
Light vs Darkness (Part 1)

"My Skinwalkers will stay where they are." Thrud shook her head, glad to see that Orpal was thinking things through instead of putting his ego first. "Manohar can capture them. Once you get rid of him, I will start the invasion and rescue them."

The Dead King started to snicker, his voice slowly rising in intensity until it become a maniacal laughter.

"The gods really are on my side." He said while alerting his troops throughout the Kingdom. "Tonight, I'll paint the moon red with blood and my accursed brother will know despair."


City of Derios, capital of the Distar Marquisate, that evening.

  Lith, Protector, and Nalrond were sitting around a table at Haug's Travelling Tavern in their respective humanoid Beast form.

Lith needed someone to talk to about his dwindling life force, Protector needed some distance from Selia who was yet to let him off the hook, and Nalrond needed a place to use his Rezar form without causing a commotion.
