
Chapter 14: Shib sa ♡


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

His winged eyeliner was on point so he smiled at himself in the mirror before applying some melon-tasting chapstick and hurrying to his bedroom in order to dress his outfit. It felt good to make himself pretty for his boyfriend, especially that he knew Jungkook was very observant of every little detail, so he made sure he looked perfect before heading outside the building where he waited a few minutes for the familiar car to pull over. He almost ran towards it because November mornings were cold in Seoul and he grinned when his boyfriend let go of the wheel in order to lean closer and press a loving kiss on his lips.

"Good morning, baby!" The tattoo artist whispered as soon as they parted and licked his lips, curious about the flavour of the other's lips.

"Morning!" Jimin sounded enthusiastic so the man took a few more seconds to study his figure, admiring the way his baby dolled up for their date.

"You look so pretty, kitten." An almost imperceptible pink spread all over chubby cheeks as their owner whispered a shy "thank you" so he smiled at the adorable image before starting the car. He has never attended a book festival so he was curious about it, especially that he knew how much it meant for the student.

It took them a little over an hour to reach the place where the event took place and once they did, the elder's eyes widened in surprise because it was nothing like he imagined it. There were countless huge tents aligned all over the green space and he could spot tables filled with books and rows of people who were waiting patiently to get their acquisitions signed by their favourite authors. The whole thing gave an indie vibe that made him feel comfortable so he offered Jimin his hand in order to keep it warm right after they exited the car.

"What do you want to do first?"

"Shin Kyung-sook will be here around noon; can we look around until then?" Jungkook was willing to do whatever made him happy so they entered the first tents where they spent more than an hour just looking through the books that were put on display. Jimin had a bag filled with books by the time the lines for his favourite author began forming and the other offered to carry it, surprised by how heavy it was. "I can't wait to meet her." He whispered and grasped on the book he wanted signed tighter.

"Do you enjoy her work so much?" The pink-haired boy nodded enthusiastically and began babbling about his favourite things about her writing, his eyes sparkling as he went. "I'm sorry."

"What for?"

"You came here for my sake, you're not having fun." Jimin smiled sadly and pulled on his sleeves in order to completely cover his wrists. "I shouldn't have insisted."

"Min, I wouldn't have accepted to come if I wouldn't have wanted to. It's not necessarily my scene but I'm enjoying it." Jungkook wrapped his arms around the smaller body and pulled him closer, his hands rubbing circles onto his back in order to warm him up. "I was curious."

"I wish everyone would have a Jungkookie." The pink-haired boy whispered against his neck.

"I don't think Jungkookie is all that great." The man teased and received a playful swat on his chest.

"Jungkookie is the best." He protested and raised on his tiptoes to press a quick peck on soft lips. "You make me really happy."

The tattoo artist offered to go and buy hot chocolate with rainbow sprinkles and came back to find his boyfriend almost hyperventilating because of the excitement he was feeling. It was the cutest thing to witness so Jungkook couldn't wipe the bunny grin off his face. The whole experience has caused for his insides to melt so when they reached the bistro they chose for lunch he continued to smile like a love-sick puppy, realising he would probably never get tired of the boy sitting in front of him.

"Is the party still happening?" Jimin asked shyly and sipped on his tea, enjoying the way the cup was warming his button nose. They were supposed to meet at Yoongi and Hoseok's place in order to play board games later that day and the younger boy was delighted with the idea, knowing it was probably something they all took in consideration for his little side.

"Of course it is. Hobi is out shopping for goodies right now. I told him to buy caramel popcorn." That was Jimin's favourite so the latter giggled and cupped his face with both hands. "It's all fun and games until Yoongi will begin to lose money while playing Monopoly."

It was a funny concept so the pink-haired boy was enthusiastic to see everything with his own eyes, knowing their date couldn't end better. The lunch turned out to be as fun as they both imagined and they decided to spend the afternoon walking through the park even if the air progressively got colder. Their cheeks were rosy as they enjoyed their never-ending conversation and the younger was pointing at squirrels from time to time, fascinated by the little animals that seemed to still prepare themselves for the cold season.

"How is the therapy going? It completely slipped my mind." The innocent question caused for the boy to feel a shiver running down his spine at the realisation that he needed to be dishonest once again. He had no idea how the therapy was.

