

"I will do as you wish." Forn aimed a simple stare to his old enemy and ally. But do not forget our agreement, justicar. I have well equipped insurance in case you or your friends forget. But you of all people should know that detail."

"Yes, more then aware. I will give him four years, but that is all." The king uttered one of his grand laughs, loud and proud, the kind he had become known for after a great battle in banquet and feast. "More then plenty."

"If that is all then farewell, King Forn."

"Don't forget to enjoy yourself while in the middle of the hunt, Omera. Even you elves should value time. Eventually, it becomes as delicious as victory."

"…I will try keep that in mind."

"Sure you will." The carriage door came to a sound close before the steps of steeds and wheels pushed on through the thin mist. Just after warriors clad in golden armor and skin took no time at all to reach the side of Omera and the few elves standing around her in the depths of the rift. More then a few of rode on horseback, but there were on the foot as well. Moving in crisp strides and cautious but hard eyes.

"Justicar Omera. What is so spacial about this child that King Forn would go to such lengths to protect?"

"I do not know. Perhaps it is love, perhaps not. Regardless, it is not a trick. He will do as I requested, and the child will have time to hide or do as he wishes. It makes no difference to me."

"Do you believe he could become a threat?"

"Perhaps. I've learned well that anything can happen when Forn is involved." The altmer standing behind the justicar peered around to her comrades for a moment. "Then… why have we yet to find the boy?" Omera turned to the high elf at her rear with a low brow. "Does it not make sense to hold a agreement with-"

"I do not think I could be more clear with my words. The agreement will be held- without question, and spoken of to no one."

"Justicar Omera… I do not believe that is wise. A threat no older then a pup should be terminated as quickly as-"

The agent's words cut off as soon the chained flail was embedded through her armor with the ease of a blade piercing cheese. It's position no higher then her neck, now holding her slightly upward as her knees buckled and the light of her eyes faded. But before she could lean forward, Omera's hand gently found her chin and tugged upward. "In the next life, be sure to know your place."


King Forn's steps were the first to find the ground and entrance of Mistive Keep.

