
Chapter 25

The day for Phenex's party had come and Naruto couldn't help but feel extremely nervous.

Why? Simply because this party was organized more or less to gather the entire members of Phenex Household, both from the main and the branch house and to introduce Naruto Uzumaki, Ravel's fiancés through a very sacred bond.

It was like the day the boy show himself in front of the parent of his girlfriend, the only different was that Ravel's parent already knew about Naruto and approved their relationship.

The Pawn of Sirzechs Lucifer couldn't feel more nervous.

Standing in front of the mirror, looking at himself wearing a black tuxedo, for the first time ever Naruto didn't wonder why his clothes didn't have a single line of ornage. He was going to be introduced to the entire household of Phenex as Ravel's fiancés yet he was the guy who had a girlfriend from the house of Gremory, slept with his personal maid who was also the strongest Queen of the Underworld, did the same thing to his Queen and not to mention lusted after by many girls.

Not the best way to show himself on front of his soon to be family in law.

"Naruto-kun" Rias Gremory opened the door slightly and walked in. This was after all their room so Rias didn't have to ask him permission to come in.

"Oh hey Rias" Naruto smiled and turned around and faced her, only to have his breath caught by how stunning his girlfriend was.

Of course as the heiress of Gremory Household, Rias was also invited to the party so she dressed herself up with an elegant black dress, with the straps tied behind her neck. Rias also donned a beautiful necklace and wore her crimson bracelet on her wrist, also got her long crimson hair tied together at the back of her head.

"Wow Rias...you look awesome" Naruto commented, making Rias smiled.

"You too Naruto-kun, it's not everday we have you dress up so formally like that" Rias said, coming close to Naruto and fixed Narito's collar for him. She couldn't help but notice the lack of '-chan' surfix in the way Naruto is calling now, after he got his memories back.

Rias was sure that Naruto was the same boy that she was in love with, however Rias and the other saw some differents in the way he carries himself, in the way he adresses them and the way he talks to everyone. This young man, standing in front of her wasn't the boy who was raised to have respectful manner, he was the same Naruto Uzuamki they followed in the memories.

"Rias...are you alright?" Naruto asked, looking at her with curiousity. He could feel the change in her emotions and her mood as well.

"I'm fine Naruto-kun" Rias said to him "It just..."

"It just what?" He asked, using his hand to raise her head gently, looking into her beautiful blue-green eyes while smiling softly.

"Now you knew your past Naruto-kun..." Rias trailed off "I wonder what are you going to do now..."

Naruto sighed and looked away for a moment, he was also wondering the exact same thing after all. Now he knew his past, his homeland, the true meaning behind his power as well as the true reason why he was sent to kill Rias when she was small. Part of him he wanted to do right was nothing but make the man, the one pulled him from his world pay for what he did to him.

Yet, part of him couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if he didn't come here and used as a weapon to start a new Great War, going through multi painful experiements in order to adapt to his best friend's power; what it would be like if he didn't meet Rias and the others.

Would he become Hokage? Archived his dream?

Would he also get the thing he is having right now and always wanted, a family?

What about Hinata? The girl who followed and supported him from the very first days of his life? Even though he never acknowledged her, her mind never changed. Would he end up with her?

So many questions...yet he could never answer even one of them.

"I'm not going to lie to you Rias" Naruto said "It will be a lie if I said I don't want to return to my homeland."

"Naruto-kun..." Rias whispered to him with a small tone.

"Maybe I will figure it out a way to get back" Naruto smiled to her, balling his hand into a fist "I also have the feeling that sooner or later I will come face to face with this man, who took me from my world" he said strongly.

Rias nodded her head. She was expecting him to say that after all. Even though seventeen years had passed since Naruto was pulled away from his world, it wouldn't be Naruto if he didn't want to return to the place where he was born.

Knock Knock Knock!

"Naruto-sama" Grayfia's voice could be heard at the other side of the door "Your peerage is here"

"I will come down in a minute Grayfia" Naruto said loudly and smiled to his girlfriend, offering his hand to her "Let's go Rias"

The young lady nodded her head before following Naruto. For now, she just needed to enjoy her time with her boyfriend and support Naruto in every way, every time he need.

Line Break

When the girls of Naruto's peerage saw Naruto walked into the room with Grayfia and Rias followed behind him, they immediately lined into a line and bowed their head to him respectfully, saying all together.

"Hello, Naruto-sama!" they then turned to Rias and gave her the same respect "Rias-sama"

"Hey girls" he smiled to them "and stop calling me Naruto-sama, you girls are my family right?" This surprised the girls greatly. Before, Naruto didn't have any problem with them address him with respectful tone and suffix, after all it was common knowledge for weaker to show respect to your King when you were his servant.

