
its very embarrassing

we went home I rank the bell and she opened the door and said " don't you both know that's time is " I looked at my phone and said " yah it's 6:34" she said " Kim Yoel she is new to this place but don't you know that how much dangerous it is to Rome outside at this time huh ??" he replied " Okh Okh ma'am now can I go inside " she said " ya ya come inside " I went inside and straightly went to my room and went to take shower because it's very hot outside after that went down to have dinner everyone was there on the table waiting for me I said " sorry for being late " auntie said " it's Okh let's eat " she had made pasta and Noddles for dinner while eating she asked me " are you free tomorrow ? " I said " yah what happen " she said " I was thinking that if you are free then we can go for shopping " as I love shopping I said " why not " she said " huhh I m so happy 😊😊😊" we ate and went to our rooms. After sometime I feel to eat something cool so I went downstairs to refrigerator to look for ice cream. I don't know the switches of kitchen so I went in with my phone flashlight I here some sound like someone is opening or closing something. I was looking down and when I look forward I saw flashlight of someone else phone and I got frightened and yelled " ahhhh" the other person also yelled " ahhh" as I was not expected anyone in kitchen at that time I took a plastic bottle which is filled with water and put on the dinning table and throw it straight to that person's face. the person scream and I went near to that person and started beating with my hands I punched and kicked and that person lied down and when I turn and about call auntie she switched on the lights and said " oh my God what Happen to him !!!!!😱😱😱" I said " auntie hurry call the cops there is the thief " she said " ohhhh my baby what happen to you " and she runs towards that person. I while turning I said " wh----" when I completely turned to my back I saw I have hitted Kim Yoel and he was lying down in pain it was soo embarrassing I thought there is theif but he is Kim Yoel 🤦🤦🤦🤦. then I bend down and asked Kim Yoel " aa-arre yy-you al-alright 😌😌" he said in very low voice " after getting hit for much time how can ahhhh anyone be alright " then I don't know what happened auntie starts laughing I asked " what happen auntie " she said " I can't stop laughing Kim Yoel got hit bye Jessica and he can't even get up by himself hahhhahahaha" I thought she lost her mind and said to Kim Yoel " hey give me your hand " I leaned my hand towards him and he got up and he said " help me in going to my room " he puts his left arm on my shoulder and we started walking upstairs and auntie had completely lost her mind can't do anything about her. I took him in his room his room was a total mess 😔😔 his cloths were on his table and one shoe was here and other one had no idea just like a kid room I helped him in sitting on his bed and said " wait here I'll bring first aid " I went and took the medical care box and I was getting a guilty feeling because I hitted him without any reason I went in, in his room and said " let me do it " he got buries on his checks and shoulders and on back and he had bleeding from side lips. I took an one anticipate cream and one ear bud I took cream on it and started applying on his check bury when I was applying him at that time was standing and Kim Yoel was sitting on the bed at that time he was continuesly looking at me and i said " don't look at me look somewhere else " he immediately looked down and I completed applying cream on his check and asked " where else did you get hurt let me apply this cream over there " he said " I'll apply it on my own " I said " no please let me do this because I hurt you without any reason please " he said " no no...." I interrupted him and said " let me do it " he said " Okh get on the bed " I said " 😓😓 what are you doing " he pulled my hand towards him and I sat next to him and he turns his back towards me and took off his t-shirt and said " apply it on my back it's painful " I looked towards his back and it was heart melting back he have muscles which was very attractive. I applied cream on the bury on his back and shoulders and his shoulder was 😍😍 I can't describe it in words and said " don't wear you t-shirt let the cream get soaked " then after he said " I am bleeding on my side lips " I said " hmm " he turn towards me I took a new ear bud and took that cream and started applying on it but I was very uncomfortable for applying because he is too highted I said him " just lean down you are to highted " when he leaned down his was right in front of mine which was at a close distance around of 10 cms my heart started pounding and he was continuesly looking towards me I was touched his lips with a ear bud I completed applying but he was still looking at me and looked at him once and I blinked my eyes for several times and said " it-its do-done " he said " oh-ohh hmm-mm " I think he was embarrassed. I get up and said " if you need anything call me I m leaving good night " I smiled and leaved that room. I went out and it I was feeling very nervous my heart was racing very fast and I can't handle it and went straightly to my room.
