
The Amazon and the Green Dragon

In a certain world there was a city unlike any other city in that particular world in that it was home to, a city that was built in a perfect circle separated into eight sections like a giant pie, with a tower raising up fifty floors above the rest of the city. What was also unique about this city was the numerous races that called it home, such as humans, elves, dark elves, dwarves, beastmen, pallum, Amazons, and even gods.

One such goddess was currently hurrying down the middle of the street, a broad smile on her face even as she hurried to her job, though her attention was on something else.

"Pokemon are so cute! I wonder which ones I should ask Cynthia for when she can send them to us???" Hestia declared to herself, not caring who heard her, as she watched the steady stream off pictures being posted by Cynthia from something she called the 'Pokenet'.

Top of the list that she wanted of course were several of what Cynthia called fire types, which were a must have for a goddess of the hearth. But another requirement was for them to fluffy and cuddly so she could snuggle them as much as she wanted.

The top three that met this criteria were the Pokemon Cynthia called Growlithe, Flareon, and Vulpix, the fire puppies and fox Pokemon. But of course there were the non-fire type Pokemon that Hestia wanted as well, such as the lovable and helpful Chansey, as well as the very soft looking Swablu and Mareep.

But at the very top of the list of things she wanted to snuggle that wasn't even a Pokemon, was Alex himself. While his body was composed of thick and solid muscle, a good portion of it was covered in vibrant red fur that his numerous wives swore up and down was softer than it had any right to be. Not to mention that they also said his body constantly radiated a strong heat that made him akin to a living heater, which only served to make Hestia want to snuggle him even more.

Hestia never thought she might fall in love in her life, especially after she became known as one of the three maiden goddesses, but with each passing day that she learned more about Alex her feelings grew.

While the first impression she and the other six girls from the chat had of him was that of a pervert and licentious man, they quickly learned there was more to him than that. In the following days the girls around Alex took numerous pictures of him without him seemingly realizing it, posting them to the Chatroom for all to see.

While there were definitely lewd pictures that embarrassed Hestia to look at, there were also pictures of Alex spending time with his children, showing them a new side of him as he taught them and played with them. Then there were the pictures that were taken in Alex's day-to-day life, mostly when he was interacting with his wives.

But the ones that captivated Hestia the most were the ones that had been taken of Alex when he was training, his intense focus and drive showing through his expressions and movements. Even now, when she was still walking through the streets of Orario, Hestia became distracted as one of the girls posted a video of Alex going through the movements of his latest training session.

Nearly drooling at the sight that no one else around her could see, Hestia arrived at her destination without realizing it before she came to a sudden stop as she ran into someone else.

"Oof!" Hestia exclaimed as she fell back after running into what felt like a brick wall.

"Sorry about....that...." She began earnestly, before trailing off as she realized who it was she bumped into.

"Don't worry about it goddess Hestia, I didn't see you there." Said the woman who stood over seven feet tall, had the dark skin characteristic of the Amazons, and was covered in noticeable muscle. Her head was shaved on the sides, while the hair on top came down in a long braid that went past her butt. The only clothes she wore, if they could even be called that, was a chain mail bikini top, and a couple strips of chain mail that hung from her waist in front of her crotch and butt crack.

She was none other than 'The Amazon', Cara Bean, the strongest adventurer in Orario after she defeated 'The King', Ottar, in a war game, which forced the Freya Familia to relinquish their position as the strongest familia in Orario. She was also the first ever Level 8 to appear after the fall of the Zeus and Hera Familias, and with her explosive growth she was expected to reach Level 9 soon as well.

When she realized who it was she bumped into outside of the potato shop Hestia groaned and made a face, not because of the Amazon herself, but because of who she was undoubtedly attending.

"Well look who decided to show up to work~!" Declared a woman dressed in tomboyish fashion, her eyes squinted until they were nearly closed, and her light red hair tied up in a short ponytail.

Though at first Hestia puffed up her cheeks in annoyance at the speaker, the trickster goddess Loki, she then smirked as she recalled something she learned about Alex's world and their counterpart gods.

"I'm sorry for the wait SIR, can I please take your order?" Hestia asked while putting emphasis on the 'sir' part, and pointedly looking at Loki's nonexistent chest as she did so.

"What did you say, virgin midget?!" Loki snarled back at her, irritated at what Hestia was obviously indicating. Contrary to her expectations though, Hestia didn't react to being called a 'virgin midget', instead she smirked as she said in a singsong voice,

"Not for long~! When my new hubby arrives to Orario, I won't be one of the maiden goddesses anymore~!" THAT immediately caught everyone's attention, as Hestia was famous for refusing every single confession she had received.

