
Opening Moves (Part 1)

'Yes, but reviving his memories will also keep Locrias motivated and focused.' Lith said.

'How can you be so cold? That poor man is reliving his death and that of his men over and over again. On top of that, whenever you call upon him, Locrias will have just a few minutes of strife in front of him before going back to his dreams.

'That's no life, just a living nightmare.' Solus said.

'Locrias knew all of this and yet he chose to stay.' Lith replied. 'At first, I wasn't happy that my Demons aren't blindly loyal, but now I changed my mind. Those that will follow me like Locrias will have a depth of character and determination that no slave could ever have.'

'You'd better go back to Zeska, or your regiment will put a bounty on your Tiamat form for kidnapping Archmage Verhen.' Solus said after a while.