"Okay, I guess." Jungkook understood he didn't want to talk about it as soon as he changed the subject and decided it was probably because they weren't in the right mood for his boyfriend to talk about such personal matters. He always encouraged Jimin to open up to him but there was a huge difference between pushing him and offering him the time to decide. He didn't want to obtain information and then have the other regret sharing so much.

It was around six in the afternoon when they reached the modest building where their friends were waiting for them and as soon as they stepped inside the flat a sweet smell filled their nostrils.

"Minnie!" Hoseok's hug was barely allowing the called one to breathe but caused for a huge smile to make its appearance. "Please tell me you'll help me ice the cupcakes."

"Okay." He replied without thinking, not having the time to question why they were having cupcakes in the first place. He followed his friend in the kitchen where Yoongi was smoking a cigarette next to the window, his sleeveless shirt putting all the art on his arms on display. He smiled at the both of them and Jimin waved shyly, unaware of how he was supposed to greet the elder and happy that hands rested on his shoulders as an encouragement.

The doms grabbed two beers and headed to the living room so the others grabbed everything they needed to decorate the desserts. It was a fun atmosphere because dance music was playing in the background and the redhead was moving his backside accordingly to the rhythm, allowing Jimin to relax and want to do the same.

"I thought about drawing cute things on them." Hobi confessed and offered his friend the blue icing and a naked cupcake. The pink-haired boy felt himself slipping further into headspace with each passing moment, cracking jokes with his friend and trying to create pretty decorations. His pictures were looking somewhat sloppy but he had a favourite and that was of a colourful butterfly he decided to offer to Jungkook as soon as they were going to finish their task.

"Thank you for inviting me." His whisper of gratitude was barely audible so Hoseok immediately abandoned what he was doing and looked him in the eyes.

"You don't have to thank us. We wanted to hang out together and I've talked to Gguk and Yoongi about how we would like you to feel safe when you're with us." It was clear what he was referring to and the little could only grin widely because of the appreciation he was feeling towards the couple. It was sweet of them and he knew he wasn't far away from allowing himself to slip around them because he never felt malice towards the way he chose to manifest his submissive side and Jungkook was going to be beside him.

The only person who was intimidating him so far was Yoongi but he was aware that the feeling was irrational and that the elder cared for him and his boyfriend's well-being. The tattoo artists were talking about something that sounded work-related when they joined them and Jimin grabbed the butterfly cupcake off the tray Hoseok was carrying. He slowly walked to the couch and shyly offered it to Jungkook who immediately took it from his little hand, curious about it. A signature bunny grin tugged at his lips and tugged on the boy's fingers so he would lean and their mouths could meet for a brief peck.

"Thank you, it's beautiful." It really was so he grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of it before turning to show it to Yoongi. His hyung hummed in approval and smiled at Jimin sincerely, managing to chase the uneasiness the student was feeling away. "Should I eat it, though?"

"After we have dinner." Hobi chastised and grabbed a beer can for himself. "Minnie?" He didn't want to drink alcohol so he shook his head and took a seat next to Jungkook, the latter safely placing the cupcake on the coffee table in front of them. The need for feeling little was bubbling inside of him and his dom probably sensed it because his thumb began rubbing small circles onto the side of his neck lovingly.

"Should we start with Jenga or Monopoly?" Yoongi asked and Jimin flinched at the suggestions as he was clearly craving the second option.

"Monopoly." He whispered, his lips brushing hid boyfriend's shoulder as he spoke.

"Min and I vote Monopoly." Jungkook said casually and turned to press a loving kiss on his forehead. It has been decided so the teal-haired man announced he was going to grab the box without a protest; cinnamon eyes followed as his hand was engulfed into a much bigger one and then moved to the butterfly cupcake which he was so proud of. Hoseok placed a glass of juice with a curly orange straw in front of him and as soon as he spotted it he rested his head on his boyfriend's shoulder, not sure about what he was supposed to do.

"Kookie?" The name came out like a plea so the man turned so their eyes could meet.

"Yes, sweetheart." The pet name was all Jimin needed to decide so he didn't reply, his lips parting slightly. He knew Jungkook sensed what was going on as soon as an arm pulled him closer. "Is my sweet boy feeling little?" He nodded shyly and found himself gulping, as if he was waiting to be scolded.

