
Where is Kim Taehyung?

It was now 2 agonising days that the young lad was seperated from his life, his family and his world. Brutality and pain had become his friends. The dirt of the of floor had been his bed. The fowl scent of blood had overpowered him. In the room of eternel darkness had layed a naked and dirty boy. He had become a mockery to the proud walls that surrounded him. His body was full of various cuts and bruises.

He had to been used like a toy to fulfill human desires. No-one respected him. They gave up on him, he too gave up on himself.

His once clean beautiful body now looked like trash, some of his hair were on the floor from the contant pulls he had to endure. His face full of bruises, from the way they would slam his head against the wall and on the floor until he would pass out. The sides of his mouth full of cuts, from the contant torture of slaps and how they would force him to please them by giving them oral s*x. His eyes swollen and full of blood from all his cuts, bruises and tears. They would only feed him once in a day and his meal consisted of a slice of bread and water that he wasn't even allowed to drink. The result of that was his weight loss. His was malnutritied, all 33 of his spinal bones could be seen.

Sometimes they would use him as a toilet, urinating all over him like he was worthless. No person deserved to be treated like this.

This was the reality of Tae's situation. At times he wished that he could just die. The two days that he spent there felt like an eternity in hell. They once even tried to take away the only thing keeping him alive and that was his pendent, he would fight for it until they would beat him constantly. Luckily they never took it away.

He had adapt to the nature of calling his kidnappers master. Everytime he would hear the door opening he had to be on his knees with his head bent, if he refused there would beat him to consent.

He prayed every minute, praying for someone to come and rescue him from this torture. Hoping that his hyung and his Kookie would come and save him.

He was crying as he remembered all that he had to endure this past days, until he heard the door opening and footsteps aproaching him.

He used every bit of strenght left in him to get up on his knees and bent his head. His body was full of pain. He stayed in that position waiting for something to happen.


???-"Look at you, kneeing like the pieceless thing that you are. Do you hear me, you worthless boy. Come master is thirsty, you know what to do".

"M...Muster, m....may m..mot is not will afta the laz won". ( Translation: Master my mouth is not well after the last one)

Even his speech was hindered. He couln't make sense of what he was saying, nor could understand him, nor could he understand himself. He just didn't want to go through the pain again.

Slap!! Slap!!

"How dare you say that to me!!!!! You stupid boy". the kidnapper yelled at him.

Tae fell to floor, spitting out the blood that followed the slap.

"Now I have lot my mood, no food for you today, That will be your punishment". Master said before storming out of the room.

Tae cried endlessly, how much was he going to pass through, who on earth did he offend that would result in this kind of treatment.

Please Jungkook come and save him.

The two days without his love was like being stabbed over and over again. Jungkook couldn't do anything in fact he was like a lifeless manicane. His parents had even tried to get him to eat something. He would cry himself to bed day by day. He would even go out driving endlessly looking for Tae. He even went as far as to interrogate random people.

His mental health skyrocketed, his family was shocked at what happened to their son. His mother would cry just by the sight of her son. She would not have expected that this would've happened to him.

Yet again it was another day of trying to get him to eat.

"Jungkook please my son eat something". said Mrs. Jeon with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, how can I eat when I don't even know if my Tae has eaten anything". he replied not even sparing him caring mom a gaze. His eyes dripping with tears.

Just then Lisa entered the room. She was stunned at the sight before, but at the same time she was overjoyed. The person who kidnapped Tae did an amazing job, they just removed an annoying person from her life. She knew well and well that she couldn't show her hapiness in front of the family, so she kept it in, smiling in her heart. This was the perfect chance for her to make her move.

"Jungkook please eat something, we are all worried about you. Tell me what good is it, if Tae comes back and sees you in this state, please you have to be strong for him, so that when he comes back, you can shower with so much happiness that he will even forget what happened to himself."

Jungkook knew that Lisa was saying the truth, he needed to be strong for the both of them. As much as it pained his heart, Tae was the only thing that mattered now, and there was no-way he was going to be able to find him if he was weak.

"Okay I'll eat, but only for my Tae". he said

"Thank you so much Jungkook".

With small bites he ate his food silently, his mom was happy to see him eating,she was glad that Lisa managed to convince him. As much as she really didn't like Lisa, she couldn't stop the reality that they were close, since their childhood days. She decided to leave the two alone.

Seeing Mrs. Jeon leave, Lisa exhaled before speaking:

"Jungkook tell me is there any leads on the case of Tae's kidnapping, has the police released anything yet?"

"Well Hoseok is with them as we speak, he is really trying his best to stay composed, but this is his nephew in question. He hasn't even told his mom about it. Imagine how she would react to it, hearing that her grandchild is missing. Heseok is at his peak, if you think I'm worse, you haven't seen him. he even had nightmares for the past two days. He is taking all the suffering for my sake, puting on his bravest face, while being completely shattered inside. I feel ashamd of myself....With regards to Tae's case the police have found some clues".

"Clues?? What clues?"

Lisa's heart beated fast as she awaited what Jungkook was about to tell her.

Poor Tae.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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