

Up above the world was Simon with Lily in his arms as they soared through the skies. At first Simon didn't think it would work but using his telekinesis, he found he could fly. That was how they were soaring through the skies but even though they were flying faster than the speed of sound, Simon felt he could go even faster.

"So, what do you think about flying?" Simon asked as he glanced down at Lily who had a smile.

She had a giant smile on her face as she hugged onto Simon even tighter. "It's amazing!"

Simon couldn't help but feel his chest warm but as Lily's smile appeared. "Your smile's beautiful you know."

Lily smiled at this. "It's all thanks to you that i'm able to smile like this."

Simon blushed before he smiled and increased his speed. As there was a barrier protecting Lily from the sound barrier being broken, he didn't have to worry about hurting her.

"So how are you going to test your power Simon?" Lily asked as they soon approached the mountain.

Simon thought for a moment before answering. "I'm just going to punch them until I don't kill one of them in a single hit."

Lily chuckled and Simon smiled. "It's basic but it gets the job done right."

"Yes it does." Lily laughed.

Within seconds, the two of them landed on the base of the mountain. Simon scanned the entire mountain and soon he found the goblins among other monsters.

Wondering how powerful Lily was physically now as well, Simon turned to her and asked. "Did you want to test your physical power too?"

Lily thought for a second before she nodded and like that, the two of them walked up to the small cave entrance. There were two goblins taking watch and they both saw Simon and Lily approach before they started screeching. One of the goblins entered the cave and the other began firing arrows at the intruders.

The arrow flew through the air and hit Simon's arm, only to deflect and fall to the ground. Simon raised an eyebrow before he looked at the goblin and locked him in place with his telekinesis.

"Well, time for test number one." Simon said as he walked up to the goblin and threw out a weak punch.

What seemed to be only a light tap for Simon instantly turned the goblin into meat paste. The bones were shattered, the organs were liquids and it didn't even resemble a goblin. Simon had wide eyes as he glanced at his fist and back to Lily.

"I thought you would only use a little of your power?" Lily said, amazed at the power Simon displayed.

"I did." Simon replied before he sighed. "Well, looks like there's no ear for this one. Oh well."

Entering the cave, Lily took care of the next one which proved that she wasn't as strong or as fast as Simon. The arrows that hit her penetrated her skin but the bleeding stopped after a few seconds just like the other demigods. As for her strength, she was strong but her blows didn't obliterate the goblins. Her movement speeds were about three to five times faster than a normal human which was quite good.

The one interesting thing that Lily could do that Simon couldn't was turn the goblins to ice sculpture with a single touch. This was how she started killing them as this wouldn't get blood on her new clothes.

As for Simon, after a few goblin punching bags he finally found out how much force he should use to fight for them to stay alive. As for speed, if Simon really focused then everything around the world would look like it was frozen. Even Lily couldn't see Simon move if he went at his fastest speed and she could react and see faster than a normal human by a few dozen times.

After they had killed all of the goblins and the ears, Simon sighed as he turned to a tunnel within the cave. Inside of the cave were three women as well as two dead ones. Simon turned to Lily but it seemed she already knew from the smell. Her senses as well as Simon's was enhanced to superhuman degrees.

As the two of them approached the women, Simon covered them with some dirty rags and levitated them. The women's eyes had no light in them and didn't even move or talk after seeing Simon and Lily. They just stared off into space and this made the both of them feel sick.

"Let's go back." Lily said and Simon nodded.


"We're back." Simon said as he walked into the building with Lily.

"What?" Julie said as she watched Simon enter and drop a bag of Goblin ears in front of her.

Opening the bag, she found that there was a few goblin ears and they were fresh which meant that the two new adventurers really did kill goblins. She just didn't understand how they could travel so far so fast, kill the goblins and come back within an hour.

"You do understand that you have to kill goblins located at Mt. Gust right?" Julie said as she thought that they had gone somewhere closer to kill goblins.

Simon nodded at this question. "We did, we found some kidnapped girls in their cave and the guards at the city gates took them away. So where do I go to write a report?"

Julie was still skeptical about this so she asked. "How did you get there and back so fast. If you prove that you can do this then i'll believe you."

Simon looked at Lily and she shrugged. "Well I guess I can but I don't want to show everyone here what I can do. Do you have anywhere private I can show you?"

Julie nodded and after Simon followed her for a second through the door, Lily heard Julie yell out loud. "What!"

Coming back out Simon chuckled and Julie was shocked. "That's basically how I got there and back so quickly with the kidnapped girls."

In the room Simon had shown her his ability to fly and manipulate objects. When she asked him how he was able to do this, Simon just brushed the answer to magic. Which was true and not true at the same time.

"So do you believe me now?" Simon asked.

Julie was forced to nod and after writing a report and getting paid, Simon and Lily were now in the room they had paid for. The sun was still up in the sky but after they had just finished their quest, they wanted to relax. The blood and dust that had gotten on their clothes were now gone as Simon had found he could use his telekinesis to remove them. So with that problem gone, they looked out the window together.