"A bit."

"It's okay, I'm right here with you." The tattoo artist nuzzled his cheek before kissing it. Their exchange ended just in time for Yoongi to come back with a huge colourful box he placed on the bigger table they were going to use and for the doorbell to ring.

"Must be Namjoon." The teal-haired man announced and headed to the front door.

"Namjoon?" Jimin asked and felt his fingers being squeezed for a few seconds. He didn't want to come off as rude but he would have wanted to spend the evening surrounded by friends and friends alone and his boyfriend's new colleague was not on his list. Everyone seemed to like the tall man so he decided he could try to get to know him better even if he was still a bit upset because of the change of plans.

Namjoon came bearing take-out so they all greeted him before dinner was served in the kitchen, everyone soon lost in small talk. Jungkook seemed to glow while talking to his hyungs but he never left the little's side, their bodies always somehow connected.

"I've heard you're a literature student, Jimin." The purple-haired boy was smiling and his dimples were put on display. "That's so cool, I majored in philosophy." The information took the one he was talking to by surprise so a little gasp could be heard inside the room.

"But you got into tats and forgot about education." Yoongi deadpanned and everyone chuckled.

"I was thinking about trying my hand at teaching." It sounded interesting and Jimin believed such a young teacher would be easier to follow and relate to so he timidly spoke his mind, feeling a hand resting on his lower back. "Thanks."

They were all very different but they clicked so the time went by pleasantly, the game soon starting. Namjoon was mostly confused and that was the main reason why Jimin came to be fond of him but he still couldn't stop what he felt into the pit of his stomach whenever he saw how Jungkook was glowing when interacting with the elder. It was not jealousy per se, it was something even more bothering – a reminder of everything he couldn't be. It got worse with every inside joke and friendly remark so he found himself irritated whenever he would hear Namjoon's laughter.

He had no idea how but even sitting on Jungkook's lap he was still feeling like an outsider and the thought hurt him. There was nothing he could do to captivate his boyfriend's attention so he felt alone, every second pushing him towards the peak. He tried to relax when they were asked to go and take care of the popcorn because he had a few minutes away from the others and as he expected Jungkook wanted to use them for making out. He found himself pushed against the wooden kitchen counter as beer-tasting lips were searching for his and he couldn't help but moan when hands began fondling his backside. His boyfriend began peppering kisses all over his cheeks, making him giggle because they didn't even grabbed the popcorn bags they were supposed to prepare.

"We should do –" Another peck on his lips. "The popcorn, Daddy." He giggled again and tried to pull away only to be playfully forced back into a bear hug.

"Let me get my sugar first." Jungkook pursed his lips so the student could tiptoe and kiss them. It was the most comforting type of break and Jimin would have wanted to lock the door and never go back to the party because he was finally feeling closeness. "Okay, let's go and do what we have to do." It sounded so dramatic that the pink-haired boy chuckled cutely as he let himself guided to the microwave.

The popcorn was popping when covered arms wrapped around a tiny waist so another hug would be initiated, this one more tender than the one before.

"Are you okay?" It was sweet how Jungkook was always taking his well-being in consideration; he nodded and buried his face into the grey shirt in front of him. A sound kiss was placed on top of his head so he smiled against the material. "Sleep at my place tonight?"

"Please." He wanted nothing more but to fall asleep feeling safe. The second bag of popcorn was popping and they were still fooling around when the door opened so the younger froze, hoping whoever was it was going to leave them alone.

"Jungkook, could you –" It was Namjoon and the voice irritated him beyond reason so he found himself turning around and throwing the meanest glare he could manage.

"No." Jimin's harsh word fell flat and the tension between them could have been cut with a knife but Jungkook didn't let go of his body, not even when the elder began to stutter.

"I- I'm sorry, I'll – uhm, wait for you to finish." The purple-haired tattoo artist's apology came out with a mix of embarrassment and regret so Jimin began feeling terrible for acting the way he did. It was like every little thing that bothered him summed up and leaded to that point where he decided to act irrationally towards someone who acted impeccably all night.

The door closed and he felt his boyfriend tear himself from their embrace, a frown obvious on his face.

