
Who are you?

As soon as she woke up a second time she noticed that her body was lying on a comfortable bad and to her left was a head of a person with black messy but fluffy looking hair and so she couldn't take her curiousity and touched the head. First she only touched a few strains of hair and to her surprise it felt even better then she thought.

She keeps stroking the strangers had which she didn't know was awoken the moment he felt her pulse increase. He was dumbfounded how could a girl start stroking a strangers hair and don't stop?

Slowly he raised his head and looked into her eyes and asked the question which hounted him for almost all the time she was here. „Wgo are you?"

„Who I am?" she whispered in a soft tone.

She didn't know how to answer should she tell him the words she used being called since she can remember or should she tell him she didn't know? So she just stared into his beautiful azure colored eyes and told him the truth.

„I don't know I never was allowed to own a name so tell me who am I. And could you please open the windows I would like to see the sun and feel some warmth."

He couldn't understand her statements how can someone not be allowed as less as a name? Why is she asking to see the sun like she never saw it before. He didn't hear the things the doctors discussed with his grandfather but now that he looked closer to her skin he wondered what happened to her to be full of scars and be almost transparent. She gained some colour the last few months and her scars started to fade.

„If you want I will give you a name but for the surname you will have to use mine and become mine." at this moment he decided that he won't leave her alone no matter what even if it means to become her husband and she his wife. „But you have to promise me one thing and this is to never leave me."

„I don't know what it means to be yours but as long you won't hurt and treat me well I won't ever leave you." she whispered and took his hand in hers and so she promised him all of hers which out his knowing.

Her angel just decided to give her some of her mind „Stupid girl he just asked for your hand in marriage. Haha good luck with him and try to ask for books so you cold start your learning." and again she left them alone.

„And your name will be Xu Ai Bo." he told her.

„And my name is Xu Fa Feng and it's nice to meet you."

The girl which just gained a name and something else she didn't understand right now just stared at the man in front of her with a slight smile on her face for a few seconds before she started to cry. Not because of sadness but because of happiness but to the man it looked more like she was upset with him. „Dont you like the name? You can choose your own but please stop crying." to his surprise his heart clenched at every song the girl no woman in front of him gave and he didn't understand why but he started to feel the hole in his started to close and he started to feel like a whole again slowly but surely.

„No don't take it away I want it I'm just happy!" she whispered between sobs.

For a few moments he thought about something and stood there looking at her frame before he took her into his arms and hugged her tightly whispering into her ear sweat nothing's.

But every moment of tranquility and at some point but he didn't think it will be a angry grandpa cursing his family for upsetting the girl.

„You what did you do to her didn't I tell you to be gentle when she wakes up??? Didn't you promised me to be nice?"

grandpa Xu was upset but soon as he saw the two hugging tightly he didn't know what to say untill his grandson talked again.

„Grandpa as soon as possible get me someone to bring us our marriage certificate. Her name is Xu Ai Bo."

„Hehe You bastard didbl you ask her if she wanted to or did you scam her into it?" asked grandpa Xu with a big smile who was he to oppose but he didn't want to wrong the girl yet.

To both their surprise Ai Bo started to talk „I don't know what marriage is but as long as I am allowed to have a name I'm fine." and so she sealed her fate with a man who would have died a lonely life.

I will try to post a chapter daily. BTW hope you like my story :)

LuxSwcreators' thoughts