
Shocked Again

"Anger is bad for your heart and blood pressure, you know," London commented in a teasing voice. He pulled L into his lap without paying heed over the girl's protest. "Now you know I've gone crazy. The question now is, are you willing to spend your whole life with this crazy man?"

L finally gave up and looked at London with a complicated look. After a while, she nodded, very slowly.

"I didn't quite catch that. What did you say?" London asked her while frowning.

"I'm... willing," the girl answered, pursing her lips. Her voice was barely audible.

"You can't change your mind after this," London said solemnly. He pulled his phone out of his pocket then showed it to L. "I recorded your answer just now."

"Gosh...! You're too much. I won't take back my words. Ugh..." L tried hard to refrain from taking London's phone from his hands. "Why are you so happy to make me angry?"
