
The Gods Descend

Alex was in a daze momentarily as he registered the notifications he had received, as well as the fact that he could now FEEL the entirety of the Dungeon around him.

From the bottom floor all the way to the surface, he could feel every single corridor, stair, stone, monster, and even those who had entered the Dungeon despite being told not to. So Alex waved his hand to forcibly expel them from the Dungeon, even though there was no real threat to the Dungeon's continued existence.

Alex's mind then turned towards numerous different ideas for future dungeons that he could make with his new skills. He could put dungeons all over Asora, as well as every one of the worlds that they were connected to to help the people there grow stronger as well.

And of course, he would be able to place a multitude of barriers at their entrances to keep the monsters within from escaping into whatever world he built them in. Or hell, Alex could probably just program them to never leave to begin with.

The possibilities were endless!

"Alex?" Shizuku called out to him, stirring Alex from his thoughts as he focused on the group of women.


"You were just staring into space for a moment, so I wanted to make sure you were alright." She said while cupping his cheek affectionately.

"Of course. I was just looking over the notifications I got, and thinking about my new skills."

"Oh? What kind of new skills?" Kurumu asked as she approached Alex's other side excitedly.

"The ability to create and control dungeons, like what kind of monsters spawn, how many spawn, or the arrangement of the corridors. I also gained complete authority over this dungeon, Tartarus." Alex explained while also scanning the entire layout of the Dungeon through his new senses.

Even as he was explaining his new skills Alex was testing them out, spawning monsters, creating new variants, and even shifting passages to remodel entire floors. He also became aware of a certain hidden passage off of the throne room they were in, which he led them to as a way to show off.

Within, they found THOUSANDS of long lost relics and artifacts that had been plundered from those who had perished within the dungeon since its discovery.

"Everyone can go ahead and pick something out." Alex said, making the girls whoop and holler as they hurriedly explored the literal piles of treasure.

It wasn't only items that had been plundered from adventurers, but also piles of precious gems, metals, materials, and drops from the various monsters that had been slain within the dungeon. So there was something for everyone.

While everyone else was picking new weapons or items to wear, all enchanted of course, Alex had to stop both Tsubaki and Asfi from picking out raw materials that they've never seen before, since he could just give them as much of such materials as they wanted. All they needed to do was ask.

The only one who wasn't going through the piles of treasure was Erza, who was standing attentively beside Alex like the knight she was. And the reason for this became apparent once everyone else had finished, only for Erza to sweep every single remaining artifact into her Gate of Babylon.

She didn't take the gems and raw materials of course, but as Alex's knight she would be the most likely to use the weapons that were ripe for the picking.

"Wow... Favoritism much?" Cara commented as the room suddenly became significantly emptier.

"Not really. Erza would just have more use for them than anyone else." Alex said as he collected the rest of the loot into his own personal storages. It would be divided amongst his wives and maybe even some of his children later.

"My recently acquired ability, Gate of Babylon, allows me to house any and all weapons and armors that I come across. Through it, I can summon whichever I need at will for battle, like I had Gram earlier." Erza explained while also summoning a few of the different weapons she now possessed through the gate.

Of course, the gate had also come completely stocked with all of the treasures that were stored within the original Gate of Babylon as well, making Erza a walking armory of insanely powerful artifacts and weapons, to say nothing of the different types of armors she had stored away as well. She was also the receiver of every single rejected weapon and armor produced by either Hajime or Brigid, and now Hephaestus, since Erza would always be able to find some kind of use for them.

With no more loot to plunder, Alex cast a few enchantments on the treasure room to automatically refill itself over time, basically as a reward for those who may manage to clear the dungeon in the future. In short, the room would slowly be filled with precious metals and gems over time, along with rare materials from inside the dungeon itself. The longer it would go without being plundered, the more loot there would be for whoever manages to make it down there next.

After doing so, the group returned to the throne room where the core of the dungeon itself was located, now glowing with a vibrant green light compared to its previous black.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Alex asked Ddraig as he placed his hand on the core, and the Heavenly Dragon returned to him.

<Immensely. It always feels satisfying to be able sink my teeth and claws into something, especially when that something is equivalent a god!>

Ddraig roared happily, making Alex smirk as he mixed out loud, "is that so? Then maybe I should invest in creating a new body for you?"

Ddraig's mood instantly shifted as he remarked,

<Partner... As good as that may sound, I am perfectly content things are now.>

Though his voice sounded like that of an old man who was filled with nothing but contentment, Alex snorted as he said,

"Oh? Are you sure it's not because you want to continue doing nothing all day everyday? I believe I heard you commenting to Lauren the other day about how nice retirement was."

