

Alex laid on his bed thinking as he spent his last night in his parents house. He felt weird, he should've felt something leaving his parents, but he also didn't really think of them as his parents. He figured he was still attached to his parents from earth, and wondered for the first time in a while what they were doing. But that was one of the restrictions they had, no inquiring about their old lives.

He then turned his attention to a problem Rias pointed out, the only concern she had with world hopping later on was leaving her peerage behind. He was also concerned due to the fact that he planned to add them to his harem eventually. He wouldn't be able to protect them from other world hoppers when he left, and he didn't greatly like the idea of leaving them behind. So he decided to ask Lauren,

'Any suggestions Lauren? Ways I'm not limited in people to bring with me that don't involve constantly enslaving everyone?' Lauren was silent for a moment, before replying,

'You can always check the shop, even if you can't get anything right now you can always see if anything matches what you want.' Alex was surprised, as he thought the shop was inaccessible until he reached the hundred level mark. Lauren heard his thoughts and explained,

'Just because the buying unction is locked, doesn't mean you can't "window browse". Though it wasn't explained, it was made this way for those who like to plan ahead properly.' Alex was surprised, and for the first time since before he reincarnated opened the shop. He searched through the various options, and looked specifically for abilities to help his current problem instead of powers. He knew that being able to bring helpers with him would help more than suddenly acquiring a single power.

Suddenly, he found something that seemed perfect for several reasons. Forget just a harem, he could keep and entire country or army this way. He then started designing a plan to align with the events in dxd for this new power, Asora from Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu. Just as he was thinking about raising his level to get this power faster, he got a call from Rias as if fate was on his side.

"There's a stray devil nearby, do you mind helping us exterminate it?" Alex swiftly accepted and left to help them, a fire for growing stronger burning in his eyes.


The next day after exterminating the stray (that was so pathetically weak Alex wasted his motivation) Alex was moving the few things he wanted to keep to the Gremory family girls dorm. He only had a couple boxes as Rias said that all the furniture was already provided. She originally wanted to move him into her room, but Grayfia appeared and put her foot down about the two officially sharing a room, so he got one on the same floor. He figured it didn't matter, because she was probably going to be sleeping with him anyways, and if any of the other girls wanted to be with him then they weren't invading her actual space.

Each room had a small personal bathroom with a shower, but there was also an inside and outside bath room for the whole house if they preferred(obviously peeper proof). There was a kitchen on the first floor, where the baths were also, and a lounge room. He also made some suggestions based off the renovations made to issei's house in the series for future situations, even though he never told her what actually happens in the future. With how she knew that he was aware of situations she wasn't, Rias took his suggestions seriously.

Asia and Koneko didn't seem to know what to make of the situation of him living with them, but Akeno seemed to have a mischievous glint in her eyes. Alex recalled it was after the situation with Raiser that she actually became interested in issei as well. Asia on the other hand didn't seem to know what to make of the fact that he was the one who saved her. She did however start being more proactive in being closer to him, but she didn't seem to be at the level of "love struck" or something yet.

Alex also became a member of ORC finally as he now knew he wouldn't have as much time for training, and it would actually benefit him to train with the club members. As such, the ball tournament was also going to start soon, so he knew that the Kokabiel event was also going to happen and Kiba getting his holy demonic sword. He then checked his status.


Name- Alex

age- 17

Level- 32


Saiyan bloodline

Devils transformation

Boosted gear

Job- arsonist (76)

Job history- hatchling draconian warrior, apprentice Mage, draconian warrior


Dragon gods breath(2)

Dragons scales(9)

Dragons glider(6)

Devils charm(5)

Fire manipulation(5)

Gravity magic(8)


His levels went up after the fight with Raiser and the Pheonix family guards, but he needed to level faster, and he thought Kokabiel would be a perfect leveler. Alex then recalled that he didn't know if he killed Freed or not, he wondered if he'll be present during the conflict. He also recalled that he'll get to meet Irina and Xenovia for the first time soon, at least he knew that besides being strong he won't have much issue adding Xenovia to his harem.

Then Alex's door opened, and a certain Crimson haired woman came in wearing a thin nightgown. He smiled as she dropped it revealing her lack of undergarments and knew that it was going to be another long night.

{A.N. So about the future power, I added that so that people had a general idea of the others getting to stay with the mc, and for the record when I asked about potential peerage members I wasn't talking about those already over powered. Im looking for girls that still have room for growth, and those listed will still be in the harem so don't worry.}

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts