
Chapter 32

"Why, why son. Why did you let us die." Said Hizashi's father as he angrily at his son. "No I can explain" I tried say but before I could I was cut off by my mother. "None of this would have happened if you hadn't insisted on wanting to be a ninja. This is all your fault." She shrieked as she slowly transformed into a demonic figure. My father also turned into demonic creature.

"You made us into this, repent repent repent." They both shrieked at the same time before dispersing into ash gray smoke. Then came a person who looked just like me. It would not be wrong to say that he was my doppelgänger or twin. The difference between him and I were that his sclera was black and they pupil as well as the iris was red.

If you stare at the doppelgänger's eyes long enough you would notice that the red part of his eyes were spiralling similar to that of a whirlpool, almost as if the eyes were spiralling in madness.

"This is all your fault, repent for your actions against our family." Said the doppelgänger. I did nit answer as I was grieving silently. "You are trash, even beasts know how to feel proper filial piety. Let me out and I will help you... no help us repent for our actions. Let me out and mourn for the loss of our family." I did not answer, I was too busy mourning and crying at a corner of the dark place.

"Let the world know our pain, make them suffer for what they did to us. They took our family away from us, make them feel the same pain. Torture every last one if them." Barked the doppelgänger, I did not answer but I slowly got up. "Excellent, let me out, let them know our pain. How dare they torture us, make them suffer. Let them know our wrath." Cried out the doppelgänger as he saw me walk towards him.

I did not say anything, I cried and cried while I slowly walked towards him, to be more accurate limped towards him. It was not that I was toward nor was the injuries from my battle affecting me but it was the sadness. The pain that just won't go away. I was silent all this time as my doppelgänger kept on talking.

I held my arms out to hug him and said to him "Everything will be alright if I just kept it all inside and not let out." I said that to him because I felt a connection to him that I did not feel with others. He however pushed me away and disappeared into smoke.


Inside The Hospital Room

"Oh, baby yeah yeah yeah. more." Shouted out someone. "Oh be quiet you" Said someone else. I immediately thought of something but put that in the back of my head, after all people just don't do that on the floor of a hospital, right?

"Yes baby yes, right there." Shouted out what appeared to be female voice. "Oh don't be so loud, they might hear." A male voice said.

Oh who am kidding? they are definitely doing 'it'. What should I do, what is the next best course of action. Should I join them...

Jesus what the fuck do you think your thinking, your parents just died.... 'Why did they have to die, I could have taken their place.' I silently cried suddenly my consciousness was gone.


Mukai Hizashi's skin suddenly started to become red, room was getting hot but the other two were too busy to notice while doing 'it'. The skin did not char like before instead it was stuck in a reddish color. "Give me a baby, yes yes ohhh" Clearly she hit the breaking point.


'Yes, this my 32nd woman, kuh kuh, the first was an ugly bitch but this, oh god she is a beaut. Now then should I giver her my seed, nah. It is too precious for her. Now then let me oh yeah. Take this girl, enjoy my vanila with your second mouth.' The doctor thought, he suddenly saw a red figure suddenly stand up straight on the bed. The blanket and mattress was seared.

'Is that.. no way is that Mukai Hizashi. Why is he awake, oh my god why is he red and more importantly he is seeing me fuck the nurse right now.' The doctor immediately stopped pushing his dick against the woman's pussy.

"Noo, give me more, why did you stop. Give me more please give me more" The nurse loudly said with pleasure and displeasure. She is addicted to it. She wants no needs more.

"Uh, Hizashi kun when did you wake up, why are you standing and red." The doctor weakly replied afraid of hearing the truth. This immediately made the nurse lose her previous attitude as she quickly got up embarrassed.

Mukai Hizashi just stood their smiling a wicked smile. His teeth was sharpened somehow, his pupils vanished and with the red skin, it made him look demonic. As if a demon had possessed a human body.

Hizashi then suddenly lunged at the doctor while still smiling, the doctor tried to dodge but he was too slow as Hizashi grabbed his shoulder. The doctor felt a burning sensation and felt as if his shoulder was about to be ripped off.

The nurse was shocked and shivering in fear. "Don't just stand their, go find help" Sadly the doctors words could not reach her as she fainted. The doctor tried to forcefully run away but the burning pain stopped him. "Please we an talk about this, just let me go. You can have her, if you want more just tell, I will go find some more, just let me go."

The doctors words did not reach Mukai as he started to forcefully drag the doctor towards him as he used his left hand to reach for the mans neck. "No, no please. I will give you anything money, wom.. gurg gurg" The mans neck was held before he could completely say what he was saying.

I always keep my promises, I said if I forgot to update I would change my name to DaoistForgetsAlot, Which I did. No excuses this time.


The wrath mode idea was given by guruv0429. You always give interesting ideas. As I said before something interesting may or may not happen to the nurse and possibly the doctor.

DaoistForgetsAlotcreators' thoughts