

The morning of the Year Ending Banquet of Northern Star, Talia was pretty excited and was looking forward for what announcement her grandfather is going to make.

In her excitement, she even agreed to go shopping with Rebecca. Talia was allowed to go out even though it was a sudden plan since there were no threats to her life this time. Talia's guards came with her anyway.

Rebecca took Talia to another plaza. And as they walked around, Rebecca pulled up a lot of gifts for her nieces and nephews and also for her unborn child.

After the toy store, Talia was pulled along for another series of clothing store. Talia rolled her eyes seeing Rebecca buying without any limits.

"Heard of stress shopping? I'm making my stress go away by buying. It's therapeutic! " Rebecca grumbled and Talia just shook her head smiling.

' Therapeutic? I know the actual reason! You're spending Joe's money!'
