pushups. Finally, after Guy finished the pushups he slowly stands back up. So Guy decided to do the horse stance while punching out.

The Next 30 Minutes pass with an exhausted sweaty Might Guy punching out. Guy was almost done but he kept going because he had the power of youth on his side. After the final punch, Guy couldn't stand up anymore as he fell back to the ground ready to rest. But before that, he said to his watch. "Turn off the extra gravity"

When Guy said that the 100'gs on the watch went back to 1g's. If Guy felt good after finishing a workout. He felt so much better after losing the extra 17,500 pounds weighing down on himself. Guy was looking up to the afternoon cloudy day and couldn't help but smile while thinking how far he has come. But before that, he saw Bulma walk into the garden and said to Guy. "Hey, Guy I'm heading over to Roshi's you want to come too?"

Guy gave Bulma a confused look. It was common knowledge that Bulma didn't like his grandpa due to his (Interest) in women. But Guy got up and said. "Sure just give me a few minutes to shower"

Bulma nodded and said, "Ok Guy we will leave in 30 minutes then."

Guy did a quick yawn as he walks past Bulma with his arms in the air stretching still exhausted from the training. Bulma gave Guy the once over and decided to just wait for Guy. While Bulma was waiting Guy headed to his room and took a quick shower. During the relaxing shower, Guy closed his eyes while focusing all the energy he had within him. After seeing the pure amount he couldn't stop thinking. ' My power grew much faster than I expected. I will need to train my energy control some more later on'

When Guy opened his eyes he finished up the shower and got dressed. He put on a black t-shirt with the kanji for youth on the back and some nice blue jeans. Guy came down from his room to see Bulma already in the capsule Jet waiting for him. Bulma saw Guy heading towards the jet and opened his door. Guy hopped into the passenger's side and like that Bulma flew off to Kame House.

The fly over there was nice and peaceful. Guy and Bulma talked about random things as they were getting closer to the island. When they got closer they saw 4 people on the island. When they landed they saw Roshi, Krillin, Goku, and a small four-year-old child riding on turtles back having fun. Guy and Bulma got out of the jet to say hi to everyone. But before they could say anything they heard the 4-year-old child yell out "Uncle Guy!!"

Guy waved at the kid with a big smile and yelled back "Hey Gohan!"

Bulma was shocked when the kid knew Guy and called him uncle. She turned to Guy and asked with a very confused look. "How do you know that kid Guy...?"

Guy says while walking over to say hi to everyone else. "Oh that's Gohan he's Goku's son"

Bulma was extremely shocked that Goku had a son but she still was confused why Gohan called Guy his uncle. Before she could ask Guy said. "He calls me that because I occasionally watch over Gohan sometimes when Goku wants to train"

After Guy finished saying that he ruffled up Gohan's hair who laughed while everyone else gave Goku (That) look. All Goku could do was scratch his head in semi embarrassment. But suddenly Goku's semi embarrassed look turns to deadly seriousness as he sensed a massive power level heading towards them.

An: Can anyone guess who is the massive power level heading towards them?