"Bullshit!" Loki immediately stated, not for an instant believing that HESTIA of all people had a man.

The tiny goddess however puffed out her impressive chest, and stated proudly,

"Nope! His name is Alex Morningstar, he's a Saiyan known as the Dragon Emperor and is stronger than any other mortal we've ever seen, even from the Zeus and Hera Familias!" Even as Hestia puffed up her chest in pride of Alex, everyone else around looked at her with doubt at her claims. Everyone but one, who's eyes widened when she heard the word 'Saiyan'.

"And what exactly is a Saiyan? Another one of your delusions midget?" This time Hestia puffed out her cheeks in irritation as she stated,

"No! Saiayns are a people who can grow powerful even without a Falna! They're stronger than even Amazons, the Boaz and Weretigers!" Numerous scoffs and sneers answered Hestia's claims, as Amazons, Weretigers and Boaz(Boar People) were known for having the highest physical ability amongst the races.

"Pft! If you're gonna tell lies, at least make them believable!" Loki snorted as she tried to hold in her laughter, along with everyone else around them.

"Ne! I'm not lying! Alex will be here soon, and then you'll see!" Hestia pouted as she puffed her cheeks even more, her twin tails going rigid in response to her agitation. Loki just smirked at her insistence though, and remarked tauntingly,

"Ok then. But no matter how strong this supposed 'Dragon Emperor' is, there's no way he can match up against MY 'Amazon', right Cara?" Turning towards her strongest fighter, who had been accompanying her as one of her guards for the day, Loki was surprised to see that Cara wasn't there.

"Cara said she was heading to the Labyrinth lady Loki." A petite girl with long golden blonde hair with matching eyes told her, making Loki's closed eye twitch in irritation.


"A Saiyan!?" Cara muttered to herself as she clenched and unclenched her hands anxiously, her expression hardening despite the fear growing in her gut.

"I have to fight a fucking SAIYAN now!?!" She exclaimed as she got closer to the looming Tower of Babel, which sat atop the entrance to the Labyrinth like a massive cork.

As she looked up to the greatest structure of this world, Cara recalled the previous two men she had killed in the last few years.

The first had been a cringy chuuni who referred to himself as a 'demon king', and had planned to enslave the entirety of Orario and the gods. What he hadn't accounted for was Cara, with the numerous blessings she'd obtained through the Falna along with the gifts she'd gotten when she reincarnated, as well as the ones she bought later on.

Then there had been a bastard that came in order to 'collect' the many 'waifus' that were a part of the Danmachi world, only for Cara to rip his cock off and shove it down his throat before he turned into dust.

In both cases they had believed they were untouchable due to their own respective cheats, only for Cara to show them the difference between them due to the years of work she'd spent growing stronger.

But now her next opponent was apparently a Saiyan of all things, a Saiyan that was just as cringy as the 'demon king' guy as he went around using one of Lucifer's names, and had apparently already established contact with Hestia. And based on the way Hestia was acting, she believed this one was also like the second bastard who wanted to collect the women of this world.

Though Cara wasn't interested in women, she had befriended many of them during her life in this world, including Hestia she hoped. And while Cara did want to protect them somewhat, her biggest concern of course was someone else entirely. The shotas.

Finn, captain of the Loki Familia, the numerous other Pallum that had joined Loki familia in recent years, including her own personal supporters, and then the many shotas and Pallum who weren't adventurers, but were just simple citizens. And then there was the greatest shota of all in her opinion, the one Cara intended to give her virginity to when he finally arrived to Orario, Bell Cranel.

Recalling the face of the twitchy little rabbit-like boy from her memories, Cara reaffirmed her decision to protect him and the rest of the shotas from the evil reincarnators. Having decided so, she met her three supporters in front of the Labyrinth entrance, having sent word to the Familia when she left Loki, and descended into the labyrinth in order to prepare for the arrival of the Saiyan.

(A.N. Alex- takes one step into Danmachi

Every single Amazon within a thousand square miles- instantly goes into heat.)


In a little rambunctious town on a small island located in the most dangerous sea in the world, a solitary figure was making her way down the street in a calm and steady manner. Around her were the sounds of people, mostly pirates, drinking, laughing, singing, cursing, fighting, and even killing as the figure was sure she heard a bomb go off somewhere.

