
Conflicted Emotions and Power growth

It was truly an horrifying experience for Orihime.She was at first just a normal human, but she was dragged into this whole mess.

Yet, she wouldn't blame it on Ichigo, he was her best friend after all.He was the one who saved her brother and also the one who brought happiness to her life.However were looking grim for her.

Since the very fist day she was introduced to this world of Shinigami and Hollow, she was destined to become something greater she could've thought.Be it due to her power,or....Due to what she would later indirectly create.

When she was brought in Las Noches she was afraid.When she saw Aizen she felt like she was dying, but....This blue-haired Espada, he was the weirdest thing she ever saw.He was violent and rash, and for some reasons he looked at her with piercing eyes.As if he was analyzing her, his eyes boring into her soul.

What was it called again?Ah yes!Stockholm Syndrome!

That was exactly what was happening to her!She wasn't in her cell for a long time, but she definitely felt something for the Sixth Espada.She was still scared of him, of course she was.

Only, what neither of the two knew, was that they were mutually conflicted.Grimmjow was certainly attracted to her, in such a way that he couldn't think of anything else than her.Orihime was conflicted because she wanted to hate him, to feel terrified of him and yet, she was unable to.Every time he looked at her with those eyes of his, she felt like she could hide nothing from him.

The effects of this......Attraction, weren't all that visible on Orihime, but Grimmjow.......


He was simply punching things all the time, all the others Espada and Fracciones avoided him as he kept getting more and more violent.His power had also augmented for some weird reasons, that were obviously linked to this almost too powerful Love.

While she stayed in her cell, he would stay in front of it and glare at her, although it was only when he wasn't taking his frustration on the walls of Las Noches.Something that surprisingly didn't angered Aizen, but the man didn't cared about Las Noches he only wanted power, and this would be his only mistake, apart from his incredible arrogance.


Meanwhile Ichigo, Sado and Ishida were running towards Las Noches, hoping to save Orihime until it was too late.

"Ichigo!I really feel something weird coming from Las Noches!This energy feels....Too pure to be an Espada!"Said Ishida, he wasn't sure of what it was.Yet he knew deep down, that it would only mean trouble.

"We'll see once we enter!For now we need to save Orihime, i won't lose her!!"

Sado and Ishida nodded and continued towards the dreaded place.

As this happened Aizen decided to act quickly.He didn't wanted to waste anytime, and if he was honest.He couldn't wait to become a God, it was his dream and he would succeed in making it a reality.

However he sped things so much that the Invasion of Karakura happened much sooner than it was supposed to.Aizen had fused with the Hogyoku while the panicked Shinigami who certainly didn't expected for him to come so quickly, were desperately trying to hold him back, while Ichigo didn't even reached Las Noches yet.


"Ori-Woman, here's your meal."Said Grimmjow as he handed a plate of food to Orihime, Gin had took it for her since she still needed to eat.Grimmjow left the cell and leaned against the wall in front of it.

'It definitely feels weird...Could it truly be Love?I never felt anything of the sort in my whole entire life!Also i'm an Espada, i can't feel love!Yeah!That's it, i can't feel love!!!'Thought the Blue-haired Espada as he left and walked away.He was really denying it with all his might, he wouldn't give in.......Yet.

He sensed Ichigo's reiatsu in the distance but didn't reacted, he could only think of the orange-haired, innocent girl who corrupted his mind.For now he wouldn't do anything, but sooner or later he would've to confirm it.

And it happened sooner than one might have thought.As Ichigo and his friends reached Las Noches, Grimmjow had finally decided to act, he wouldn't be able to calm down until he knew what he felt for her.

He walked to her cell and saw......

"LOLY!!MENOLY!!WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!!!"Shouted the Espada as he watched the two arrancar, literally torture the poor human girl.

"And why would you care?!We just want to teach that little bitch humility!"Said Loly while Menoly turned and was about to bash Orihime on the head.She found herself unable to move when both her legs disappeared, ripped apart by an angry Sixth Espada.


'Why the fuck is he so angry?!'Thought Loly as she watched Menoly get killed by a Cero through the head.

"W-Wait!It's not like you care about her right?I mean she did healed your arm, but-"She was stopped when Grimmjow started to strangle her.

"It ain't only for that, you shithead!"He smirked and whispered to her before all life left her body.

"Goodbye little bitch i never liked you, not that i actually ever loved"

After he dropped her body he walked to Orihime, who trembled and hid in a corner of the cell.

"Don't worry i won't hurt you, i just want to confirm something."

"Wha-"She could only freeze when Grimmjow suddenly grabbed her, and brought his mouth to hers.

In a single instant it was an explosion of emotions for the both of them, as if something was forcing them to love each other.An obsessional love that couldn't be explained.



Grimmjow's eyes widened when he saw the figure standing in front of the door.


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