
Admiral -Kunnka

Chapter 47

Even Coulson s knowing that it's his first time to see a real-life Kraken, he is so calm about it. He just said to me with a calm tone…

Coulson: there's a bit more problematic than you think. It's not just one Kraken we have discovered. This picture (he pointed on of Kraken picture) we found it on the shoreline in Santa Barbara California. And this one…

Before he finished his sentence, I interrupted him.

Me: wait! Just stop for a sec... you mean that there's a lot of them? How could that happen? That's impossible?!

Coulson: the sources are strong this time so we are very sure that this information. We even use our agent to compromise the three areas right now.

Me: when did it happen? And now where's the other two?

Coulson: just yesterday and for the two, one is in the Weigo island Indonesia and the last one is in Rikozentakata Japan. That's all we found so far. Also, we found interesting if you know a thing, it's still unknown to us.

I look closely at the picture and I found something different on the Krakens photo.

Liza: is something wrong sweetie?

Me: yeah… tell me how big is it, sir?

Coulson: mm… where is it (while finding a file) uhh… somewhat around 24 meters wide and the length is still not confirmed. What's the matter?

Me: it's just a that… I way too small sir. The Kraken on the island is somewhat if I estimate around 150 meters wide. Moreover, what is the weird thing is that the Kraken on the island is already dead.

Liza: I see that is why you are shocked to know that it's still alive. Let's see, based on what you've described the Kraken. There's a possibility that they are just hatchlings, isn't it?

After hearing what my mother just said, Coulson stand up and ready to leave the house. He said to me…

Coulson: it seems we got the answer, then I shall take my leave. Oh… and also thank you for your information, Ken. (he raise his hand to make a handshake with me)

I also respond to him by handshake his hands with a smile.

Me: no problem… then good luck in your mission Agent Coulson.

Coulson left the house, and I lock the door. My mom is waiting on the sofa while reading the files. I walk into her and said.

Me: you should get some sleep mom. You've just got finished your work. Leave all the mess to me I will clean that up later.

Liza: kay…(with a tired voice)

*click* (door closes)

While I just looking at the other photo except the only one that gathers my attention. There's one thing that the photo shows a big transparent ship in the middle of nowhere. If you are a player in DOTA not just know it but also surprised by it, just one look of the picture given by agent Coulson.

I don't know why would he give this photo and leave it here, maybe just because my mom is also an agent of the same organization so he may trust to leave it here. There's one thing you should know that it's better to keep your mouth shut up because it may cause more trouble.

Me: tsk.. (I click my tongue) so that's where you are… the Ghost Ship of Admiral Kunkka.

Kunnka is one of the playable melee type heroes of DOTA. There are two main subdivisions of attacks: melee and ranged. Melee heroes attacks hit instantly upon reaching their attack point while Ranged heroes fire a projectile when they attack.

Each heroes have 4 skill sets, the first skill kunnka's using called Torrent, second skill is Tidebringer, third is X Marks on the Spots, and lastly, the special skill of Kunnka/The Admiral is Ghostship.

In that picture shows that he's at the top of his ghost ship. I don't know the SHIELD got that picture, either they sacrifice someone or they have a super satellite that monitoring the whole world. Well, since they called themselves as protectors of earth I'm kind of jealous of their technology right now.


Chapter 47 continuation...

At the SHIELD base...

Coulson is on his way to his own office briskly, then he leaned on the chair sighing. He seemed too distressed on something unexplainable thing that even his informant Ken, can't even give single one useful information regarding to the monsters.


The telephone echoed to his room and made Coulson awake from his trance. He picks up the telephone since he knew that only capable person who's able to ring from that telephone.

"Hello, Agent Phil Coulson speaking, what can I do for you" he talks not too high and not too low tp able to hear from the other side.

"Coulson, got any information regarding it?" A low pitch voice came out from the other side of the phone.

"Nothing helpful Director Fury, I only know the one of new subject names because our guy just suddenly mumble it. He said its name is Admiral Kunnka, he said it secretly when I leave the apartment" Coulson said with a bit of regret. He expected that he may able to come up with some information but he came up nothing at all.

"Admiral Kunnka? Have done some data check who is that guy?" Fury said with a calm tone.

"We got nothing on database, sir, even related to the name there's nothing at all, for me he's..." Coulson didn't continue talking.

"I see, that's fine Coulson. Inform me if there's important information such as solving those monsters. I would not keep them in our backyard for too long, we need to wipe them out before its too late." Fury said to him.

"Got it, sir!" They ended the call immediately.

"Ahh, right I forgot to tell her about her new mission." He took the phone on his side call, someone.

"Agent Liza? Hey, there's a new mission coming from director fury, I just almost forgot his order last week" Coulson apologetically said to her. Coulson may head off some agents be is careful and good to them whenever he trusts somebody especially my mom, who's working with him for a few years and became best buds.

"No don't worry about it, you seem to be stressed these days that you forget the orders from Director, we are always at base and you even visited me just a moment ago? So, what's the mission are you talking to?" Mom told Coulson.

"Haha, don't worry about me" he only chucked awkwardly since he just forgot about it. He continues to talk and said "He wants to you in," he said to her with a very serious face like it's giving to an A rank adventurer in an S rank quest.

"I see, it's time huh?" She didn't ask anything about the mission, she already know what it is. All she had to do is embrace and give her best so she will come back alive in piece. She continues to speak and said "My son will be mad if he knows I would do this kind of mission. He still young Coulson, if anything happens... please take care of him!" She said showing a painful face.

"I'll do my best Liz! And take care of your self always... Godspeed!" He said before the line was cut off. Afterward, Coulson took his new private collection from the cabinet while smiling happily.

A.N. yes that's right folks, in the next two chapters will be the first phase of MCU. But still, I'm confused what will I do if those big character will merge in this story. But well, I will finish this story of mine.