Rias turned to Grayfia and sent her a meaningful look, of which the maid understood immediately. Ravel and Yubelluna also understood the reason behind this sudden change as well.

"Say it, Naruto" He told them, pronounced his name slowly like he was teaching little kids "Naruto!" the girls looked a very trouble by this.

Luckily for them, Grayfia stepped up to the rescue by nudging Naruto hard on his rib.

"Naruto-sama is not feeling well today" Grayfia said calmly while Naruto was holding his side, gasping in pain "So please don't mind him" the silver haired maid finished, making everyone sweat dropped.

"Are you okay Naruto-sama?" Ravel asked, approaching him. She was wearing a purple dress with matching gloves and black boots, and held a pink folding fan; the same dress she wore during her brother's wedding party before Naruto crashed it.

"I'm fine Ravel" He breathed and got back to his feet, feeling the pain slowly fading away much to his relief. Grayfia never held back when she tried to punish her master "Anyway, you girls ready?" He asked, looking at his peerage.

"Of course Naruto-sama" They chorused once again. As his peerage and also formerly the peerage of Riser Phenex, the third oldest son of Phenex Household, their present was very important during party like this.

"Good...um, yeah, let's go" Naruto turned on his heel but he was met with the cold silver eyes of Grayfia Lucifuge, standing right on his path with her usual calm and emotionless expression.

"The portal is that way Naruto-sama" she told him calmly and pointed her hand to the other side of the room.

"Oh, alright then...sorry" Naruto immediately turned around again and walked to the glowing magic circle to prepare for the teleportation. Everyone couldn't help but wonder if everything was alright with Naruto, he was a little distracted and his mind seemed elsewhere.

"Ravel," Rias turned to the drills hair girl, whispering with a low tone "is he alright?"

"I don't know Rias-sama" Ravel shook her head "His emotion is a mess" Rias could only nod, looking at him warily.

Grayfia fumed, keeping her eyes on Naruto. After this party was over and so does the one tomorrow, she would have to have a talk with her master.

Line Break

At six o'clock sharp in the evening, Naruto Raven and his peerage, with Rias accompanied by her Knight Kiba Yuuto, the one who Naruto asked to accompany Rias during this party arrived at Phenex Residence.

Everyone including Ravel's parent and her oldest brother, the next heir of Phenex Clan, Ruval Phenex was all waiting for them. Naruto could see many familiar faces like Sona accompanied by Saji; Sairaorg Bael with a very beautiful girl with blonde hair tied in a ponytail in a ponytail, no doubt she was Sairaorg's Queen. Though he couldn't see Raiser anywhere, last time he heard about him from Ravel, he was whimpering inside of his room with the blanket over his head, talking about something like a Kyuubi was going to eat him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Lord Phenex spoke loudly after the door was closed behind them "May I present you to my beautiful daughter Ravel Phenex and her fiancés, who is none other than Naruto Uzumaki" the crowd clapped their hands, no one louder than his peerage who went to a corner of the hall by the guidance of Yubelluna.

"Yo!" While Ravel bowed her head to greet them, Naruto grinned and waved his hand to them.

Soon, everyone started to talk with each other and enjoy the rich wines and delicious foods served by the servants of Phenex Household. Ravel's family was the one to approach the two after both Naruto and Ravel received a lot of blessing from the other high-class devil.

"Hey Naruto" Ruval offered his hand to Naruto, which he took it and shook with a smile "or should I call you brother in law?"

"I think it is kind of soon to call me that" the younger blond said with a smile.

"Nonsense young man" the heir of Phenex smiled and patted Naruto on his shoulder before looking at Naruto with a somewhat serious face "if you make my sister cry I swear I will burn..."

"Onii-sama!" Ravel called out loudly, stopping him.

Naruto couldn't help but laugh slightly at this.

"Don't worry Ruval-san, I won't" he grinned and gave a thumb up, putting his other hand on Ravel's head and patted her head gently, calming the young lady down.

"I see you're still treating her like a young child Naruto" Lady Phenex said but a smile then spread out on her face "but I hope it will change in a few years" even right now, Naruto was thirty centimeters higher than his fiancés, they looked like siblings more than future husband and wife.

"Come Naruto" Lord Phenex motioned his hand to Naruto to follow him "I will introduce you to some of other members of Phenex Household"

Naruto then followed the man and met a lot of members of Phenex Household, including Ravel's parent the former Lord and Lady of Phenex Clan, who by far was the oldest members of the Old Devil society that was still remaining to this day due to immortality. They were actually the ones who suggested the engagement between Rias and Raiser, so of course they wasn't very happy when they heard it was canceled by a young man who came to crash the wedding down. But they did give Naruto their blessing, because of Naruto's relationship with Gremory Household, to them this was also a way to connect two families together.

