
Chapter 93: Morose Cave


After what felt like hours of walking which was actually just about 20 minutes, Eness stopped in front of a gigantic boulder, confusing everyone.

"Here." Eness touched the boulder

"Is it behind the boulder?" Ivery asked Eness

"Yes, the cave entrance is blocked by a boulder to confuse intruders." Eness nodded

"This boulder is also infused with magic to increase its durability and sturdiness." Eness explained

"But it won't be difficult to break with this type of low-level imbuing magic." Eness clenched her hand into a fist and punched the boulder

A large burst of wind emitted from the force she used. And the giant boulder in front of them instantly cracked and burst into chunks.

All of the students behind them looked at Eness with awe-filled eyes. They couldn't believe a girl of her size could break a boulder fifty times larger than her.

Ivery rubbed Eness's head, making her blush and smile, all she ever wanted was her master's praise.

Just as the smoke from the debris faded away, the entrance to the cave was revealed.

"Let's go." Luther said and proceeded forward

Ivery and the group of students followed right behind him and entered Morose cave.


As expected inside of the cave was dark and all you could hear was the sound of water dropping and the footsteps of their group. And the deeper they went into the cave, the stronger the repulsive odor they all smelled became.

Ivery's hand glowed, the light separated from her hand and the light orb floated up, brightly illuminating the area. And the group of students all began freaking out and some screamed when they clearly saw what was around them.

There were hanging corpses from the ceiling of the cave and skeletal remains scattered all over the ground. Some students threw up at the sight and smell of everything.

Luther and Eness were completely unphased by the sight and smell of everything, they both looked at the corpses casually. Ivery wasn't too bothered by it but it did make her a bit uneasy and the smell of dead bodies wasn't something that she was comfortable with even though Luther had the ability to rot bodies, alive or dead, which he used quite often. Whenever he did use this favorited ability of his, she would always stop breathing through her nose and breathe through her mouth instead.

Luther allowed the students to calm down for a few minutes since Ivery mentioned how frightened and unnerved they all looked, he continued onwards into the cave.

They entered a large hole in the wall that they saw and were at a loss when there were several more holes scattered around the cave.

"Eness.." Luther looked down at Eness, indirectly asking her to lead the way from there

She nodded, knowing what he wanted from her. She closed her eyes and focused on the smell of the crystal. She opened her eyes when she smelled the strong magical scent it gave off.

"There." Eness pointed to the tenth hole

She walked first into the hole and they followed her into the dark hole.


They stepped out of the hole and into a large room, and standing in the middle of the large room was definitely a male cyleen but he seemed different than the others...he had long green-silver hair and glowing greenish-golden eyes, his skin was a light blue tone with dark purple dotted tattoo's on both sides of his face.

He wore a blue silver buttoned shirt and wore slim dark blue pants, for some reason he also had a black cape on that touched the floor, with what looked like feathers on the bottom rim of it.

Then Ivery looked down and saw two mutilated bodies wearing crescent academy uniforms by the feet of this cyleen.

"Did you come you here to save them?" The smiling cyleen asked

"No we didn't, how did they even get here?" Ivery asked

"I found them wandering in our forest so I dragged them in here and tortured them a bit until they gave me the information I wanted." The cyleen answered

"Judging on your uniforms you must be from the same place, meaning you're here for father's feralic crystal..." The cyleen glared at them

"Who are you?" Eness asked, she sensed his magic and it was far greater than any normal cyleen

"I'm the second prince of the Cyleenian nation, prince Ionshi." He responded

"I'm not particularly against killing humans, so if you go any further, I'll kill you all." Ionshi smirked and suddenly his nails grew sharp and long silver horns grew from his forehead

"I'll handle this, just go find the crystal." Ivery told Luther

"No, we can end this quickly, there's no need to leave you behind for a low ranking monster." Luther refused to leave her behind for whatever the reason

"I need you by my side at all times." Luther leaned down and kissed her forehead

"L..Luther..now isn't the time for that.." Ivery blushed

"There's no wrong time to love you." Luther smiled

"How adorable.." Ionshi sarcastically said as he rolled his eyes

"You two should get married while you're at it." Ionshi snickered

"I certainly wish we could." Luther's sword materialized in his hand

"You're going to use a weapon against a cyleen?! How stupid are you humans? We cyleens can cut through iron like paper." Ionshi's nails grew longer and he charged forward in a flash

Ionshi jumped up and swung his sharp nails down at Luther.

"Unluckily for you, this isn't iron..." Luther grinned as he blocked Ionshi's attack

Ionshi's pupils shrunk once he saw his nails shatter and felt the bones in this finger crack. His fingers dangled once his finger bones shattered after cracking. Luther's sword changed form and turned into a large double-sided black axe and it dripped with a black liquid.

Luther swung the axe upward and sliced off Ionshi's left arm.

Ionshi fell on the ground and wailed in pain.

"You talked big but it was all nothing but words, I thought you had more to offer, what a pathetic and worthless creature you are..." Luther sinfully smirked

"You dare to call yourself a prince? What a joke." Luther twirled his axe in his right hand

Luther lifted his axe up and swung it down, intending to finish Ionshi off.

But to Luther's surprise, his axe was suddenly kicked and it flew from his hand and it's sharp blade pierced into the floor.

"You dare to harm my brother!?" A cyleen girl with similar features to Ionshi's looked angrily at Luther, standing in front of Ionshi who was bleeding out on the floor

"And who are you?" Luther narrowed his eyes at her




I was busy working on projects from Friday to Sunday, my apologies for not posting.

Calistalcreators' thoughts