"What was that?" He didn't necessarily want to talk about it so he looked at his socks but as he expected, Jungkook didn't let it slide. "I'm talking to you, Jimin." He was feeling like a child that was scolded but he still didn't reply. "Okay, we will stay here until you decide to talk."

The silence only made it worse so Jimin furrowed his brows, his hands fisting at the hem of his own shirt. In those moments he hated Namjoon for ruining their mood and he realised how unreasonable that was because he was the one who crossed the line.

"I wanted you to stay with me." As soon as their eyes met he saw how chocolate orbs softened because of the revelation.

"That doesn't mean you can act rudely towards Namjoon-hyung. He is our guest and –"

"Then why don't you just go to him and leave me alone?" The question was born from frustration and it came out a lot louder than he intended – probably loud enough for everyone in the living room to hear it if they were paying attention. Jimin ran his fingers through his hair and flinched when the microwave announced the popcorn was done with an obnoxious "ping".

"What does that mean?" Cinnamon eyes became glistening as their owner grabbed the snacks. He wanted to exit the room and forget that conversation ever existed but the tattoo artist had other plans so he was pulled back with determination. "Jimin, we're not done talking."

"I don't want to talk anymore." A hiccup betrayed his state of mind so Jungkook sighed and pulled him into a hug that was not initially accepted, small hands trying to futilely push the man in front of him. "Let go of me –"

"Hush now." The tattoo artist whispered and felt the little body losing its force as he held on. "You can throw as many tantrums as you want but we're not going to leave this room without talking things through." Jimin sniffled at the words and stopped his every motion, allowing his boyfriend to tighten the embrace. It was the cathartic type of crying, silent but filled with unspoken emotions so Jungkook didn't push it, patiently waiting for the sobs to subside. "That's it, little one." He stretched to grab a napkin and gently cleaned the boy's face before kissing his lips gently.

"I'm s-sorry, Daddy."

"I know. My kitten is not like this." Jimin nodded and sniffled again, his eyes still casted downwards. "Now tell me why you have been so mean to Namjoonie-hyung." A plump lower lip began wobbling at the reminder so Jungkook intertwined their fingers and kissed his forehead.

"You like him." The boy explained and gulped, feeling hopeless. "And I will – I will never be as interesting as he is. He's smart and –" Doe eyes widened in disbelief.

"Are you jealous?" The tattoo artist's jaw fell as soon as he realised that what he suspected was true. "Min, there is nothing going on between Namjoon and I and there will never be. I'm in love with you, silly boy." Their mouths met briefly and soft thumbs began brushing rosy cheeks. "I can't believe that's what got you so distressed."

Jimin initiated another hurried chaste kiss.

"I love you." Jungkook whispered against his lips. "Not Namjoon-hyung, not anyone else but you. Okay?" The student nodded and smiled faintly before asking if his make-up was a mess. His eyeliner managed to remain impeccable so soon they joined their friends with the promise that they will talk more about it later.

Namjoon was trying to act like nothing happened but their interactions became awkward so Jungkook interrupted the game in order to make a statement:

"Hyung, Jiminie has something to tell you." The pink haired boy nodded and smiled shyly when his boyfriend pulled him onto his lap.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you, I hope you can forgive me."

The apology was accepted and everything proceeded naturally until they decided to call it a night. It was past midnight when they parted and Jimin almost fell asleep on the way to the other's flat, his drowsiness disappearing when the tattoo artist tried to gather him in his arms and carry him. He refused, feeling his cheeks burning under the taxi driver's intimidating stare but exhaled in relief as soon as they entered the safe space he could begin to call "home".

"Are you sleepy, baby?" He shook his head at the question so they headed to the shower where they decided to save some water. The space was incredibly tight for two people so they could barely move and that had them both laughing their heads off because Jungkook couldn't stop joking around. Jimin was feeling squeaky clean and he couldn't stop yawning when his boyfriend began to dry his body with a fluffy towel, careful not to be too rough and redden the snow-like skin. "I've got something for you."

It took less than a minute for the man to come back with a hooded towel. It was light yellow and the hoodie was representing the head of a duck so Jimin squeaked in delight and put it on, happy to be covered by something so big.

"Thank you." He whispered and kissed Jungkook's cheek lovingly.

