
Don't Let Father Know

Everyone present was stunned to see what had just happened. It all happened so fast and was totally unexpected.

"Gosh ... are you all right?" Nicolae immediately rushed towards Vega, who was standing with one foot on Charles's waist while the boy was growling in pain. He quickly checked on his daughter to make sure the girl was okay.

As he appeared in the middle of the circle, all the girls in the crowd let out muffled shrieks in unison. They did not expect such a handsome and cool man appeared suddenly like a knight in shining armor, wanting to protect Vega.

"She's fine! I'm the one who's hurt ...!" Charles's voice cracked as he held back his anger. "Daaddd....! Please help me ..."

Ron Gilbert immediately helped his son get up and cursed the annoying little bitch who hurt his beloved son.

Vega, who had released her foot from Charles, immediately pulled Nicolae's hand and approached Altair. Her face looked astonished.