"What a lively place." Nico Robin uttered to herself with a small smile, as she was in a pleasantly good mood after getting Intel on the island they were on, Jaya, and a possible lead on the island they were headed to, Sky Island.

Though she could have just asked Alex for information after learning how each world possessed a certain 'story', and how Alex was privy to those stories from his own world, they both rejected that idea entirely.

Robin and her shipmates were pirates looking for an adventure, and there wouldn't be any kind of adventure to be had if Alex told her every detail of what was going to happen. That was what he himself had said, and Robin herself had agreed due to her nature as an Archeologist who enjoyed figuring things out instead of being told everything.

However that didn't stop him from dropping hints or tips here or there, such as when Alex told Robin that Sky Island DID exist, contrary to what everyone else on Jaya believed, and that they should take the old man with them. She hadn't known WHO the old man Alex was referring to was at the time, but with her newly acquired Intel, Robin believed he was referring to the man known as Mont Blanc Cricket.

Her curiosity growing at the mystery, Robin was headed back to their ship, the Going Merry, when a commotion louder then the rest so far drew her attention.

"I should probably take a detour..." She muttered to herself, electing to go around whatever was causing the ruckus. What she didn't know though, was that the source of that ruckus was none other than her captain, Monkey D. Luffy, one of the crew's senior officers, Roronoa Zoro, and their navigator, Nami.

But as the trio were 'thrown' out of a bar by a pirate known as Bellemy the Hyena, another figure left the bar shortly afterwards, one who appeared drunken as he stumbled and staggered his way down the road.

As he got further away from the bar though, the man's steps became more firm as he staggered less, and walked with more power and authority in his gait. Then, when he was sure no one was looking, the man touched his face with his left hand, changing it from a forgettable drunkard, to one of the most notorious pirates in the New World, Francis D. Drake, AKA the Green Dragon.

Not to be confused for X Drake of the Worst Generation of pirates, Francis D. Drake was a pirate that had been active for several years now, developing power and infamy across the Grand Line and the New World. The two traits he was particularly infamous for were his terrifying destructive tendencies and capabilities, namely leaving only flaming wrecks whenever he engaged with the marines or other pirates, and his apparent ability to mimic the power of Devil Fruit users.

Though the details of his ability to copy other Devil Fruits powers wasn't known, all Drake had to do was swallow some of a Devil Fruit user's DNA to be able to use the same abilities as them. It was of course fairly simple to gain their DNA when he used Armament Haki to be able to make even the Logia user's bleed.

But Drake didn't kill ALL of his opponents, leaving only the ones he knew would one day stand in Luffy's way to live, so they could help him grow when he too eventually set sail.

"Now that I saw Luffy and the crew, I wonder if I should return to the New World?" He mused to himself while wandering down the street, before arriving at a dock that was seemingly empty. Drake just continued walking though, before placing his foot onto what appeared to be open air as he began walking up it.

Soon the gangplank and ship that had previously been invisible reappeared as he stepped onto the deck, being greeted by his crew as he did so.

"Hey captain! Did you see what you needed to see?" Asked one of Drake's men, to which he nodded and said,

"Yep. Believe it or not, that crew will be one of the biggest names in piracy in the future." His words caused a stir of laughter as another man remarked,

"Please! With how accurate your predictions are boss, none of us will doubt what you say! But enough of that, one of the men picked up a newspaper while you were out." As he said that, the man tossed a rolled up newspaper at Drake, showing him a headline about a new and terrifying arrival to the Grand Line, a man who seemingly appeared out of thin air.

Drake's expression hardened as he read the numerous crimes the person had committed, which included pillaging and destroying villages, merchant ships, other pirates, and marine vessels.

Though Drake himself didn't mind attacking other ships, especially other pirates and marines, he never once considered attacking 'innocents', and if he did then he actively avoid taking their lives as much as possible. This man however, had been witnessed performing a number of atrocious acts such as torture, r@pe, unnecessary killing, and much more.

"Let's go." Drake said once he finished reading the paper, which included the man's freshly acquired bounty, as well as the place he was most likely headed to next, Alabaster.

Even as he said so, none of his crew leapt up to prep the ship for departure, as instead the ship itself seemed to come to life as the ropes and rigging moved on their own, and the anchor rose from the depths. Soon the vessel known as the Sea Dragon was on its way.


