
A universe jumping foe

The Imparables more powerful than ever sat around in their base very proud of them selves. A purple smoke cloud appeared in the room and out came a man called The Jumper, he wore completely black and purple armour and blocked his face.

"Who are you?" Asked Lee as he rose from his seat.

"The Jumper." He responded in a deep wispy voice, "you wouldn't know me, I'm from another universe."

"And why are you here Jumper." Lee asked.

"To end heroes. By the looks of thing I have found some. This is great I'm glad I've found you i can now plan my attack and remove you from reality permanently."

"End us? permanently? Good luck with that! We are the best." Shouted Jay as he stood up from the large light blue sofa in the corner of the room.

"Ending you will be simple in due time, I've held my own against many teams, there is only one that I have not yet killed and they are the Curators but they'll be done soon, I only just met them. But soon you will also be done." The Jumper said as he entered his cloud and that then vanished.

"Wow. He either hasn't killed many or just doesn't remember who he has killed, and we won't be next nor will these Curators I'm sure." Said Tom with great confidence. The Imparables all looked at each other and decided that they should branch out to other universes like The Jumper but instead of causing harm, they would help new heroes protect their reality.
