
Behind the Barrier

Eric stepped through the barrier to find clean stone walls and polished floors and the smell of old thing. he slowly advanced down the hallway to find him self at a intersection.

"System which way should I go?" Eric asked

System: I don't care witch way you go.

Eric decided to go left, as he continued down the hallway he noticed that the hall way had tons of doors along it.

"What the heck is this place?" Eric wondered



Map the Ancient Labrinth and Find its secret

Reward: Time Freeze spell Scroll , Demon Soul

Failure will result in a very painful death.


System: I really hope you fail this quest you death would wonderful, so don't plan on me helping you.

"Dude what's your problem?" Eric asked

System: 1 you are completely stupid. 2 I don't like you. 3 I have to answer all of your dumb question.

"Is that how you really feel?" Eric demanded

System: yes.

Eric ignored the last comment and continued to explore the Labrinth. to his surprise each door contained a room filled with monster's that guarded a chest. Eric clear a few rooms to check to see what was in the chest, only to find the chest contained a single piece of paper with a strange writing on it .

" System what is this? Eric asked as he held the paper.

System: congratulations it's a piece of paper.

" no really I wouldn't have guessed that." Eric said sarcastically

System: from the look of it, it seems to be a page from a book. so go find the rest of it and then I'll translate it to help your stupidity.

"What the heck man I'm not that stupid." Eric said defensively

System PoV:

My orders from God were to help this kid find emotions and make his life more interesting. but God never specified how to make it interesting so I decided I will try to kill him but every time I try I get blocked and he gets resistances to what ever I try to do to him.

he continued to clear the rooms one by one until he had about 99 pages. from the look of it he needed 1 more page. he continued down the clearing rooms until we came across a giant black door. We tried to open it when a ancient voice said


when the voice faded away the door slowly started to open. Eric for all of his stupidity asked me, "What are the odd we die?" I said only you will die because when you do I will transferred to my next user.

Eric PoV:

"What are the odds we die?" I asked the System

System: only you will die because when you do I will be transferred to my next user.

Eric was flabbergasted as he walked into the room behind the door. at first he saw nothing then he noticed a table with a young girl at it playing memory with a deck of cards. Eric aproched the young girl only to see she was transparent. Eric said, "Hello young miss but do you know what I'm supposed to do here?"

"Yes" was all she said

"Well could you tell me?"

"I could"


"Well what?"

will you tell me?

"Tell you what?"

"What I'm supposed to do to clear the trial?"

"Play a game."


"Play a game with me!"

System: I love this girl you have to ask derect questions for them to be answered.

"What game are we going to play?" Eric asked to the ghost girl

"We shall play memory."


sorry guys I have been sick the past few days I will try to post as soon as I feel better, sorry for the short chapter