"HAHA! This world is awesome! I should've come here sooner!" A man declared as he reclined back in the captain's quarters of his newly acquired ship, surrounded by numerous women who waited on him hand and foot while dressed in scant clothing. Among them were civilians, marines, and even other pirates that the man had captured during his brief time as a pirate.

Now they were his 'crew', running his ship while serving him as they traversed the Grand Line.

"Captain!" One of the women suddenly cried out, rousing him from his merriment as he growled threateningly,

"This better be important!" As the woman barged into the captains quarters though, she appeared distressed as she cried out,

"The Sea Dragon has appeared, and it's headed right towards us!" Though the man wracked his brains as he tried to recall if there was a name like that from the world of One Piece, the rest of the girls began to exclaim in fear as they recalled the tales of the Sea Dragon.

"SHUT UP!" He roared at them eventually, making the women all quiet down before he 'punished' them again.

Standing from the place he had been seated at, the man made his way out onto the deck of his ship so that he could see what idiot decided to stand against him this time. But as he noticed the ship was a short ways away from them, his attention was drawn skyward by a terrible roar.

Looking up, the man saw the last sight he'd ever see, as teeth, claws, and fire descended upon him.


"Come on Shia, this is just pathetic..." Alex taunted as he sent the rabbit-girl flying once again, by using the FFWCR style on her.

Nearby Myuu, Videl, and Kale were all watching the match with wide eyes as Shia tried to attack Alex, only to have her attacks be redirected and returned to her stronger than before. As for why they were present, it was because Alex wanted to show them how pure 'strength' wasn't all it took to be strong, since his own strength was sealed at the moment by Elaine.

"This is bullshit!" Shia roared as she got sent flying yet again, before she pointed at Alex and said accusingly, "Your strength isn't actually sealed, is it!?!"

Alex just smirked at her accusation, and stated bluntly,

"It is. Elaine sealed until I was weaker than I usually am in my base form." Shia's brow twitched in annoyance at how, even when he was supposedly weakened, she couldn't get an edge on Alex.

"How weak are we talking exactly?" She demanded angrily, to which Alex adopted a contemplative look as he pondered her question, before finally answering,

"According to Elaine.....I'm currently about as weak as Yamcha."





Wether it was Shia, Myuu, Videl, or Kale, no one said anything for a moment as they let that sink in, as every single one of them knew just how 'weak' Yamcha was, to the point that he didn't even manage to get through the preliminaries of the tournament.


Shia roared suddenly as her hair and eyes turned blood red, indicating she was entering her berserk mode as all of her physical abilities shot up with her transformation.

But even then, with both the FFWCR and Observation Haki at his disposal, Alex's advantage over her never wavered as illusionary trails of light blue followed his hand movements, and every one of Shia's increasingly erratic attacks was redirected as she attacked him.

"I think that's about enough for a demonstration." Alex told the three spectators suddenly, deciding it was time for them to leave before one of Shia's attacks accidentally hurt them. Normally she would never risk the safety of those around her, but in her current berserk mode, the usual control and restraint Shia showed was no longer there.

The last thing they saw before Elaine whisked the trio away, before any of them could protest, was Alex removing his shorts along with his seals after he sent Shia flying yet again. Needless to say, Myuu and Kale especially were both irritated at being sent away, especially when they felt the ground shaking a few minutes later.

When it was time for dinner a few hours later, Alex returned with one content and relaxed rabbit after a prolonged session of hate fucking, who clung onto him with none of the anger and frustration she showed earlier.

"The food looks and smells amazing ladies, I can't wait to eat." Alex told Mikan and Haruna as he took his seat, with Anne on his right side and Kuroka on his left. Unlike a usual dinner table though, every single person sitting at it was completely naked.

Though this wasn't exactly strange when one considered the usual activities of Alex and his wives when his children weren't around, there was actually an entirely different reason for this in the recent days. Namely that even if they sat down for dinner fully clothed, they would still end up naked after a single bite of the food prepared by Mikan and Haruna.

And as could be expected, even when nothing sexual was actually going on, there were numerous cries as everyone ate when they experienced multiple mouthgasms from the wonderful food that had been prepared for them. And best of all, not only did the food look and taste really good, due to the properties they had obtained through the shop, it was also really healthy and gave everyone more energy after they ate than before.

They weren't the only ones taking advantage of the shop though, as Alex looked over the table he could tell that many of the women had already grown from the quests and things they could buy for themselves. Many of the women had been running through quests like crazy over the last week in order to purchase the abilities or items that caught their eyes, some of which were quite expensive.

