

Next day, I have collected each single evidence that I can collect. I show the evidence to my superior, but he doesn't want to see my evidence, so I take the evidence to the police commissioner then he made me the chief police for this case. Again the ego in my superior police being rage. He doesn't support me when this case changed to my hand.

Sixth day later, another school girl found dead. The superior police start a small gossip that made a big viral in my working place. Then he I have been removed from this case. I have been more clueless and restless. I asked myself what is the mistake I do and what is the thing I have missed when searching for the clue.

While I am rest with the teacher and the girl. I have beside the doll, what is the common evidence in those cases. I go to each victim's school and guess what I get a new evidence a magic show was held at each school besides that I the show has a same unique piano music.Another clue the victims be the one who is invited to join the magic show and death of the school girl is one week after the magic show.

I go to meet a musician to recreate the music . The musician recreate it perfectly, but I have another problem how shared this music. Later the musician give me an idea to play the music at a most listened radio station. I made an announcement that a unique music will play if anybody knows they will get a gift. Then we get a call from a girl she had listened to this music but it was two weeks before. I ask my station constable to check every school if there was a magic show event was held at each school .

The constable get a detail from the school without hesitating anymore, we go to the school to give awareness speech for the school girls. We kept an eyes on the next victim, so we can save her from the killer luckily we got time because the deadline for killing the girl is tomorrow.
