
Chapter 16: School Will Be Normal, Right?

Godou opened his eyes, wondering for the thousandth time if he had made a mistake. His acceptance from the day before was ringing in his ears without letting up. He knew that Shirou was being completely reasonable, far more than any of the other Campione would ever be. He was even helping him, without asking for payment of any form. Godou was only gaining benefits, not counting having to deal with the magical side of things.

But it still felt like he had made a massive mistake.

Upon going downstairs for breakfast, Godou took a second to take in the sight of his family at breakfast. The fact that he was going to be the reason that they would be exposed to the magical side of things hammered at his conscience unendingly.

But in the end, it still was the right choice.

Godou left for school, making a stop at Erica's place to wake her up, which was rapidly becoming something that was expected of him, and they continued together to school. Upon reaching their classroom, the sight of Yuri and Illya already in their seats, playing the perfect student act. The sight of the two of them acting like normal honors students unnerved them, since they learned their true natures, or to be more precise, what they thought were their true natures.

Ironically, the way the Yuri and Illya were acting at the moment was closer to their true nature than the perceptions of the Italian mage and the 8th Campione. The way Illya had acted was reminiscent of who she was upon her arrival in this reality, and was reserved for Knight and Martial mages as well as Campione. The exceptions of that list are her "onii-chan", Black Prince Alec, who she treated like a common thief, and John Pluto Smith, who she treated the same way she would treat any cross-dresser, much to Annie Charlton's chagrin and "John's" amusement.

As for the way Yuri acted, it was due a combination of her experiences regarding Campione. She had encountered two before meeting Godou as a Campione, Shirou Emiya and Sasha Dejanstahl Voban. She associated Voban with fear and acts of destruction while she associated Shirou with safety and heroism. Given how fast Doni had taken to being a tyrant, it wouldn't have surprised her if the power had already gone to Godou's head. Due to Godou leaving destruction in his wake, his fault or not, Yuri treated him like she did Voban, in a hostile manner.

The day went on like any other day before had. It wasn't until lunchtime that Godou and Erica were given the chance to confront the two. The two had gone to the rooftop and used a minor deterrent spell. If you had no magic, you would change your mind if you wanted to go to the rooftop, but even amateur magic users would be almost unaffected by it. Godou and Erica barely noticed it.

Upon reaching the rooftop, Erica was the first to confront the two, "just who are you two really?"

Illya and Yuri were in perfect coordination, both with the raised eyebrow and response, ""I don't follow what you mean by that."

Erica followed up, a headache rapidly forming in her head, "what I means is how does it seem like you two have split personalities and what are you two to the 5th Campione?"

Illya briefly laughed at the expression on Erica's face before responding, "we are acting the way one should act toward a pair of people responsible for multiple acts of property destruction. As for who we are to Shirou Emiya, he's my adopted elder brother and Yuri is the daughter of one of the maids who works at the Emiya Estate."

Erica felt a sinking feeling in her stomach. She really couldn't beat Illya in any way! Both magically and politically, their meeting the day before had ended with Illya proving far more successful than she was at both. Influence-wise, Illya was a permanent attachment to the 5th Campione while she was still solidifying her position with Godou.

Godou, meanwhile, was depressed. He couldn't refute the way Illya and Yuri were treating him because they were treating him as he should be treated. Every battle he was a part of always ended after massive property damage, with the latest "victim" being the Roman Colosseum. But he didn't give up hope completely. "Is there any way to change you perception of me?"

"Either start having completely valid reasons for your destruction or stop causing the destruction altogether," was Illya's response.

Upon hearing Illya's response, Godou was filled with hope until he saw the flat look Yuri was giving Illya and what Yuri said next, "you'd just choose a different flaw to capitalize on wouldn't you?"

"What does that mean?" questioned Godou, his heart sinking.

Yuri responded without even moving her gaze from Illya, "aside from her onii-chan, she way she treats Campione is based upon what she views as their main flaw. She treats Voban, Luo Hao, Doni, and yourself like walking disasters, Black Prince Alec as a common thief, and John Pluto Smith as a cross-dresser."

The last caught Godou and Erica's full attention. Both focused on Illya, their shock on full display, ""what in the world?""

Illya looked insulted, "given that John Pluto Smith is in reality a she, I don't see what I'm doing wrong?"

Erica's mouth could only drop and not be raised. The Copper-Black Cross had never even heard of a rumor that hinted anything like that! Given Shirou's perceived friendship with the American Campione and Illya's relation to Shirou, it was likely that Illya was telling the truth. But for not even a rumor to be heard, either the intelligence gathering capabilities of the Copper-Black Cross need work, or it was one well kept secret.

The one who broke the silence was Yuri, "ah, the time, back to class everyone."

Illya and Yuri moved to leave but Godou asked one last question before they left, "wait, before you go, school will be normal, right?"

Yuri and Illya responded jointly, ""define normal,"" before leaving the rooftop behind.