Ravel's grandmother, lady Reyna Phenex was one of the first female of Phenex Clan discovered the true nature of Pureblood Phenex's tear, as she was also the first one who went through the change, the same one Ravel went through.

Naruto was also introduced to some other members of the Phenex.

After the introduction, the blond moved himself into a corner and grabbed a drink, silently enjoying his own space while watching Ravel talking with her grandparent.

"What's on your mind, Naruto-san?" he turned to the right and saw Sairaorg standing next to him, also with a glass of wine in his hand.

"Nothing much" Naruto shrugged his shoulder "Just thinking how much my life had changed that all"

"From a street brat to one of the most desired devil, yeah, I don't think that kind of thing is going to be easy to think about?" Sairaorg joked.

"More or less" Naruto chuckled before looking at Sairaorg "By the way, just call me Naruto, san make me feel like an old man, Sairaorg"

"Very well then" Rias' cousin smiled.

"You're going to face Zephyrdor after Rias and Sona's fight, aren't you?" Naruto asked and Sairaorg nodded "What is your plan against him?"

"Easy, we'll overpower them at their best" Sairaorg said with a smirk "Just like with any other peerages, I will defeat every single one of them to get to you, Naruto" Sairaorg turned to Naruto and grinned.

"Hoh," Naruto said in amusement "Are you sure Sairaorg? Not that I am confident in myself or my peerage's strength or anything but, do you know that there is one team is also very eager to face me?" Naruto turned his head to look at Rias, who was talking with Ruval, both the future heir of a big clan.

"I know about Rias and her peerage, especially that boy Issei Hyoudou-kun" Sairaorg nodded "but what about your peerage Naruto, not boasting or anything but back then when they're still Raiser's servants, they are not very strong" Naruto couldn't help but agree. It was the truth, back then when the girls were still Raiser's peerage; most was defeated by Rias' peerage when they were still inexperience with Rating Game, and with four members only.

If not for Phoenix Tears, what would happen if Rias got the support of Akeno and Issei, would they still lost against Raiser?

However, it was a different story right now, under his care, the girls was stronger than ever.

"You will be surprise of how much they improved Sairaorg" Naruto smirked.

"I will be waiting for that, hopefully my last match will be against you, Naruto" The young man black haired man laughed before gulping down the last of his wine "Now if you excuse me, I think my Queen is looking for me" he then walked to the blonde with ponytail, who was looking around searching for him.

Naruto also quickly finished his drink and returned to the party.

Line Break

At his own training ground, Naruto could be seen sparing with his Rook, Xuelan and Isabela.

Both girls were fighting against him with the speed and agility that were completely surpassed what they originally capable of a few months ago while was still under Raiser's control. Their punches, kicks were not only fast, but extremely powerful as well, aiming at every fatal point on the body and fought synchrony with each other like they shared the same mind.

Even Naruto, who was in Sennin Modo was having a hard time keep up with the speed they were processing. His training method for them was working very nicely and Naruto couldn't control his surprise when he found out just how good these two were when they fought side by side.

Blocking Xuelan's fist, the blond gritted his teeth when he was forced back a little. That punch just then packed a huge amount of strength behind it, and it was aimed to his heart, if he didn't block it would cause some serious damage to his internal organ. Right now he was reconsidering about allowing them to fight him like they were going to kill him.

Before Naruto could return Xuelan's attack, the girl made a backflip, revealed an Isabela who was crouching down low while running at him. The masked girl then put both of her hand down to the ground when he got right underneath him and sent her foot right into chin.

The blond was sent to the sky, but the qipao wearing girl of course was waiting for this. From the ground she took a strong leap, twisting her body into the air and sent her foot, enchanted with fire straight into his stomach.

"Gah!" He screamed.

"We're not done yet!" They both shouted and from underneath, Isabela crook her fist back and called for the power of Rook, at the same time calling for a massive tornado of flame swirling around her right arm, enchanting her fist with strength far beyond any attacks she made before.

"GYA!" She cried out and punched him from below, sending her fist right into his back.


The blond immediately exploded and in his place was a wooden log, however Isabela pushed her fist forward, breaking the wooden log into thousand pieces and burned almost all of them away.

"Eh, we still can't get him" Xuelan landed gratefully down to the ground and whined.

"Yes you're Xuelan" the Chinese girl flinched when she heard Naruto's voice from behind her and the feeling of cold steel against her throat, looking down slightly she saw Naruto's hand holding a kunai, with the blade pressed against her throat.

"Naruto-sama" Isabela gasped.

