
Intermission (2)

Jiang Li's face was dark as he looked through his interface.

"It's really just fifty points? What is the maximum that one could get for completing a trial mission?"

The childish being answered hesitantly, in a voice only a bit more audible than a mosquito's, '... A hundred."

Black lines appeared on his forehead. The redness in his eyes made the system thank the mighty Creator for not creating a tangible body for it. Terrified by his stares, the child-like voice stuttered out,

"H-host, s-sorry. I forgot to say. Actually, there are several ways to ensure the safety of the targets. One of them is, is to make them fall in love with you and then guard them for a lifetime as their spouse. But of course, there's no problem with your approach on the last mission! Definitely! I even think that you did brilliantly...."

"Hmmm?" The crimson glow from his eyes seemed to have intensified even though there was a slight smile on the man's lips as he tilted his head to his right side.

After thanking the Creator for not giving him a mortal body, the system braved to continue.

"I-It's just that you not only forcibly made the plot start way earlier to the point that there is practically no affection between the two leads, but you also forgot to ensure that there will be no more interaction between her and the male lead. The target's original soul judged that you did not fully counterattack for her. The real person who made her drop out of the university was still on the loose..."

Jiang Li lowered his head as if he was reflecting on something. The image of a violet-wigged weirdo crossed his mind.

He chose not to comment on Cao Hua.

How would he know that he still actually had to do something about that one even though she had no longer influenced Xie Na after they broke ties with each other?

About ensuring that there would be no more interaction between her and the male lead...

He went silent for some time before admitting,

"... You're right. The prospect of leaving that world made me so excited. I forgot to have those two locked up in a mental asylum where they can be as lovey-dovey as they want. F*ck, the term is making me vomit. But you make sense that no matter how small it is, the possibility of that woman falling for a semi-retarded male lead still exists. Fine. Next time. I know now what to do."

'Specifically, know what again?'

The system became speechless at him, not knowing whether he was being sarcastic or not. It wanted to clarify that he should focus on the first suggestion it had hinted, but Jiang Li had already spoken before it could raise the matter.

"How about that trial, whatever? You also didn't mention anything about it to me. Are you indirectly saying that the first mission is actually just practice material?" The man frowned again.

"Actually, yes. In that world, I only told you your mission target. There are no restrictions or rules. You're free to complete the goal however you want. However, the next world will be different. The bodies you will possess will no longer be as convenient as the last one. In order to use or take over an identity, you must fulfill that person's wish within the set time frame."

Jiang Li took his time to digest the information.

Basically, it was telling him that Xie Na's world was really very easy since the soul of the Jiang Li of that world did not demand anything from him and allowed him to do as he wished.

There was also no time limit. While he disliked being thrown to when the plot had yet to start, it worked way too much for his advantage since even if Zhu Li kicked Xie Na out of the university, he could interfere and make sure she didn't end up as a factory worker at the Cheng's owned factory.

'... It seems I've never been really smart. To think I never consider these obvious points.'

The man felt regretful about the additional points he would have gained. His ultimate goal seemed to have become farther than it should be.

After getting angry at himself for a few seconds, he tried to collect his cool.

Jiang Li then shrugged and said,

"Whatever. What's done is done. There's always a next time to do better. Thanks for the information. I appreciate all your help. Send me now to the next mission world. And remember only to contact me once the mission is over."

He heard a buzzing sound coming from nowhere in particular. That must be the system agreeing to his request.

An unending stream of darkness then consumed his field of vision.

But unlike the darkness within that special place in the void, the one currently engulfing him made his brain really blank. His senses also seemed to be turned off.

All he could think and perceive was darkness. The feeling was not really nice.

Jiang Li felt like that time, he couldn't even remember that his name was Jiang Li...



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Arc 2, next chap

FallenBluecreators' thoughts