
Change of plans: 1

After the memorable trading session Arthur became something of a celebrity among the local merchants. He also gained a lot of respect among his traveling companions, enough to be seen as a fellow trader.

During the three months on the ship he'd been looked upon with a mixture of awe and distrust by the other traders. Creating a new market and making a fortune at the same time changed that.

In ten years of trading no one had thought of selling anything but the metal wanted here. That would change when news returned back to Earth. Well, it was only to be expected. Even leaving his old life behind him he was news in the making.

The days took on a routine of their own with Harbend already waiting in Arthur's living room when he woke but never sharing his breakfast. After that they'd go out and Harbend showed him various parts of the city.

This day started no differently and by midmorning they sauntered past a peculiar building displaying an enormous entrance but almost no windows. The first three floors were made of the smooth, white stone Arthur had come to expect, but above that another two wooden stories rose, and he could see they were recently added.

He crossed the street passing nimbly between coaches running in both directions. Coming to the sidewalk Arthur peered across the street to get a better view of the strange building.

"Splendid construction, eh?" Harbend said, coming up to his side.

"You know what it is?"

"Theater. The finest there is. They change the top floors for each play. Something to do with decor, but I would not know. Never been into the business myself. Have you?"

Arthur basked in the thoughts of immersing himself in the fantasies created by an author from another world and didn't listen to Harbend's last question.

"Have you?" he repeated.

"Oh, not really. Yes, in a way, but not with a famous script, or no, that's not entirely true. I've never been part of an ensemble or had a major role in a play if that's what you ask."

Harbend gave him a surprised stare in return. He apparently hadn't expected such an elaborate answer. "I could get us an invitation."

"Yes, yes, that would be wonderful. Thank you, please, if it's possible."

"You do realize you probably shall fail to understand the play?"

"I know. It doesn't matter," Arthur answered, still spellbound by the opportunity of being part of an audience rather than standing in the limelight.