<... >

Ddraig was silent as Alex called him out on his real intentions, though there was nothing wrong with it since there was nothing else he really wanted out of life after Vali and Albion submitted to them. And of course Alex knew this very well, he was just giving the dragon shit.

While they were talking Alex approached a stretch of bare wall before placing his hand upon it, from where the stone began to ripple like a pond that had been disturbed.

The girls watched with interest as the stone wall began to shift and change before their eyes, before opening to reveal a small room on the other side. Though the others recognized it and entered immediately, the Danmachi women followed their lead curiously before Alex asked, "going up?"

The next thing they knew the doors closed behind them, and they all felt a jolt as the entire room began to ascend to the upper levels of the dungeon.

"What is this?!" Riveria demanded as she looked around cautiously.

"It's called an elevator. It'll take us right to the entrance." Alex said in explanation.

"Couldn't we just teleport straight out of here?" Cara asked.

"Yeah, but I figured anyone who conquers the dungeon in the future would appreciate a quick way to get to the surface. Plus it would help those who already cleared the dungeon get to certain floors quicker than on foot." He added, before a soft jingle began to fill the elevator.

"Elevator music? Really?" Cara asked in a deadpan.

"What? It adds atmosphere." Alex said in his defense.

"Is this Wendy and Sherria's new song?" Lucy asked curiously.

"I believe it is..." Erza said, recognizing the tune.

"Yeah. I hear they're selling out of their shows." Alex added as they began discussing the Sky Sisters, which was the duo's stage name.

Though still a part of Fairy Tail and Lamia Scale respectively, the two girls had also joined Ingvild's peerage and became famous all throughout Asora and beyond through their singing and dancing.

Soon they reached the entrance of the dungeon, and the doors opened to allow them all to disembark.


Alex deadpanned as they were greeted by numerous ear-splitting screams, and several women that were in various states of undress, or just flat out naked.

"Did you REALLY put the other end of the elevator in the girls locker room?" Cara asked with undisguised exasperation.

"Firstly, I have a skill that ensures I experience perverted situations like this regularly, and it is completely out of my control. Secondly, WHY does the guild even need a locker room?" Alex said with equal amounts of exasperation. Though he had to admit, he quite liked the view.

Particularly as a certain half-elf emerged from their showers to see what the commotion was, completely naked with droplets of running down her porcelain-smooth skin.

"What is the meaning of this sir!?" The half-elf, Eina Tulle, demanded as she stormed up to Alex. Though she was still completely naked, that apparently wasn't going to stop her from giving him the tongue-lashing she felt he deserved, even as she used her arm to cover her breasts and her ears turned red.

"Sorry about that, but it was out of my hands. Let's just chalk it up to divine intervention." Alex told her, though he wasn't really all that sorry.

It would be a lie if he said he didn't enjoy the majority of situations his 'Godly Pervert' got him into, but it was annoying having to deal with some of the women afterwards. Like right now.

And just as Eina was about to tell Alex to cut the bullshit...

"As incredible as it sounds Eina, it's true." Riveria said, cutting off her retort before she could do any more than open her mouth.

"Seriously?" Eina asked the High Elf princess.


"Yeah... This guy can just be doing nothing, minding his own business, when suddenly a naked woman falls into his lap out of nowhere."

"Or there are the times HE does the falling, as of all of his training and physical skills mean nothing."

"Don't forget all of the times Lala's inventions are involved."

Alex blanked out as the girls began to recite the numerous 'accidents' caused by his 'Lucky Pervert' skill, and all of that BEFORE it evolved. Of course he swore to take THAT particular piece of information to his grave, so instead of chiming in Alex tried to focus on something else.

He then noticed a water droplet on Eina's neck, which then began to run down until it reached her collarbone. From there it continued until her upper chest, before vanishing within the valley between her breasts, which she was still trying to cover with her arm.

The droplet then reappeared under her arm as it continued rolling down her belly, past her bellybutton, and then further down to her pubic mound.

That brought Alex's attention to the slit that Eina had apparently elected NOT to cover up, which was completely devoid of any hair. Not in the sense that she had shaved or waxed it, or used any other form of hair removal similar to what several of his wives employed.

Instead, Alex could tell that her body was simply not growing ANY hair remotely close to her pubic mound, or anywhere else on her body for that matter. Aside from her head of course.

Alex's mind then began to wonder if it was simply an elven thing since Riveria and Lefiya were the same way, completely smooth skin devoid of a single hair or blemish.

While his mind was wandering, Eina finally noticed Alex and where his gaze was centered. Her sacred spot.

