
The Mental Breakdown.

I now know the procedures my sister told me over the summer "How to be 'Popular'"

1. Don't be a Nerd. (You can just be a chill nerd though)

2. Don't ever try to act tough just be chill.

That's all I remember because all I just tried to focus on my studies over the summe- Ohhhh! Now I see why she was rambling on about me to be cool. First day, now we are moving into first period I have... Algebra 2 Honors and I was puzzled and kinda surprised in a way because... I saw Rosella there surprisingly as the teacher said "To introduce yourself" he called on me saying "Boy with Dark Purple Hair and Cyan eyes come on up!" ... Took a deep breath in and out as I took off my hoodie and walked up said "Salutations! My name is Haiku, age 17, I am 6"3, love playing the Cello, and I hope we all can be friends!". Then, sat right back to my seat and started composing my own music I would want to be a composer one day. Nervously shaking as I noticed and she was looking at me composing my music and said "Hey that's pretty good.." I didn't quite know if she was being sarcastic or actually being nice? I felt great though but people started to look at me and I could feel my palms getting sweaty in the heat of the moment and responded "Thank you." and I was puzzled but started to freak out mentally...

I will try to make this book longer with busy school schedule it's a little hard and I'll try to rush sometimes so if I am really hard working on the next chapter. Because it gets dramatic I'll be likely to be spending more then one day on it! I love my book and plan to go at least 50-60 chapters! Also, try to make it more compelling!

mh_gamerd0creators' thoughts