
First day at work (1)

That evening Finland insisted on helping in the kitchen. She was also good at cooking. The only difference was that she had been cooking without using any recipe. As a poor student, her living expenses were cheaper if she cooked her own food.

Even after she was employed, she would often save money by bringing her own lunch box from home so that she didn't have to buy lunch from outside.

"It doesn't feel fair if you always cook..." Finland said as she rolled up her sleeve and took the apron. "I can cook too..."

Caspar just laughed, "I really don't mind, Honey. I like cooking anyway..."

"Yes, I know... your cooking is delicious, because you have been cooking for hundreds of years... But as a woman I also want to show my skills.." Finland insisted, "You've never eaten my cooking before, right? I want to show my love through food too..."