In an instant her embarrassment skyrocketed as she clamped her other hand completely over her pussy, and turned to flee back to the shower. Only...


Alex blinked as the beautiful half-elf suddenly fell as her foot seemingly slipped on the wet floor, with her ending up with her face down and ass up.


Everyone present was speechless as Eina gave them all a PERFECT view of everything she'd been trying to conceal and more.

Instead of just her mound, they were now treated to a detailed view of her pale outer lips coupled with a bit of pink between them. And on top of that they were glistening with wetness, though whether it was from the shower or something else remained to be seen.

The most eye-catching thing being displayed though was the tight looking brown hole that sharply contrasted her creamy white ass. Not only was it puckering to wink at them, drawing even more attention to it, but Alex was pretty sure he could hear a small voice saying 'fill me, fill me!'

That left only two questions to be answered.

The first was, which to fill the needy little hole with? There was his tongue, his fingers, and of course, his cock. Naturally the correct answer to this question was, yes.

That brought up the second question, which one should he use first?

Eina shuddered from feeling an intense gaze on her as she picked herself up off the floor, making her look back to see not only Alex, but EVERYONE staring intently at her exposed backside. Including Riveria, who was giving her a look that said 'really?'


At that moment Eina Tulle, the calm and collected guild receptionist, fled at a speed that would put even a level five to shame.

"She sure can move."


"That is surprising."

Several of them commented one after the other as they watched Eina flee.

"It'll be nice when I get a chance to tap that." Alex however said, earning his several looks.

"Really?" Asfi asked incredulously.

"Yeah. I mean, it would be an insult to not show her my appreciation for the work of art that is her body. Plus it would be a great shame to let a guy who is unworthy claim that ass for himself."

"I don't know whether to be disgusted or feel amazed..." Shakti said as she and Asfi looked at one another. Then again, neither of them could talk considering how energetically they had been bouncing up and down on his cock just a short while ago.

Alex then led the way out of the locker rooms, making sure to greet every single woman they passed by name, and out into the main reception hall.

By this point night had already fallen, though there was still a slight glow on the western horizon, however there was still quite the crowd waiting for them to return. Namely the gods and goddesses, along with those who were trying to attend to them.

"Sup." Alex called out as they approached the group, drawing everyone's attention to them before they glanced back at the hole that led down into the dungeon.

"Alex!" Hestia called out as she rushed him, barely giving Alex time to alter his appearance to that of the SSJ4, which was Hestia's favorite due to its fur. She then clung to his fur like a little koala, and buried her face in the crook of his neck as if to inhale his scent.

"What are you doing over there?" Loki asked in confusion, pointedly ignoring Hestia.

"We took a separate way out of the dungeon, and accidentally ended up in the girls locker room." Alex explained even as the rest of the gods surrounded them.

"So what was down there?" Hermes eagerly asked, practically desperate to know as the god of travellers.

"Just a wannabe dark god with delusions of grandeur. After killing it though I gained complete authority over the dungeon, so it should be safe to allow adventurers back in."

The words were barely out of Alex's mouth when a flood of men and women hurried down into the depths of the dungeon. They were almost entirely those who stayed down in Rivira, so they were mostly eager to return 'home'.

Alex shook his head at them wryly before turning back to the crowd, and tossing a ring over to Hephaestus.

"Here, it contains most of the raw materials that we picked up while we were down there. You might find some of them interesting to work with." He told her.

"I see... Thank you." Hephaestus said as she held the ring close, already making plans once she returned to her new forge in the space-time orb.

"Hey Shakti! Did you guys find some interesting new monsters down there?" Ganesha asked his Captain excitedly.

"Indeed, though it would probably take some time for me to adequately record them all." She replied, mentally going over all of the details she could recall about them.

"Well this ought to help." Lucy said, drawing the duo's attention to her as she used Archive to download all the information she gathered about the different monsters they had seen, from top to bottom. Of course, she had used Scan on every single one, giving her an abundance of information about the monster itself, as well as their weaknesses to be able to better defeat it.

"I wouldn't go off of what Shakti has to report about the monsters down there Ganesha." Alex suddenly said, earning him a look from Shakti that questioned whether he doubted her. But then he continued,

"From the moment we first entered the dungeon, it was continuously spawning significantly more powerful variant monsters in an attempt to kill me. So I would say the usual varieties are fairly different from the ones we saw."

"Is that so? But still, it's all good data to have regardless!" Ganesha declared with his usual vigor and excitement, making several gods and goddesses groan from how loud he naturally was. And he wasn't even shouting yet.

