
Opening Cinematic (Game Promotion Video)


Age after age war always returned and each age tells a different terror during the war from either killing, hatred, greed, jealousy, dislike, and foremost of all the massive power towards its prisoner and enemies hung over all of their heads and all of it first started by a simple work of jealousy caused by Able / Cain who killed his brother Habil / Qabil over jealousy and probably pride which becomes the first and the greatest sin made by humanity as he was later cursed by the Allah / God because of what he had done 'all sin made by humanity that accumulated through time shall entirely be burdened by him and him only.'

When tribe, kingdom, and nation were to exist all war, all the curse would be given back to the origin of all sin none other than Cain / Qabil and that was the original sin of killing, pride, and jealousy which later on it started the eternal war from one Ages to another where suffering always continues. The reference of Cain and Able is based on the Bible while Habil and Qabil are based on the Quran because of such a record thus began the unending war for millennia to come and for it's momentarily peace.


During the medieval wars in the Western world.

On the battle of french against the English invader, a French soldier was fighting the Englishman one on one as they bashed one another and strike the stomach of the soldier followed with a kick to the chest but before he manages to do it the Englishmen catch the kick followed with a slash towards the neck killing the person as he falls to the ground.

Battle changed to the Russian cossack charging down the hill hoping to meet with the Poland forces who also charging at them at full speed as the cossack fired a gun at the Poland horseman then they grab their blade from its sheath with the formation demolished they crashed into a close battle as the sword killed Poland soldier, well enough but they were later ambushed by the nearby soldier coming out from bush near them tried to stab their spear on the chest of the cossack avoiding the attack the Poland horseman press in for an attack but what followed was a shot to the horseman by another cossack killing the horseman in the progress but that cossack was later killed by another horseman stabbing the spear at him as the chaos ensues.

Changing to the Eastern world.

On the small land, there lies a lone person holding a long curve sword on hand as he is sitting down on the nearby chair before suddenly four people which appear to be guard where the three of them use spear while only one using a spear.

Unsurprised by the arrival of the four, them the lone person stand while pulling the blade out of its sheath then walked between the four of them as they watch the four carefully, suddenly one of the spearmen charged on him the man avoided the attack and parried it close to him letting the guard come close where he goes in for the kill with a slash directly on the neck causing blood to pour out and the guard who charges to fell to the ground awkwardly.

Cautious the two remaining spearmen started their attack at the same time where the lone man crouched followed with stab before turning his body then closing in for the kill before interrupted by the sword guard from his back where he nearly avoids it but he changes the attack with another attack on the guard's back killing him on the spot before lastly finishing the last guard with another slash on the neck where the two dead guard fall to the guard clumsily fall on top of other.

Finished with the fight the lone man throws away the blood on his sword with another slash toward the air aiming to the nearby ground then puts the blade back to its sheath before leaving the area for another place.

In another area, a battle raged on as army after army being sent on the battlefield as a rain of arrow falls from the sky as many of the soldiers wearing blue tunic and armor fell to the ground as they carry spear and sword to the battlefield the two armies then clashed towards each other as another soldier fell to the ground lifeless either being stabbed, slashed, decapitated or an arrow on the chest or head.

What appears to be the general charge in toward the center of the enemy where they found the enemy general who is waiting for the charge as he also charges back here a clash of the sword were heard across the battle as the scream was heard and cut of iron and flesh being torn apart.

The general who still fighting each other suddenly get an advantage as he did not go full power on the enemy in front of him this giving him an edge in the combat where the sword slashed at him was parried then followed with a quick slash then finalized with a turn and a stab on the enemy left neck piercing the neck before ending it with blood being thrown away as a way to clean it before he raised his sword high that he killed the enemy general and at the same time the enemy dead general lies down below his feet.

The general then raises his sword signaling the battle is won and with the enemy, the leader is dead knowing the news the enemy started to retreat or getting away from the capture then the army celebrated momentarily before moving once more following the enemy's fleeting shadows from behind.


From the great war to the modern war.

A soldier on the battlefield watches the land in front of him before suddenly a whistle was heard on across the field signaling the battle will erupt in front of him as the other soldier beside him quickly run for their position armed with a rifle and a bayonet he waits in cover looking at the enemy coming out from the cover and into the open field marching on formation.

He turned to his back where he looks at the flag on top of the field behind him which is none other union jack flag before turning back at the front where he put his eye in front of the iron sight before hearing "OPEN FIRE!!!" where he quickly pulled the trigger causing massive volley of bullet flies towards the enemy lines killing few men of the group before machinegun mowed down on their body as they drop down while the other nearby soldier runs more quickly before jumping in to cover as they manage to hide behind a broken log or taking cover behind a small pile of land.

One of the soldiers then slowly move into a better position before firing back where he fire on the previous person who caught a bullet right between his eye as his dead body hold the rifle down then dropping on the wooden trenches, the other nearby soldier quickly fired back at the enemy who got a shot on his neck before he managed to get in cover but the wound is deep enough for him to survive where he returned and fired back where the shot managed to hit the enemy body where it landed on the back of the trench before the soldier died because of loss of blood.

In the second war during the great battle on the city, where a tank tiger was moving from the open ground while being accompanied by the panzer grenadier as the watch the horizon carefully then the sound of machinegun fire and bazooka was heard by them as they quickly run for a cover near them. The rifleman opened fire on the enemy near the window but the mg team got them pinned down and hardly able to make a clear shot on the enemy as they wait in cover the tiger suddenly turned its barrel on the building and fired the first shot on it blowing the building's windows before another bazooka were fired on it destroying the turret but not blowing it up.