"What are you thinking about right now?" Simon asked as he stared at the city.

Lily smiled. "Can't you read my mind?"

"I could, but you know I decided to not invade other people's privacy unless it's needed. After all that physical torture and mental probing, I guess I now understand the importance of privacy." Simon said as he thought back to the week long hell.

Simon was injected with drugs one after another created by Nina with many different effects besides the pain serum. There was the fear serum, the truth serum and many others. The truth serum was the worst as Simon had to mentally force himself to not spill anything. The scientists who tried to hypnotize him to spill how he could resist their concoctions didn't help either.

Having someone try and get into your head to find out everything about you, it was a terrible feeling. This was why Simon couldn't tell Lily about his abilities until after he could protect his mind from outside influences. He would have a better chance at protecting Lily's mind but luckily Nina never had to go through what he did.

"Sorry." Lily said as she knew what Simon was thinking about.

Simon smiled and rubbed her head. "It's no problem, we survived in the end didn't we."

That they did and Lily knew it was only because of Simon. She would have died on the first day but he protected her until the very end. Even past what they thought was their end and now they were in a whole new world.

"This time." Lily thought to herself. "With this power, i'll protect you."

With power, Lily promised to herself that she wouldn't let anyone hurt Simon. It would be her turn to keep him safe from anything and everything.

"Are you hungry yet?" Lily asked as she started feeling hungry.

Simon after hearing this realized that he didn't. He felt full like he had just taken some energy drinks. He knew he should be hungry especially after doing a lot of physical work but he just wasn't.

"Surprisingly, no. it might be a side effect of becoming a Demigod for me. It's all different for everyone after all." Simon said as he thought back to the others.

This was when Simon remembered how Lily and the speed demigod both had black nails as well as how the other demigod enlarged her nails.

"Have you tried extending your nails to become long sharp claws? You and the speed demigod seemed to have similar nails, maybe you can do the same." Simon wondered.

"I'll try." Lily said before he held her hand up.

Commanding for her nails to extend, they grew longer and sharper. Lily was shocked before she traced her index claw across the wooden window. The claw entered the wood easily like a hot knife on butter.

"Try to pierce my skin." Simon said after wondering if it could break his skin.

Lily raised her eyebrow before Simon explained. "Noting so far could break my skin, well, nothing except for the blast of sharp wind."

"....Ok." Lily said after some thought, sliding her finger across Simon's arm.

There was no damage and so Lily pressed down harder, soon using her full weight but there was still no damage.

"It just won't pierce your skin." Lily said.

Simon was in thought before he remembered that it wasn't just normal wind that had cut him, the wind was laced with the special energy that he had noticed all demigods had. Now that he thought about it, he also sensed the energy within other people as well, only smaller.

"It could be mana." Simon said.

"Mana?" Lily questioned.

"Yeah, i've noticed that the wind attack that broke through my skin was laced with an energy of some kind. An energy that all of us demigods have a lot of, it was also the reason why it was hard for me to break into their minds. Everyone has it but it's weaker than our own by a lot and it could be mana, the energy that's needed for magic." Simon explained.

"How much energy does each of us have?" Lily asked as she wondered what the difference was.

Simon thought back to the fight and answered. "The three elemental users of wind, fire and lightning all had as much mana as you. The speed and strength demigods had a little less than your own."

"What about you?" Lily wondered.

Simon thought about it before he shrugged. "I don't know."

Seeing Lily was confused, Simon explained. "I can sense I have a lot of it, but it's still growing larger and larger. When I first became a demigod, I was as fast and strong as the speed and strength demigods. Now, I feel a few dozen times stronger which was why I wanted to test out my strength."

"Really?" Lily said in shock, knowing that Simon would never lie to her.

"Yeah, it makes me wonder when my power will stop and how powerful i'll be when that happens." Simon said before shaking his head. "Going back to testing out my durability, try to use your ice power into your claws."

"Are you sure?" Lily said as she remembered how a single touch froze the goblin instantly.

Simon nodded and within seconds, Lily's claws began to glow a gentle light blue color. With her claw going across Simon's skin, he had expected her to at least break skin but she didn't. Not only that but Simon's skin didn't even freeze or feel cold at all. Lily pulled her hand away and her claws turned back to nails.

"Well then." Simon said. "Guess nothing that we know of can hurt me now."

Lily frowned. "Don't get conceited ok."

"I know." Simon said as he learned this the hard way.

After a few more moments of talking, the sun set and dinner was now starting on the first floor of the inn. Together they ate some dinner and when night arrived, went to sleep. They found the day to be quite nice even if they had to kill goblins. It was of their own choice and they were now free. The two of them for the night decided to sleep peacefully and let their future selves take care of their plans to find the other demigods.

Ok, so i'm now writing both stories at the same time now, which is probably a bad idea considering I still consider myself a newbie writer.

I might also consider rewriting Vampire Lord to make the character less prepared and have more of a backstory. I don't know, i'll probably decide later.

Fantasy1overcreators' thoughts