Alex and the girls then proceeded to share the details of what they had seen and experienced at the bottom of the dungeon, aside from the orgy of course. As they spoke the night sky darkened as the last vestiges of sunlight vanished entirely, before it suddenly was bright as day.

"What the-?" Alex muttered as several figures shot down from the heavens before making a beeline right for them.


As they descended from heaven, Hades glanced over their entourage from their golden chariot that was being pulled by four winged pitch-black horses.

Guiding their procession was Anubis, a jackal-headed god of the Dead, who was shrouded in the shadow of death. Behind him were the twin goddesses Sköll and Hati, the sun and moon eaters respectively. The goddesses were identical in appearance and features, possessing large floppy ears, claw-like hands and feet that were covered in fur, and tails, except that one had patches of golden fur while the other had patches of silver.

Following them alongside Hades was Quetzalcoatl, a beautiful goddess with olive skin and long emerald-green hair that was enhanced by its red and yellow highlights. She also had a pair of feathery wings extending from her back that matched her hair, while her entire outfit consisted of a scaled bikini top, and a feathery skirt.

Though 'just' a goddess of Wind and Rain, Quetzalcoatl was still one of, if not the most powerful goddess from her home region in the divine realm, aside from the great gods of course. And as if to emphasize that, her mount was a massive feathered serpent with wings, easily exceeding a hundred meters.

On the other side of Quetzalcoatl was Yama, the god of Justice and Death, appearing demonic in his imposing armor and while riding his massive warhorse. If what they were investigating was in fact the result of wrongdoing, then his judgement would be swift and without mercy. Both in this life, and the next.

On the other side of Yama was Xerxes, the imperial goddess of Authority, Might, Wealth, and Indulgence.

Xerxes was a goddess with a body similar to that of an Amazon, but her hair appeared as if it was woven from literal gold. It perfectly matched the golden bands and chains that adorned her body, which was the only thing that covered her body aside from gold paint.

Gold rings adorned every one of her fingers and toes, and bands dangled from her wrists and ankles. A sash of woven gold was wrapped around her waist, and chains of pure gold hung from every available place on her body, her neck, her ears, lips, nose, and even her chocolate nipples. Even the only piece of clothing that she'd wear when modesty was 'requested' of her was a pure golden thong.

While the rest of them looked as if they were prepared for war, she appeared completely and utterly relaxed as she lounged on her pavilion that was erected atop the back of her flying elephant. Surrounding her were numerous beautiful women that were actually lesser goddesses and spirits that made up her harem, each one waiting on her hand and foot. Some were pouring her wine, offering her grapes, massaging her feet, or even orally pleasuring her.

However, despite how indulgent and relaxed she seemed to be, there was no missing the intense look in her golden eyes. And there was no questioning her strength when she got serious, or she wouldn't be the uncontested ruler of her region of heaven.

On the other side of Xerxes was none other than the Monkey King, Sun Wukong.

He resembled a monkey beast-kin with matching ears, tail, and patches of fur along his wrists and abdomen. In his hands was his fabled golden staff, while he was riding his flying nimbus.

Though known for his mischief and pranks, this time Sun Wukong was uncharacteristically serious due to his orders from the great god Brahman. He was to give his full support to Hades and their quest, or be refused entry back into the divine realm.

Beside Sun Wukong was Forseti, god of Justice and Reconciliation. Adorned in radiant milti-colored robes and finery, Forseti was armed with a golden double-sided Axe, and rode upon the back of a giant eagle.

And then there was Hachiman, the eastern god of War, Divination and Culture.

Adrorned in the armor of the samurai and wielding his bow, Hachiman rode upon his armored horse wih a fierce look on his face, his hair, mustache and beard flowing in the wind.

Together these ten gods made up the war party to investigate whatever was going on in the mortal realm, while three others joined them at the last moment.

Amun-Ra, the original sun god, and one of the Great Gods, had decided to accompany them along with two of his subordinate goddesses, Sekhmet and Hathor.

Ra stood several times taller than the average man or god, and had the appearance of a man in his forties with deeply tanned skin, and a hawk-like headress covering his head and shoulders. In his left hand was a majestic scepter that radiated with the power of the sun, while in his right was an Ankh.

Hathor was a homely looking woman whose two most noticeable assets were the horns adorning her head, and the massive pair of tits that were just barely being restrained by her dress.

Sekhmet meanwhile was similar to Bast in that she possessed numerous features belonging to a lioness, such as the ears, tail, and feline eyes.

The three of them rode in the center of their formation in Ra's divine vessel, the Solar Barques, which radiated the light of a midday sun as it flew through the previously night sky.