The crew inside climb on top of the turret manning the mg previously put on top of it where he loads the mg then fired upon the enemy soldier hiding behind cover nearby the mg team, the panzer grenadier managed to shot the bazooka team as he pokes his head out the second time thus killing the man on the spot. After that gunshot was heard it echoes and is accompanied by an explosion occurring throughout the town which followed with a scream and moans on the place.

At that very moment Plane, a jet plane flies across the skies as it went normally as it patrol when suddenly the pilot noticed the radar picked up an unknown plane coming close at them in full speed the pilot inside it while gesturing his wingmen to split up and flank the enemy where his wingman agreed followed with his plan turning around into the clouds.

The enemy appeared out from his left speed up further where he increased the engine speed causing the enemy to notice his position because of the sudden appearance of smoke in front of them, where they quickly followed behind noticing the enemy was behind him he uses the skill that allows him behind the enemy line were two of the enemy failed to maneuver as he guns them down with the mg causing their wing to burn before falling.

Close to being outmaneuvered but still manage to survive long enough another enemy was exhausted by the quick maneuver that he was late to turn for another trick as that enemy noticed that he was being locked not by the one in front but from the rear where the lumps of the cloud are before a missile flies toward him followed with an explosion as a plane comes out from it.

His wingman gave a thumbs-up as he quickly runs after the other surviving enemy plane and firing mg at it while at the same time he followed the one in front of him but was hard to lock on nor gun it down before he uses barrel roll where the enemy also use barrel roll unconsciously which put him in worst position as he guns the enemy down before turning it into moth if flames.

Finished with the enemy his wingman got a problem with the flap but should be able to land well as the two smiles knowing they would return home not in a body bag but alive and breathing normally.


During the Ancient war of the Gods and Titan (lore-based)

After humans joining as one such faction fighting against another as one of them gave allegiance to them as the leader of the faction send a group of infantry walking on formation with a shield covered their entire body with a spear directed to their front where the enemy is located suddenly that spear slowly glows in blue before suddenly a spark of the glowing ball appears at the front before discharging from the tip of the spear and flying to the enemy managed to kill one of them luckly, while the one beside him also fired onto the enemy line killing most of them while the few remaining either gather together and fight or make a run for it away from the thing.

Suddenly something else appeared a giant in flesh appeared behind them surprised them but not intending to kill them instead, it lends a hand against the soldier who is looking at them as the giant run towards them which terrified them but they are still organized as they able to stay in the line while separating themselves into a two-line while one greet the giant with their spear started to change into a long spear while the other one prepare to fire against the giant when ordered to suddenly the giant change it's direction surprising the soldier as a large stone appeared behind it killing the back of the line. Surprised the soldier was then tackled while the other smashed to a cloud of blood while another one has his intestine out, the soldier was fighting to the very last man before a ray of light came to the giant which left a large hole on it then fell to the ground lifelessly.

The soldier was surprised by the hole on the titan as they turned their head to their back hoping to know who did make the large hole on it but to their surprise, it was a mechanical titan who bears the same insignia as the soldier wear the titan brought a spear on its right hand which oozing a white smoke from its tip while it's left-hand uses a claw based shape slowly walking to the front of the soldier before another group of them appeared behind the mechanical titan continuing onward as the battle still goes on.

Soldier with angel wings flies above the soldier's head as they also walk along then suddenly a large dragon-shaped animal appeared in front of the winged soldier as they were then shrouded in flames before falling to the ground the mechanical titan aimed its weapon at the dragon hoping to kill it but either by luck or, not the ground suddenly shook which caused the titan to miss a shot noticed the dragon turns and goes close at the titan but the soldier near it opened fire hoping to buy some time where about eighty percent of the shot miss some who managed to hit it only manage to scrap it before the dragon breath starting to engulf the soldier killing them instantly.

The titan aiming once more shot the dragon's wing just barely then charged closer to it as the dragon fell to the ground managed to stand the claw of the titan hold the dragon to the ground, the dragon resist it and push the titan back causing it to fell to the ground where the dragon returns the favor by holding it to the ground as the dragon hold it breaths for a moment he quickly jump backward followed with a flame sprouting out his mouth slowly melt the mechanical body but it quickly stands then fired its weapon at the dragon killing it just barely before also fell to the ground. Even though the dragon and the mechanical titan is dead the surrounding does not end as the sound continues as the battle still raged on as armies after armies clash on the battlefield.

Above it is a large ship with the size of a battlecruiser flying on top of them before something that looks like a laser cutting down a plane that burns after being touched by the laser where the plane falls to the ground followed by an explosion as it crashes.

At that very moment plane flys through between the gap of the two-ship which is currently fighting with each other as the two get close enough as they fired a slug based weaponry at each other as the plane bypassed them as the bullet flying from one to another, one of the bullets managed to graze the plane as it flies away before suddenly turning to the left where the pilot noticed an enemy plane planning to shot down the plane in front of it before fired by the turning plane as it continues firing on another plane.

At that moment a person was standing on the ship deck on the nearly destroyed ship as the person stare on the plane flying top of him or her, noticed the person the pilot turn around planning to strife run him or her before noticed the person's back unpacked itself into what appears to be a skeleton wing before suddenly a white light extend from the wing thus which would normally though the person itself like an angel in disguise as the person itself pulled out a spear-like gun from its waist before turning its sight at the enemy plane.

A few moments later, the spear's tip glowed brighten its tip before dispersed toward the plane aiming to strafe run the angel consuming it in the light extreme heat followed with an explosion as the heat was unbearable the explosion was smaller than normal. After finished discharging the shot the angel then widen its wing before slowly floating above the deck then it started to fly away from the deck as it searches more of its opponent.


Different times mention different types of war and so does how does the war was waged on as such is ...

--- WAR OF AGES ---
