
mean person

I was broke down completely that how can Kim Yoel do it just for the sake of his friend huh this is what he meant from keep me safe if he had to do this only then why he keep coming behind me like a puppy 😭😭 this is what people do with someone's emotion I would like to tell them that emotions is not to play and if you what to play then there are 1000 of games available to play so play that only and when I was crying not even a single person come to me 😭💔 what a joke and I heard some sounds of horn I turned back and when I turned back I opened my eyes to look and I saw I was sitting on a seat of a car and im struck in the traffic and Kim Yoel is sitting next to me and it's almost the time for sunset Kim Yoel said " oh you woke up " what the fuck I was dreaming I looked back at everyone they were there and busy in there own I was in a huge huge dilemma that which is reality and is this is reality or dream then I asked " where we are now and what's the time " then ha Rin replied " we are near somewhere Incheon and the time is 4 o'clock " Kim Yoel said " what happen " I pinched myself and it's hurtful Kim Yoel looked towards me and smiled and said " what are you doing ?? " I was like what the fuck was that was a dream 😱😱😱😱😱😱 😵 what's happening with me and suddenly it's start raining I looked outside and I opened my window and touch the water droplets I'm still confused that in which world I'm living huh but whatever it was my heart still aches 💔 😢😥 then ji ah said " ohhhh why this fucking rain 😭😭😭😭😭😭 " then Kim Yoel said " it's Okh ji ah it will stop soon I know a short cut from here let just pass this traffic " I started feeling alone with them as ha Rin started talking in Korean and I was just sitting and looking at there faces then I took my phone out and started doing time pass but I was still in that trauma that is he is like that person who can ditch me or should I start to make some distance from him and the answer was coming outside from my heart says that you should make some distance with him then after a while we got out of the traffic and he took a short cut which is from some streets no one noticed me that I'm also sitting in the car 🙁 it was my first time I felt like been left out and I was disappointed with them but I can't help myself from not going with them as I didn't have anyone then I slow down the music they were playing and I connected the player with my phone and I started Bollywood songs as my favorite songs were there and I didn't raised the volume that high it was low and thanks to Kim Yoel he turned off the player 👏👏👏 I thought If I wouldn't have came here with them then it would be nice it was strated getting dark and my phone rang I felt like thank God atleast someone remembered me I looked who called me it was boo hi and I said " hello " she said " hii where are you " I said " I'm somewhere in Incheon " she surprisingly said " with whom and how " I said " with Kim Yoel and ha Rin and his sister and his sisters friend " she said " ohhh have fun Okh I'll won't disturb you both Okh bye " I said " no no it's Okh btw I felt left out here so it's good that you called " they all become silent and she said " it's Okh you can talk to me anytime I'm free for 24*7 Okh " I smiled and said " yeah yeah I know " and we started laughing I felt like a comfort from that words and she said " I'll ttyl Okh I'm getting another call Okh then bye " at that time the rain was stopped then they all started looking at me I looked at all of them and said " what " Kim stopped the car and said " Jessica can you come out for a moment " he get off from the car and I got off and the sun was set and it was all dark and he took me some meters away from the car and said " Jessica what's going on " I said " don't you know that time is going on " he yelled " I'm not joking " I said " 1 minute what are you yelling at " he said " why do you always behave like you don't know anything " I said " what do you mean by it " he said " why did you said that we all left you out " I said " isn't it's true huh you all started talking in Korean and I think you very welly know that I don't know it then also you all talked " he said " so what you should insist that you can't understand " I said " what ??? 😒😒 if you like someone then and if that person is hanging out with you then you should atleast make sure that the person is happy around you " he said " so you don't feel happy around me and my sister and his friends huh " I said " no I felt like Im a third wheel for you all " he said " you should say us that what's the problem with you " I said " hello!!!! I don't have any problem you have " he said " what do you want to say " I said " I think that you all are perfect and I'm the only one who is not even imperfect correct you think the exact think am I right ?? " he kept silent I continued " you know what if you like someone you should protect that particular person but what you are doing going hand in hand with ha Rin " he said " what's your with ha Rin she is my childhood friend " I said " woow when it comes to your friends then your friends are always correct right huh but when once I was doing video chat with MY childhood friend then it makes jealous and you just disconnected it you know what how disrespectful it is " he said " it's Okh if you do video call to your childhood friend but if I just talk to ha Rin that makes you insecure you didn't even confessed to me that you like me then why is it so much important to you " I said " yeah I don't like you , you know at a point I thought that you are a good person but I was completely wrong I think you should go hell out of here , no wait why should you go I should go from here and yeah don't even talk to me from on and I'm going to remove that FAKE DATING tag from now one only 😤 " I walked to the car I was in my very high anger and I just opened car door and took my handbag from the seat and I didn't even answered to anyone's answer and I just walked off in a unknown place and in a unknown city and started walking on the streets there were plenty of people walking there now I need to go back to Seoul and I m super angry I saw 2 girls walking at the other side of the road I went to them to approach for a talk I said " excuse me where I can find any bus or taxi to go back to Seoul " one of them said " ahhh from here just go straight then 1 left then go straight then take right and from there you can find bus and taxi stand from there I think that you should go to airport railroad express (AREX) from there you'll easily get a train from there to Seoul Okh " she was good and I said " thank you very very much " then I rushed towards the road she said and I finally I reached to highway and I called the taxi and said " airport railroad express " he said " 예 ( ne ) ( yes ) " he took me there then I went in and took a ticket from the counter and they said " miss go to platform 1 the train will arrive soon " I went to platform 1 I was angry at the same time I was heart broken because of that dream and I think that the dream was a truth that I shouldn't be with someone who is this mean I was about to cry but I'll won't I'm a strong girl and I don't cry for any fucking shitty people huh from now I'm not gonna talk to them ever 😞😞 I was feeling dull and the train came and I went in and I sat on a seat as there are all window seats and in there AC was on and I sat and on right side one boy came and sat next to me and I started listening music with my earphones and he touched his feet to mine and I just take it at a side then he dropped his hankie and from excuse of taking hankie from the floor he touched my leg from his hand and looked towards him and he didn't even said sorry and then 3 time what he did he looked here and there and touched my thighs and all anger can up and I stood up and slapped him and yelled at him " what are you doing you fucking pervert ( and everyone started looking at me and started making videos of me ) how dare you to touch me huh you fucking basterd you know what here you all boys are same what do you think of me that I'll won't do anything you know what I should assault you and call the cops for the case of physical harrasment ( I pointed a finger on him) what do you think of us huh that we'll won't do anything or we'll won't say anything you bloody jerk ( I hold his collar and stood him up ) you know what just fuck offff " and I hit my knee on his private part and he fell down and started yelling " ahhhhhhh " and train stopped on a station and I came out of from the train and he spoiled my mood more and I just came out of the station and saw the station name and I finally reached to Seoul finally 😟😟😔😔😞😞
