
Chapter 3: An Unexpected Visitor

[ Blood, Violence & Gore Warning ]

With her room cleaned spotless, Ivery laid down comfortably in bed and thought about her eventful day. Loki rested at the foot of her bed as usual and curled into a ball.

The main thing on Ivery's mind was that crown prince, Luther Vandell, she never thought she'd meet him like that, hell...she didn't think she was going to meet him at all.

Ivery closed her eyes and tried her best to sleep.



"Are you awake?" A voice sounded in Ivery's ears

Her eyes slowly cracked open as the sound of an alluring voice entered her ears.

Everything in her body froze as she saw crown prince Luther's godly face only inches away from hers. Seeing such a handsome face in the morning would make any girl blush, but Ivery turned pale and her expression turned sour.

She rubbed her eyes with her hands to make sure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, she opened her eyes and he was still there. She pinched herself to check if she was having a nightmare.

"Why are you here?" Ivery quickly got out of bed and backed up, her eyes glowed as she went into defense mode, her hands flickered with a golden pink glow

Loki woke up from the commotion, and stretched. His eyes were then met with the sight of the Crown Prince of Fresia, Luther Vandell! W-Why was he here, and why was is he in Ivery's room? Is he planning on killing her?!

"I won't let you kill her!" Loki hissed at Luther

"He's not going to kill her, Loki" Erebus appeared behind Luther

"He's not...?" Loki was confused

"I'm not" Luther sighed

"But I can't blame you for thinking that" Luther sinfully smiled

"Then why are you here?" Ivery asked him again

"I'm bored" Luther bluntly answered

"You're bored...so you decided to come here?" Loki was highly suspicious of Luther's real intentions, since he's unable to read the minds of Infinite attribute holders, he couldn't tell what Luther was thinking

"Yes" Luther glanced at Loki, that single glance making Loki's hair stand up at all ends

"This place isn't as dirty and disgusting as I've heard, I guess those were just rumors after all" Luther looked around the room and it was spotless, not a speck of dirt or dust anywhere to be seen anywhere, the air was highly refreshing and everything was neat and looked as if it was cleaned and polished on a daily basis

"No, this place is more than disgusting.." Ivery frowned

"What do you mean?" Luther asked, he was confused

"Loki" Ivery glanced at Loki and his eyes glowed with a bright light and covered the whole room with a pure golden light

Luther and Erebus were dumbstruck as they looked around the room, stuck in utter disbelief as the room that was just spotless, instantly changed into a dirty and drab room, totally unlivable.

The walls were covered in cracks, the cracks were filled with mold and the floor's were cracked and lifting up as if it could break with the slightest step, pieces of wood were sticking out of the floorboards, and the bedsheets had several stains, the windows were cracked, they were so murky and dirty that you could barely even see the color of the sky.

In every corner of the room, cobwebs could be seen.

Small bugs were crawling up the walls and coming out of the cracks of the floor, and the air smelled of thick mold.

Luther felt it was now suddenly difficult to breathe in the room. He couldn't believe the condition the room was in.

"This is what the room really looks like, Loki just reverted everything back to the way it was when it was freshly made, making everything completely clean and appear as if it was brand new.." Ivery explained with a nonchalant attitude

"I see.." Luther looked around the digusting room

"Someone's coming.." Erebus and Loki said

"One of the maids?" Ivery looked at the door

"Probably" Loki's ears twitched

"Crown prince, you should go..." Ivery said with a serious tone

"Should I be afraid of your maids?" Luther crossed his arms with no intent to leave

Ivery was left with no choice, she walked to the door and opened it. Right in front of her stood the head maid, furiously staring down at Ivery.

Ivery sighed.

The head maid harshly grabbed Ivery by her arm and pulled her out of the room.

Loki hastily followed behind them.

"Where are we going?" Ivery asked

"The basement" The head maid laughed

"The basement?" Ivery didn't like the sound of that

"I don't know what witchcraft you've learned but you'll spend the rest of your miserable life down there!" The head maid pulled Ivery down the stairs

"No thank you.." Ivery pulled her arm out of the head maid's grasp

Ivery ran down the stairs, suddenly getting a sense of deja vu. She ran down to the first floor and stopped, waiting for the head maid to come down the stairs.

As the head maid came down the stairs as quickly as she could and she now stood a few feet away from Ivery.

Loki came down the stairs shortly after and ran over to Ivery and jumped into her arms.

"I've had enough of your deficiency, you worthless child!" The head maid's eyes were filled with anger

Ivery lifted up her hand and instantly sent the head maid flying back into a wall. The head maid struggled to stand up and charged at Ivery with her hand raised.

"Fall.." Once Ivery's voice sounded out, the head maid lost control of her legs and fell flat on her face

"You bastard child!" The head maid lifted her head up with blood spewing out from her nose

"You bastard maid.." Ivery smirked


"What a daring maid.." An alluring voice sounded from the stairs

Ivery looked up and saw Luther standing on the steps. How long was he watching?

Luther gracefully came down the steps and stood by the head maid.

She looked at him with pure confusion, she had never seen this kid before...and she then noticed his attire..

Her eyes widened as she recognized the way he was attired was that of royalty..

Luther coldly glanced at her and suddenly the head maid felt as if a hand had wrapped around her neck, something was choking her....

Ivery and Loki looked at the head maid who seemed as if she was choking, she was clawing at her neck and trying to gasp for air.

Her eyes were bulging out her sockets, tears ran down her cheeks, and her face slowly turned pale.

Luther looked away from the head maid and just as his eyes averted, the thing around her neck released her of its constriction.

As the air entered her lungs, she coughed and her hands touched her neck, a deep purple-tinted bruise handprint was slowly appearing around her neck.

