

I can not believe it. Never been in my military career I felt the tremble of fear like I did tonight.

I have long a go divorce with a thing called fear since I was a teenager. I'm a fearless, the hero of myself.

But tonight, they crumble my self-esteem. My feet is shaking and I'm starting to aware about the death. My old self was once again emerged to the surface of my mind, forcing me to realize that all this time I was just overproud of nothing.

Occasionally, I smell the stench of the human's piss. I swear, it was not me, even though I felt almost leak my self due the unbearable fear. Maybe my other fellows or somebody else. I can not blame them. Facing an unknown enemy is the scariest thing ever, even though for a veteran.

If we can not be able to identify the enemy, how can we subdued them? How can we stop their effort to kill us? How can we survive?

The ground was shaking and thunderous roar echoed here and there. Smell of some unknown things mixed with the stench of blood assault my nostril.

There was nothing's remain from canon's troops. Our canon were now gone, exploded into shredded lump of metal. The soldiers who guard them were also death, their body are scattered everywhere.

" Captain Herman..." someone calls my name.

I seek him and found him not far from the destroyed canon. I thought he was lucky, the sole survivor of canon troops.

His body lies in the ground with one of her foot bleeding so bad, hit by metal pieces.

" Hang on, I'll help you.." I said to him.

" Thank you, captain." He responds me with weak voices.

I carry him on my back and take them to the healer's troop tents, far to the west.

In the healers mage troop tents, there is a lot of patients. Most of them had burned wound or injured due metal flakes.

I am stun, this raid was surprisingly effective and accurate.

I felt a shudder on my back.

Our enemies now are so deadly.

A mage acting as nurse come to greet me and I leave the patient to her.

"Leave him to me..." she said.

" Thank you for not abandon me, Captain Herman.."

I nod toward him.

Then I drag my self out the healing tent

I see the few of our tent starting to burn. As if the fire was obeying someone's order, in the blink of an eye the fire has spread to another tents. Then another one. The mages, archers and musketeers troops's tents are now in a blaze giant flame.

" Noo..!!."

" Water... where is water?"

" Water please spray water here...!" My soldiers are now busy to save anything that should not be burned down.

" Water.. bring water here...."

I drag my feet to their place instead coming to the canon's troop tents had been totally destroyed.

To think that they implement an pre-empetive strikes to us, is a solid proof that they were very confident on taking us down. I admit that this time the enemies are too smart and brilliantly take advanced of our nervousness.

To even had an accuracy in assaulting us in the pitch black of the night, something that put us into very miserable state, is really ad admirable skill every military force expected.

Now, is not the right time to amaze with the enemy's skill.

They had succeded to wipe out our cannon troops. Now they are targeting out archers, mages, and even our musketeer troops. It looks like they had figured out how to subdue our allied force perfectly.

My mind is clear now. I must do something myself. Someone has to stand out, or else we'll be annihilated.

" Infantry! Cavallery! Sweep around our camp, seek and destroy any enemies lurk around.."

Two Battalions whose confused about what have to do respond to my command with high morale.

" Yes, Sir !!"

Minutes later, seems like our troops had take over the condition. No more enemies attack. No more unknown explode things within our teritory.

All the remains are our fellow's dead bodies and the ruin on canons.

I feel reliaved and release a heavy sigh.

" Looks like you are not fit in Captain position any longer. Majoor will be more fit for you.." I heard someone said behind me. It was Governoor General Cowans's voice. "Once we had finished this mision, I'll promote you. Majoor Herman.." He said while tapping my shoulder.

" I just do my job, Sir. Thank you !"

Then I move into our outer perimeters. Try to oversee our defence.

" Hey, stay vigilant !" I scolded a soldier who dare to relax.

" Yes. Sir "

" This is applied to everyone of you ! Seems like our enemies had capability to seeight in the darkness. But we have an advangate in number. Stay vigilant, you lady's face ! Remember we are the only one force that never lose in war !"

" Yesss !!" everyone shout in aggremeent.

I feel satisfied.

Then I decide to lay my body on the ground. Really, I need more sleep.