"Nice job girls" He removed the kunai, letting Xuelan turned around "That is some amazing moves, did you girls come up with it?" he asked, putting the knife away.

"Yes Naruto-sama" Xuelan nodded "I thought that combo would be enough, but..."

"Do not feel so down, it won't work against me but it could immediately eliminate a piece in the game" Naruto encouraged them with a smile.

"We understand, Naruto-sama" Isabela nodded her head and both Rooks smiled.

"Good, let's continue" He smiled and got to the stance again. Both girls raised their fists and charged at Naruto at once.

Line Break

"I ban you two from wearing that schoolgirl from this point" Naruto, his clone actually said bluntly, pointing his hand to the two cat girls, Ni and Li "and you Shuriya, from wearing that stripper outfit" he pointed to the dark skin medic who look god smashed by his declaration.

"But they're cute Naruto-sama" Li, the red head whined playfully, swaying her body side to side and of course with no bra and only an overly revealing outfit, her sizeable tits followed as well.

"I'm perfectly fine with this outfit Naruto-sama" Shuriya said softly

"No, absolutely not" He said then grabbed a box under his feet, and gave it to the his Pawns "where this, I personally made this for you girls" their eyes immediately sparked up by his declaration.

"Really?" They cried in happiness and both jumped to wrapped their arms around his neck, pressing their twin chest into his side "Thank you Naruto-sama"

"It's my pleasure girls" he smiled.

Line Break



"Chainsaw!" IIe and Nel, yet another twin of his peerage cried at the same time after taking turn saying the words in the same speech.

"Yes" Clone Naruto said with a smirk "no more chainsaw" he looked down at them and flicked both on the forehead "too violent"

"But...what do we support to use now?" they asked, looking at the destroyed chainsaws underneath their feet, something Naruto took pleasure in destroying.

"These babies of course" Naruto pulled out two long swords from the box.

"Swords? the twin asked? Aren't Siris and Kalarmine is more suitable for them?" IIe asked curiously.

"Not just sword" Naruto then spot a tree, he raised his sword and made a slash movement.

IIe and Nel's eyes widened when they saw the sword lengthened and became a whip, with the blade separated into smaller, triangles shape blade along the whip. The whip sword passed through the tree like it was nothing, cutting it down like it was just a piece of paper.

"More violent, of course" Naruto gave the twin the swords "Now, careful with them, I will teach you girls how to handle them so make sure to concentrate alright?"

"Yes Naruto-sama!" they cried at once, very excitedly.

Line Break

Naruto took the cup of tea from Mihae and brought it to his lip, drinking it slowly to enjoy the favor.

"Wow, delicious" he commented out loud. This kind of tea could give Akeno's a run for her money.

"Thank you, Naruto-sama" the girl bowed her head traditionally. All around them, sitting in a traditional style was the rest of Naruto's peerage, who already finished with their trainings and went to Mihae to rest and enjoy her delicious tea

"Naruto-sama" Mira called out to him "Do you think that we can win?"

"Yes we are Mira" Naruto nodded his head, sipping the tea "We'll win" he said surely "with the way you girls are improving, I don't care which is the team that we're going to fight at the end, we will simply beat them and show the higher up that we are more than capable of"

The girls all nodded their head with a smile

[That Night]

Finally, it was the time for the party prepared by the Maou for young devils; Naruto was standing with his peerage at a corner of the room, smiling and giving any one who stopped by at their group a friendly greeting, of course he was one of the many group in this floor received the most attention from others, though he couldn't help but glance to Rias' group.

Kiba was, of course surrounded by all the female devils with Issei standing a little away from him crying in jealousy. Xenovia was trying to make Asia and Gasper eat something, while skillfully holding a massive quantity of dishes. On top of the dishes were various extravagant foods.

However, Koneko was missing.

"Wait here" Naruto told Yubelluna and Ravel before walking toward Rias, who was also looking around like she was trying to find someone, probably Koneko.

"Hey Rias, where is Koneko?" He asked, looking around to search for the petite girl.

"I don't know Naruto-kun" Rias said while shaking her head, she was very worry for her servant, who wasn't acting very normal lately.

"I will go search for her" Naruto told Rias "you wait here alright?" for some reason he got a rather bad feeling about this.

Turning around, Naruto immediately went into Sennin Modo in just a second, focusing on Koneko's magical signature he quickly spotted her at the forest outside the building.

But Naruto's eyes widened in shock the moment he felt the second magical signature from within the forest, Naruto immediately got out of the hall and ran as fast as he could to Koneko.

Because the feeling he got from that second magical signature, was the feeling of another Senjutsu user.

Kuroka, Koneko's sister was here.

The chain with the nine-tails fox and black cat snuggling glinted in the light.