"I sense something..." Ra decreed in a voice that was barely more than a whisper, yet still carried over to each and every one of them as it rippled into the surrounding space.

He could feel the power of Ouranos coming from the mortal city in the distance, along with that of numerous gods. The curious part was that all of them had access to their full divine strength, which was supposed to be sealed when they descended. That explained the breaking of the statues, as it was obviously just their divine power returning to each of them.

That however left one question, HOW did their divine power return to each of them?

Ra was sure that the answer also lied in the mortal city. Or more specifically, one of the beings he detected there amongst the gods.

"They.....are not natural." Ra muttered with narrowed eyes, his power spiking as he realized that the power coming from the seven figures amongst the gods did not belong to any living being from their world, mortal, or divine. They were from 'outside'.

"Anubis." Ra barked out, using his loudest voice yet as their mission became clear.

"I will enjoy feasting on their hearts!" Anubis snarled as he shot forward at the city, with Sköll and Hati darting to either side to flank him.

Once his feet hit the ground the shadows surrounding Anubis spread out before changing and forming themselves into a growing number of humanoids with jackal features, each armed with one of a variety of weapons like the flail, khopesh, axes, and spears.

At the same time the rest of the gathered gods and goddesses armed and prepared themselves for battle. They knew not how powerful this new opponent was, but he must be exceptionally powerful if even Ouranos had not dealt with him.

The serpent Quetzalcoatl was riding bared it's fangs that dripped with acidic venom, while the winds began to whip and tear around her. Yama urged his mount forward so as not to fall behind, while raising his mace and the length of rope he kept with him at all times, a noose to capture souls.

Recognizing that it was time to fight, Xerxes slowly rose from her previous position while holding out her hand expectantly, before curling her seemingly delicate fingers around the whip that one of her servants placed in it. Meanwhile all of them as well prepared for battle as they either summoned their prefered weapons, or the elements themselves.

While the others darted straight at the city, Sun Wukong shot upwards until he was directly over it. There he held out his staff so that it was positioned straight up and down. "Expand and extend."

Forseti directed the hawk he was riding downwards as they shot directly at the city from the position between where Anubis and Sköll attacking from, his axe raised and poised to split not only the city, but even the entire continent in two if need be.

Hachiman meanwhile drew his bow without even knocking an arrow, aiming it into the sky as he did so before loosing it. For a moment nothing happened, before countless thousands of arrows began to rain down upon the city with the strength and speed of a falling star.

Even as the other gods began to attack, Ra, Hathor and Sekhmet remained still, watching and waiting. If it appeared that this opponent was too powerful for them though, then Ra was prepared to use the unbridled force of the sun to 'cleanse' this world of the taint that had infected it. Even if Bast was amongst them.

Knowing that they could not remain idle, as they were the one to actually put this war party together, Hades also prepared for war as they raised their bident out in front of them.

Answering their summons, the souls belonging to the millions of fallen warriors, adventurers, heroes, and even monsters appeared before Hades, prepared to do their bidding. Amongst them was even the three legendary beasts that once plagued the land, the Behemoth, the Leviathan, and the One Eyed Black Dragon.

"Go. Drag the invaders down to the depths of Hades." They commanded, and the army answered as they surged forward at the city in a seemingly endless tidal wave of death and destruction.



The gods and goddesses of Orario looked up in alarm as they felt the concentrated power and animosity being focused in their general direction, though it didn't take too much thought to figure out who exactly it was being directed at.

"Damn! They really intend to destroy all of us together!?!" Loki swore as she prepared to fight, alongside every other god and goddess present.

"Master..." Bast whimpered as she looked up at the Solar Barques, where she knew Ra was watching along with Sekhmet and Hathor.

"Either roll over and die like a good kitty, or fight for the right to live!" Freya declared as she too prepared to fight. However they all knew the odds were NOT in their favor with how powerful the gods and goddesses attacking them were.

At least, they wouldn't be if they were alone.

"Oh?" Alex uttered as he looked up at the attacking gods and goddesses with interest, preparing to defend the city against their assault. Except, he didn't need to.


Suddenly a suffocating presence bore down upon every single god and goddess present, one easily surpassing that of each of the attacking gods and goddesses, aside from Ra that was.

Immediately after, every single attack that was directed at the city was either deflected or rebounded at the attackers, preventing them from so much as crossing the city walls.

"Who dares...." Came an eerie voice, one that sent shivers down the spine of every gathered god and goddess along with the pressure they were exerting.

"Who dares to attack my Home?" Hestia asked as she removed her face from the crook of Alex's neck, and looked at the assailing gods and goddesses for the first time.

thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts