

"Madam, there is a letter addressed to you." The housekeeper said the next morning when she caught Zhao Lifei walking down the large, double staircase leading to the entrance. She was dressed plainly, and even so, the clothes didn't do her beauty justice.

"It appears to be from Matriarch Ge Yafan." The housekeeper added on when Zhao Lifei gingerly took the crisp white envelope. There was a vintage wax seal upon it, with the symbol of "Ge." 

Opening the letter, Zhao Lifei found herself faced with a maroon-colored invitation rimmed with shimmery silver. Her eyebrows raised at each sentence:

'Sweet child,

Do younglings even send letters these days? Well, nevermind that response, I still enjoy sending out letters like this. I would love to formally invite you to a small banquet on Saturday afternoon. It would bring me the greatest happiness if you could come. You do not have to respond to this invitation or RSVP. 

With warm regards,

Ge Yafan'