"W-Who are you!?" The head maid shouted

"You dare to speak to me?" Luther looked at the head maid's right hand

With an ear-piercing scream, the head maid's right hand was cleanly sliced off out of nowhere...

Her severed hand fell to the floor and caught on fire, the black fire consumed her severed hand.

"Aaugh!" The head maid rolled on the floor, howling in pain as blood gushed out of her wound

"I've always hated maids" Luther narrowed his eyes down at the head maid

"What just happened?" Ivery asked

"It's another one his powers..." Loki's paw's started sweating

"What is it called?" Ivery whispered

"Specters.." Loki answered

"Specters?" Ivery asked

"Your human eyes aren't able to see them and how terrifying they are..." Loki backed up

"What do you see then?" Ivery whispered

"I-I can't count them all, more of them keep coming out, they're long translucent hands that can stretch to any length, and they're all surrounded by a black mist....I can only sense death from them" Loki hid behind Ivery's leg

"Hm.." Ivery just thought that ability was weird, she couldn't feel the fear Loki felt since she was unable to see it herself

The alarming sounds downstairs alerted the other maids in the castle, five of them came running downstairs and saw the head maid rolling around on the floor, screaming as if she was being murdered.

"So there's more of you..." Luther smiled with evil intentions

"Ivery...he's going to kill them" Loki peaked at Luther who stood in front of the worried maids

"I know.." Ivery didn't need to be told something so obvious

"I wouldn't stop him if I were you" Loki looked up at Ivery

"I'm not going to stop him...they deserve whatever punishment that's coming to them.." Ivery wasn't going to do a single thing, she slightly smiled at the thought

"Then let's just watch the chaos unfold..." Loki intensely looked at Luther


"I'm feeling very generous today, so all six of you will die here, today" Even though Luther was smiling, his eyes were spilling over with murder

"How is that being generous..?" Loki mumbled to himself


"Luther, don't go easy on them" Erebus laughed

"I wasn't going to.." Luther looked down at the head maid who was crying out in pain

He grabbed a handful of her hair and threw her over to the middle of the floor.

The other maids stood in shock, they all wondered who this boy was, then they all came to the same conclusion that this boy needed to be taught a lesson.

"I don't know who you think you are brat, but I'll give you a little discipline to teach you how to respect your superiors!" A young maid walked over to Luther with her hand held high

"You? My superior?" Luther chuckled and grabbed her face with his left hand

"Wha..." The young maid screamed as her face felt as if it was painfully being eaten away

"I don't have many superiors...and you're certainly not one of them..." Luther smirked

Under Luther's hand, her face began to rot, her skin rotted until the bone was seen, her eyes dried up inside of her sockets, her tongue rotted to its root and fell out of her mouth and the rot quickly traveled down her body.

Her fingers fell off one by one, her head was reduced to a skull with greenish-brown dried flesh still clinging onto it.

Her body slowly fell apart, her legs, arms, and torso fell onto the floor, the powerful stench of her decaying body made the rest of the maids gag..

The decayed head in his hand was tossed to the floor carelessly, he looked at the other maids who started to back away from him.

"I'm not doing this anymore! He's insane!" Another young maid ran towards the front door's of the Hollow's Castle

"Did you think I'd let you leave?" Luther's voice sounded like the grim reaper

The young maid found it hard to move and soon was paralyzed by some unknown force, no matter how hard she tried to move...she couldn't.

She could only move her eyes and she saw Luther step in front of her and her heart pounded against her chest, she didn't want to die...she really didn't want to die, if she knew that becoming a maid would result in her death, she wouldn't have become one.

She wished she could turn back time at this moment.

"I don't prefer using this power, but it since this does raise my life span by several years....I'll use it on you too.." Luther stepped closer to her

She wanted to scream and cry. She wanted to run away, this boy was pure evil!


Luther grabbed her neck and his eyes glowed.

The young maid felt weak, she felt as if the life was being sucked out of her...her cheeks started to sink in and her skin began to dry up, her eyes caved in and her hair slowly turned white, her body reduced to the state of a skeleton.

Her skin sticking to her bones, she gasped for air until it was her last breath. Her body collapsed on the floor and her mouth was wide open. Her irises turned cloudy white.

The color drained out of her skin completely, making her look ghostly pale.

"I'm wasting too much time, how about I give a swift death to you three.." Luther lifted up his hand and drew a straight horizontal line in the air with his index finger

In an instant, the heads of the last three maids separated from their bodies and rolled on the floor, blood flowed from their necks and all three bodies fell on the floor, the blood splattered onto the head maid's face, she stared in terror as this boy killed all five of those maids with no hesitation.

"How would you like to die?" Luther looked down at the head maid

"P-Please...don't kill me, without me...how are the children going to live?!" The head maid pleaded, desperate to keep her life

"Maids are like livestock, they can be easily replaced.." Luther smiled

"Forgive me if I have wronged you! I beg you to just spare me!" The head maid cried

"No.." Luther placed his foot on her head

Without a moment's thought, he crushed her head under his foot, blood spilling out of her mouth, and one her eyeballs rolled out of her socket and the other was crushed along with her head and just looking at her flattened head made Ivery gag.

Luther looked at Ivery with his cold purple eyes, and stepped over the head maid's corpse.

"Should I kill you too?" Luther stood in front of Ivery

"Didn't you say you weren't going to?" Ivery narrowed her eyes and answered calmly

"I just changed my mind, so if you want to live...come live with me..." Luther pulled Ivery by her arm and held her in his arms

"Live with you...?" Ivery looked up at his handsome face

"So, what will your decision be?" Luther calmly asked



