
The Swiping Questions Maniac

The questions on the projection gushed down like a waterfall. Data streamed across Feng Lin's eyes. His fingers flitted across the screen like butterflies weaving through flowers, swiping across questions naturally and without pause, unhurried and pleased.

Others were engrossed with their own examination and hence, no one noticed the strange sight.

It wasn't long before two hours were up, and the examination concluded. Feng Lin shut down the screen in silence.

The performance he had unleashed in this exam far surpassed any of his previous. He had an idea of how many questions he answered correctly and that scared even himself.

Work hard in silence, let your success make the noise; that was the virtuous way.

Feng Lin didn't proclaim his efforts intentionally.

However, once the exam concluded, the class's top students in the front row roared into life.