"You're welcome, sweets."

The pink-haired boy hurried to snuggle under the flower-smelling sheets and patiently waited for his boyfriend to enter the bedroom holding two glasses of orange juice. He greedily sipped on his share and placed the rest on the nightstand before dramatically falling on the too-many pillows.

"Let's talk."

"Do we really have to?" Jimin jokingly asked and the elder joined him on the bed, his whole body leaning towards his so their lips could meet shortly.

"Yes we do, brat." The boy giggled at the name and snuggled closer to the other, so his head could rest on top of his chest. "Tell me about Namjoon-hyung."

"What about him?"

"Jimin." It sounded like a warning so the called one smiled and looked up at his lover. It took him quite some time to formulate what he wanted to say and he appreciated the patience from the other end.

"I've never seen you so fascinated with someone before." It was the best he could explain because he didn't want to go deeper and share how inferior he felt whenever Namjoon captured his boyfriend's attention like that. Jungkook hummed and his hand slid under the covers so it could slowly caress an arched back.

"I admire Namjoon in the same way I admire Yoongi. I look up to him because he's been brave enough to follow his dream and live abroad." Jimin wished the explanation would cause for his insecurities to evaporate but he has lived long enough to know that was not how his life worked. "There is nothing Namjoon-hyung has and you don't."

"I'm sorry." The tiny whisper made Junkook coo at the adorableness.

"I know." A few moments passed in silence so Jimin closed his eyes and allowed himself to listen to his boyfriend's calming heartbeat. "I would never be dishonest to you, kitten. I would never go behind your back." No answer could be heard but the tattoo artist simply knew how hard his baby was thinking. "Beside that, Namjoon-hyung already has someone he's interested in."

Jimin's eyes snapped open in surprise.


"Yeah." Jungkook kissed the top of his head. "His high school sweetheart who is now a model." It sounded like a romcom so the younger giggled and rubbed his face sleepily.

"So he won't steal you away from me?"

"I promise he will not." The elder cringed at the thought. They were obviously facing a lot of difficulties and they all resulted because of the same thing: they were lacking communication. Jimin was insecure about their relationship and it was normal because they endured a lot of ups and downs but he hoped there would come a day in which feelings wouldn't be hidden from him.

"Daddy..." The voice that was calling him was somewhat raspy. "I haven't gone to therapy."

Anyone's first instinct would have been to get mad, annoyed even but Jungkook knew better so he reminded himself of what a hard time Jimin had whenever he was trying to speak his mind. It was like his thoughts were tangled and he had to work in order to present them properly to the other speaker.


"It's a stranger, I – I don't think I want to. It's scary." He was babbling and because of that, the tattoo artist comprehended what kind of complicated emotions were bothering him. "I'm sorry for hiding this from you." He expected Jungkook to be upset, to scold him, punish him.

"There is just one thing I want you to understand." The elder whispered and ran his fingers through cotton-candy hair. "I don't want lies to tear us apart." Jimin's heart began booming inside his chest, the pulse deafening. "I know it's sometimes scary to say to the truth but I want you to trust me that I won't be upset when you tell me these things. Has Daddy ever snapped at you when you told me the truth?"

The boy flinched as he remembered that particular night and those words that still spun inside his head during sleepless nights. Cut that shit.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook whispered and cradled his head. "We need to learn to trust each other again."

"I know."

"Do you want Daddy to come with you to therapy?" That was a proposal he needed some time to think about but he suspected he was going to accept, the idea of his boyfriend staying by his side while he was wearing his heart on his sleeve making him feel at ease. It didn't last long until they felt sleepiness taking over their bodies so they said their good nights and moved so Jungkook was the big spoon before closing their eyes and completely forgetting about the world.


(ღ꒡ ᵌ꒡)⋆﹡♡⃛*⁎⋆(꒡ᵋ ꒡ღ) Thank you so so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you didn't see it coming because I like to surprise you ~ I also hope you're not bored with this story because I have many more ideas so the end is nowhere near. I guess this work is my guilty pleasure >.< I hope you'll have an amazing week and that you'll take care of yourself! Don't forget to wear comfy clothes, have warm drinks and spoil yourself from time to time because you deserve it! Good luck at everything you're working on! x
