
Battle of two Monsters and Final Hit


Ichigo's body began to grow as his hair became some sort of mane, his Hollow mask covered his face entirely while two horns appeared on his head. A huge hole appeared on his torso, significating that his Hollow self had took control of his body.


With a primal roar, Ichigo rushed at Grimmjow and grabbed the Espada's face. He shoved him in the ground and began to drag him painfully on a few meters before sending him in the air.


A Cero formed between Ichigo's horns, but Grimmjow didn't even reacted. He stayed in front of the monster, staring at Orihime's corpse, with lifeless eyes. No one could know what was happening inside of his mind, but it was easy to understand that Grimmjow was shocked by her sudden death.....He didn't wanted to know love, to experience it. Unfortunately it was so powerful that he couldn't control himself, seeing her like that on the cold ground, it stunned him more than he thought it would.

While Ichigo continued to throw everything he could at Grimmjow who dodged instinctively, the Sixth Espada felt something.

'Grimm....Let me help you!' A voice, a feminine one called him. Coming from the depth of his conciousness, she appeared. He couldn't see her, but he sensed her. She was there, lending him her strengh.

He didn't knew who she was, and couldn't even begin to imagine what her being here meant for his master. Because that 'woman' was the Hogyoku. The Hogyoku had it's own personnality, it was concious and it sensed Grimmjow's emotions, for some reasons it felt like it needed to help him.

Aizen wasn't someone that the Hogyoku chose, he was just so powerful that he forced the Hogyoku to help him. Something that didn't really 'annoyed' the Hogyoku as Aizen was truly interesting. After Grimmjow beat Ichigo, it would surely need to go see whether Aizen lost or not.

'W-WHO ARE YOU?!' Asked Grimmjow, he couldn't even move at this moment. His body was being destroyed by Ichigo, who was still controlled by his hollow side.

And in a single moment...........An explosion of pure Reiatsu.


Ichigo tried to attack Grimmjow once again, yet this time a proctective layer of Reiatsu blocked his sword. He tried many times, but to no avail. Grimmjow wasn't faring better, he felt a sharp pain in his whole body, his mind was unable to register how such a massive amount of Reiatsu could enter him.

'Let me help you, for you shall become more than a simple Espada!'


Grimmjow clenched his teeth and waited for the pain to end. It took him 30 minutes to be able to control his body once more, sadly he directly knew that something was wrong. Firstly he turned around and saw a pair of Brown eyes looking at him.


The human girl had actually survived and was looking at Grimmjow with terrified eyes. He looked at his appearence and gasped.

His body had become more feral-like, his claws sharpened and grew, his teeth were replaced by a set of incredibly dangerous looking fangs. A blue fur had grown on his back, while the hole in his torso had a little glowing blue orb inside. His ears were even more pointing, as his legs returned to the same state as they were when he was still an Adjuchas, his arms however lost the blades that were replaced by black thorns, starting from his shoulders to his hands.


Grimmjow demented laugh froze Ichigo for a second, enough time for Grimmjow to punch him so hard his mask cracked. Which only made Ichigo wilder, the two monster clashed with each other before Grimmjow took the upper hand and ripped Ichigo's right arm with his claws.



Orihime wanted to come and heal Ichigo, but an icy glare coming from Grimmjow stopped her.

"Grrr....We'll see if you can still beat me when i'm in my.......REY BESTIA FORM!!!!"

The name sounded good, even though Grimmjow didn't knew why the voice called this form like that.

'It means 'Beast King', a fitting name if you asked me. Hehehe~'

Grimmjow ignored the voice and focused on the Vasto Lorde in front of him. He was more powerful than Ichigo now, but he couldn't attack him directly. Ichigo in this form had too much pure power, it would be impossible to kill him like that.........For that Grimmjow would've to exhaust him or finish him with an enhanced Cero.

His thoughts were interrupted by Ichigo who stabbed Zangetsu in Grimmjow's stomach, getting a smirk from the pantera.

"You want to play who will stab the other more?! TRY ME BITCH!!!!'

Grimmjow slashed at Ichigo with his claws, delivering a flurry of slashes that only served to anger the Vasto Lorde.

Meanwhile Orihime was still conflicted. She wanted to help the two, but what happened earlier clearly proved that she wasn't strong enough. However Orihime wasn't one to abandon her 'friend' so easily.

'Get yourself girl! You need to help them! They're suffering so much, and they can't control themselves! '

Showing her determination she rushed towards the two monsters. They were about to shoot Cero at each other, but the presence of Orihime stopped them.

"ORIHIME!! GET OUT OF HERE!!!" Shouted Grimmjow as he tried to shield her.


Ichigo roared and lunged at Grimmjow, dodging an incoming slash and putting his hand on Grimmjow's throat. He used his spiritual pressure to send Grimmjow flying away, and charged a Cero, this time even more powerful than the last one.

Grimmjow's eyes widened when he saw that Orihime was running towards him, preparing her Soten Kisshun.


Ichigo fired his Cero, it moved towards the two at a frightening speed, before..........


Orihime looked at Grimmjow and gasped, she put her hand on her chest and tried to touch it........Only to pass right through it.


It was the final hit

Hope you enjoy it!




I'm Glasgow ,the one who's writing this fic, and i was forced to write this chapter by the Author WriTydy! It's not important but atleast you know that i was forced =)


WriTydycreators' thoughts