
A Hypocrite

Zhao Lifei felt her heart melt at his voice, which was so tiny and meek, like a terrified child. She felt her heart prickle at his behavior. Her brain chastised her for going so far, and her heart screamed to comfort him and ease his fears.

"Will you do it again?" She quietly asked, rubbing circles on his large and rough hands. Immediately, his fingers grabbed hers, completely entwining the fingers together, so that they were holding hands. Her heart skipped a beat at his action, a tiny smile on her face.

"I can't promise you a definite no, but I will try my hardest to be lenient." He snuggled his head on her shoulder, breathing in her lovely smell. It clouded his brain, the soft Jasmine scent teasing him.

She was quiet for a moment which prompted him to give her a squeeze.

"Are you still mad at me?" She asked him to which he shook his head.