While many simply bought abilities that enhanced their physical capabilities, like Superhuman strength and so on, there were many that were interested in Devil Fruits and Sacred Gears due to the wide variety and potential they had. There were also certain items that they were after that were more specialized, like Lucy with keys that would allow her to summon beings from other worlds, or Yuna with being able to purchase upgrades to the numerous skills she possessed in her status.

So Alex wasn't surprised when it came time for them to leave the space-time orb, and many more women than usual wanted to stay in order to grind more quests out to earn more abilities. Those who were participating in the tournament however all received a sudden quest that offered a very lucrative reward if they won the tournament, which fired them up even more. However, depending on which bracket they ended up in, several of the girls planned to return to the space-time orb until their day to fight.

"Good morning Alex! I trust your night was restful?" Asked the Grand Supreme Kai of Universe Seven when he saw Alex the next morning, to which he replied wryly,

"On the contrary, it was rather eventful." The Grand Supreme Kai nodded slowly as he glanced over Alex's numerous wives, and said,

"I bet... Anyways, I'm looking forward to the matches today. After seeing what the children were capable of yesterday, I can't wait to see what today will bring!" Saying that, the Grand Supreme Kai turned and left as he made his way to the commentary booth, with Anne following him after she gave Alex a kiss.

Alex then led his wives to the same VIP room they were in the day before, where both Kusu and Vados tapped their scepters to expel the people within.

"What? Oh! It's morning already." Beerus said irritably as he and Vegeta reappeared, alongside Whis and Goku. And upon seeing them, Alex and the girls could tell that the two Saiyans had grown much stronger in the time they had been within the scepters.

"Hey guys! Is it time for the first round already?" Goku asked as he got his bearings, to which Alex told him,

"They'll be announcing the brackets any time now. You two will need to know if you're going to be fighting today or not." When they heard that both Saiyans grew serious as they awaited the results, while Alex silently opened the Chatroom.

Alex: anyone want to stream the fights to the chat today? Let those who aren't here watch as well.

Anne: I will since I'm commentating, so I'll need to pay attention anyways.

Alex: thank you!

Yang: thanks!

Ty Lee: this is so exciting!

Tatsumaki: humph! I bet I could beat all of them easily!

Cynthia: this'll be different from a Pokemon League.

Saya: I already know everything they're going to be teaching us today anyways.

Alex smiled wryly at the stream of replies coming from them and the girls in the space-time orb, before there was suddenly an image on the Chatroom screen showing the arena and rest of the colosseum.

And no sooner than when Anne started live streaming it, did the announcer cry out,


Deafening cheers and the thundering of feet answered his welcoming, as people hurried to their seats and got ready to watch the show.


As he said that, a large projection appeared in the middle of the colosseum that showed everyone the same people who had been selected for the fights the night before, separated into four groups to determine whole would be fighting which day.



1. Son Goku

2. Bardock

3. Mil-tan

4. Jackie Chun

5. Sun Wukong

6. Kimari Ronso

7. Rana Linchen

8. Krililn

9. Gas

10. Granolah

11. Pikkon

12. Sting Eucliffe

13. Kokoa Shuzen

14. Caulifla

15. Surtr Second

16. Heracles



1. Vegeta Sr.

2. Kiba Yuuto

3. Zeus

4. Typhon

5. Frieza

6. Cookie

7. Trunks

8. Lala Satalin Deviluke

9. Rogue Cheney

10. Akua Shuzen

11. Satellizer L. Bridgette

12. Nagumo Hajime

13. Piccolo

14. Gildarts Clive

15. Akeno Himejima

16. Ginei Morioka



1. Grayfia Lucifuge

2. Xenovia Quarta

3. Tien Shinhan

4. Sudo Nim

5. Crystabel

6. Cao Cao

7. Android 17

8. Akasha Bloodriver

9. Chiffon Fairchild

10. Surtr

11. Dulio Gesualdo

12. Vali Lucifer

13. Erza Scarlet

14. Natsu Dragneel

15. Gasper Vladi

16. King Cold



1. Vegeta Jr

2. Mirajane Strauss

3. Koneko Tojou

4. Sala

5. Golden Darkness(Yami)

6. Bova

7. Shia Haulia

8. Haiz

9. Moka Akashiya

10. Brigid

11. Tio Klarus

12. Sairaorg Bael

13. Arthur Pendragon

14. Bikou

15. Gajeel Redfox

16. Thor Odinson


thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts