
Wish to not meet him ever again!!!

"I can't marry you." Mo Xingjuan quietly said while lowering her head, she didn't dare to look up.

"Say that again." Tang Hu coldly said and his expressions turned dark and broody.

Did this little lass really think, Tang Hu could really just kiss any other girl?

Many girls wanted to be with him take the example of Shen Manting, Li Li and many more, but he wanted to be with her and now she was showing off by rejecting him again.

She must be asking for an earlier death!

While Mo Xingjuan's thoughts were running in the opposite direction, she wanted to be him, but the Tang Family…

Tang Family was a traditional family, unlike Mo Family. They definitely wanted her to be a household wife who could give birth to a son and stay at home while taking care of him. Even Mo Xingjuan found nothing wrong with it, but she also didn't want to give up on her career. She felt that a girl could handle both family and business.
